2013 Slimming Thread

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Phil, are you open to fellow forum members being really cheeky and asking for free advice? ;0)
Lol, so if I were to tell you my age, height, and weight, and told you that I wanted to lose weight quickly, would you let me have an answer, that doesnt end with '.... off!' :0)

I would direct you to my website, tell you to check out my facebook page and then pet you know I'll answer anything you're not sure about or can't figure out for yourself :)
I would direct you to my website, tell you to check out my facebook page and then pet you know I'll answer anything you're not sure about or can't figure out for yourself :)

And I would say thank you very much ;0)
Today's weigh in , 13.5st, body fat 18% :)

Still following phils guidelines but also started some Thai boxing and daily stretches with my cousin :)

Feeling good!!

Today's weigh in , 13.5st, body fat 18% :)

... daily stretches with my cousin :)

Feeling good!!


Isn't that like incest or something!?

My results so far guys after 37 days:


And skinfold measurements for those that know...


Only 1 session of kickboxing a week and even that, I've put the fat BACK in to prove the point of exercise not being a major influencing factor in fat reduction.

Eating mostly carbs.

Not worrying about GI scale - it's a pretty even split between sugars and starches.

Still having treats! In my 37 days I have had: 6 krispy kremes, 3 pizzas, Chinese, 2 brownies, 3 packs of sweets (100g bags) & a triple chocolate muffin!

As you can see, all my weight loss is fat and my lean body weight (muscle mass amongst bones) has gone up. My body fat percentage is considerably lower - this is 3 notches on the belt & around 3 inches from the waistline. Muscles in the chest and shoulder are much more visible and I'm almost at the halfway mark of my goal (9% body fat).

By far, these results are amongst the best I've ever achieved and indeed seen!

VERY motivational to see / know.

Keep focused on what you want folks - don't get too hung up in the short term goals!
What's interesting in that chart is that your old goal weight was 67.98 kg but now it's up a pound or so at 68.46 kg!

Since my earlier losses which saw me drop to 16 1/2 stone, I seem to be on a flood plain and am still hovering at around that (give or take a pound or 2). I'm guessing that that's because I've been exercising a bit less (my main exercise is simply walking and until recently, the weather's not been ideal!) and eating the same amount.

On a major plus side though, my GP has decided that I'm almost certainly not diabetic and never really was - the symptoms would appear to have been caused by the brain tumour and the high blood sugar levels by the amount of crappy sugary stuff I was shovelling down in an attempt to give myself some energy. I've been off the meds (Metformin) for a month and have a final (hopefully - I hate needles!) blood test next week.
Since my earlier losses which saw me drop to 16 1/2 stone, I seem to be on a flood plain and am still hovering at around that (give or take a pound or 2). I'm guessing that that's because I've been exercising a bit less

Exercise is not a major influencing factor in weight loss contrary to popular myth.

You're eating more than you require hence the fat you use daily is simply re-added with excess calories.
Since calories are burned when exercising, doing less means fewer are burned therefore more intake becomes excess!
I've been a bodybuilder for 12 years, and have a fair few of those years spent dieting. Always happy to give people advice if they want to PM me. Loads of misinformation out there, and a diet isn't something that needs to be difficult.
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As was said:

Eat more (calories) than your body needs and it's most likely your weight will rise.

Even a little extra walking a day, steps instead of lifts and escalators, cutting food portions a tad over the day.. All adds up. Especially carbs at night, when frankly most of us most crave them!
As was said:

Eat more (calories) than your body needs and it's most likely your weight will rise.

Even a little extra walking a day, steps instead of lifts and escalators, cutting food portions a tad over the day.. All adds up. Especially carbs at night, when frankly most of us most crave them!

Misunderstood BIG time.

I've eaten carbs as my last meal and you can see the results above. I'm talking proper starchy carbs too.

Most people don't understand the biochemistry behind fat reduction and simply listen to the myths that surround it...

Such as:

No carbs before bed...or at all!
Exercise all the time.
No sugar.
Lots of protein.
Misunderstood BIG time.

I've eaten carbs as my last meal and you can see the results above. I'm talking proper starchy carbs too.

Most people don't understand the biochemistry behind fat reduction and simply listen to the myths that surround it...

Such as:

No carbs before bed...or at all!
Exercise all the time.
No sugar.
Lots of protein.

That's not misunderstood at all. It's scientific fact. You reduce bodyweight by burning more fuel than you consume. Or you can lose it thermogenically. His statement is sound.
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I'm not sure how I can spell it out more than I did in the post.

You see the bit where you said he was misunderstood? I just said he wasn't.
Misunderstood BIG time.

I've eaten carbs as my last meal and you can see the results above. I'm talking proper starchy carbs too.

Most people don't understand the biochemistry behind fat reduction and simply listen to the myths that surround it...

Such as:

No carbs before bed...or at all!
Exercise all the time.
No sugar.
Lots of protein.

Actually I wasn't replying to you, I didn't read the whole thread either. I was just giving good sound general advice from experience. I studied nutrition and was a bodybuilder for a number of years and later carried on studying nutrition. What I posted was general. Sorry mate!
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Losing weight when 28% bf, is easy, since that's basically just being fat. You can eat whatever the hell you want pretty much, just don't eat as much, and you'll drop fat. When you hit sub-10%, carbs at night are going to cause huge problems.

Especially if dieting while trying to maintain muscle mass.
Actually I wasn't replying to you, I didn't read the whole thread either. I was just giving good sound general advice from experience. I studied nutrition and was a bodybuilder for a number of years and later carried on studying nutrition. What I posted was general. Sorry mate!

Hey, a fellow bb'er? Good man! There aren't many of us. Did you compete?
Hey, a fellow bb'er? Good man! There aren't many of us. Did you compete?

