365 : A self portrait every day for one year

261.365 : Guess the product


Was wandering around the house looking for ideas, then hit upon this. I tell you the room, and the product type, and you have to guess it :D

This one is obviously from the kitchen, and is a cereal :D

(Dead easy!)


262.365 : A silly-ette!


Had a lovely afternoon today. Met up with the infamous leg-end (or was it foot?) that is tootdood!

Had an afternoon's togging around Manchester, getting some good shots.

I saw the sun while at Albert Square, and thought with my 'prominent' physique, I'd make a nice silhouette :D
Not too shabby I think!

You missed a trick there Marcel - you were so-o-o-o close to getting the plane going in one ear and out of the other! Nice silhouette though, and nice processing of the sky.
a very sharp silly-ette. Good job you got ears ... or wouldn't know if that was your front or back .errr hope that makes sens ! :LOL:
You missed a trick there Marcel - you were so-o-o-o close to getting the plane going in one ear and out of the other! Nice silhouette though, and nice processing of the sky.

LOL I know but I wan't really thinking :confused:
I didn't actually notice the vapour trail until I got home and processed it..

justlooking....perfect sense, thanks for the comment :)
263.365 : Busy day today


Mondays are a massively busy day for me. With two school runs, two college runs, a swimming run, tea, etc. I haven't had much chance to get things done today. Although I have been sorting out this PC that my daughter is getting (Installing security software, and DaddySnooping software :D) (So I can remotely watch her screen at any time to keep an eye on her).

So, I'm going to get me one of those infamous early nights, tucked up with a cuppa and a book :)

Oh dear Marcel.........looks like you've had a touch of the runs today!!! Hope you get well soon! :LOL:
:LOL: !

254.365 : Heroes.......it's back!


Sylar, Nathan, Peter, Hiro, and of course Clare :love: are back on our screens for the third series of Heroes.
I've just watched episodes one and two, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm sure it'll warm up as the season moves on, but there are lots of questions to be answered.

Therefore, today's 365 is my tribute to Heroes. The telekinesis powers that Sylar and Peter Petrelli have :D
I just couldn't resist giving it a try with the Sky remote...and whaddaya know...it works!

I'm a Hero!

Yay I watched ep 1 & 2 last night :) been waiting ages on that coming back, all I need now is lost back on .
Haha good idea :). Only question I have is; Did you arrange the bags in-front of the pillows yourself?. If so - nice touch :D:D.
It seems that you also have a strange power to warp space. The evidence is in the picture: objects close to the camera (the Sky remote) and in the background (you) are in focus whereas intermediate objects (the sofas) are not in focus.

IMO that's much more impressive than telekinesis, if only you can find a practical application for it. I bet that's why you didn't mention it, eh? - You tried a little misdirection by emphasising the telekineses, until the world is ready for your warped space.....
PS Nice touch wearing the "I