Oh I was nowhere near that level! I trained at emporium in Birmingham, the owner won Mr Britain while I was there! I was a big fan of the techniques of Dorian via mentzer. Franco was a favourite too! My dad trained way back too
I know the Emporium well. Never trained there myself, but there were a few guys in my gym who used to train there!

Mentzer was a genius. My arm day is lifted straight from him, and I did it every week for about eight years!

Dorian's video is exactly what I watch whenever I'm feeling demotivated. He had the best training partner of all time.
Losing weight when 28% bf, is easy, since that's basically just being fat. You can eat whatever the hell you want pretty much, just don't eat as much, and you'll drop fat. When you hit sub-10%, carbs at night are going to cause huge problems.

Especially if dieting while trying to maintain muscle mass.

So everybody thinks. So will you eat your words when I prove you wrong??
When you prove me wrong about what? That it's easy to lose weight when fat, and harder to lose it when lean?

I think your attitude problem is getting in the way of your reading comprehension.

What exactly are you going to prove me wrong about?
When you prove me wrong about what? That it's easy to lose weight when fat, and harder to lose it when lean?

I think your attitude problem is getting in the way of your reading comprehension.

What exactly are you going to prove me wrong about?

If I prove that I can consistently reduce my bf by over a percent a week regardless of how fat or lean, will you accept you might just be going on what you believe rather than know?
I haven't disputed that. You're the only one here acting like you've got some crazy new technique for dieting.

But yeah, on your terms, I dispute that statement. No matter how lean? Go from 3.5 - 2.5% in a week. Let me see you do that whilst still maintaining your muscle mass.

What I believe and what I know are roughly equal. I've been a serious bodybuilder since 2000, and have bulked and dieted consistently for the last decade. I'm a WABBA certified personal trainer, and during the ten years I've been utterly, hopelessly obsessed with bodybuilding and training, to the detriment of health, wealth, and relationships.

I stopped serious training in 2009, after hitting 103kg at about 12%. I'm only 5'6, by the way, so I was pretty big.

I know a lot more about dieting than most people, and more than most personal trainers as well. Nobody knows dieting like a bodybuilder.

Here's me at 80kg.


Now tell me I don't know anything about dieting again.


I'm about 90kg here I think, but that was when I was bulking.

Anyway, I know a bit about nutrition. You don't get to that without any other way.
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I haven't disputed that. You're the only one here acting like you've got some crazy new technique for dieting.

But yeah, on your terms, I dispute that statement. No matter how lean? Go from 3.5 - 2.5% in a week. Let me see you do that whilst still maintaining your muscle mass.

What I believe and what I know are roughly equal. I've been a serious bodybuilder since 2000, and have bulked and dieted consistently for the last decade. I'm a WABBA certified personal trainer, and during the ten years I've been utterly, hopelessly obsessed with bodybuilding and training, to the detriment of health, wealth, and relationships.

I stopped serious training in 2009, after hitting 103kg at about 12%. I'm only 5'6, by the way, so I was pretty big.

I know a lot more about dieting than most people, and more than most personal trainers as well. Nobody knows dieting like a bodybuilder.

Here's me at 80kg.

Now tell me I don't know anything about dieting again.

<rolls eyes>

I won't be arguing with someone that spent his life getting lean on chicken and beef thinking that's the best and only way to do it, most likely spending an hour a day uphill walking, being careful not to go too fast incase he lost muscle...

It's fantastic to know your credentials but just to clarify: your personal trainer course taught you to teach a deadlift, not the biochemistry in how cells produce energy in a chemical structure. Had you have said something about biology or biochemistry then I might have listened more but your main credentials are building muscles (easy) and reducing body fat probably the same way every other body builder does - by thinking what they do is the only way.

Part of this reason I'm doing this transformation video is to try and show the breed of ignorance that is body builders, their way is not the best way and they spend way too much of their life......well just wasting their time pretty much.


A famous Henry Ford quote comes to mind...
Yeah, I used to read up about mitochondria and got pretty deep into the chemical side of nutrition for a while. Like I say, I was very serious about it.

But then I realised that knowing that didn't make me any better at losing body fat. What made me good at losing body fat was controlling calories and training properly. Dieting's really simple. Whether you're carb cycling, carb-depleting, dropping water, or in ketosis, it's all just plain common sense.

You say uphill walking, but that's a pretty stupid form of cardio, and it's not really done these days. I would suggest you forget about bodybuilders ignorance and start looking at your own. You're operating on a lot of false assumptions about me, and about bodybuilders in general.

These days we do interval sprints; they're amazing. Especially once you hit the single digit bf.

And for your information, I didn't get lean on chicken and beef, I ate a varied diet.

Obviously being 28% bodyfat, which is just another way of saying "I'm fat", you've got a bit of a chip on your shoulder, because despite all of that knowledge, you haven't been able to keep the pounds off.

The proof is in the pudding, ironically.

Good luck with your diet, bro, hopefully once you hit your target, your massive attitude problem in regards to everyone around you will have at least some justification.

Of course, until then, you're just some out-of-shape fat guy.

I'm still perplexed why you'd make a transformation video just to attack bodybuilders. Haven't you ever thought of doing something for yourself and not to disparage other people?
Also, just as an addendum. You talk about bodybuilders "spending way to much time of their life", but you're the one with a facebook page dedicated to updates about your bloody diet! 33 likes. Strong marketing.

By the way, Phil, I know you're an expert on all this stuff, and I'm just a moron bodybuilder who doesn't know what he's talking about, but your Facebook page states that there are 56,000 calories in a stone of body fat. It's actually 49,000.

But hey, you're probably still right some how! :LOL:


Amazing transformation, brother. I'll shut my mouth now, I can see I'm dealing with a real pro.
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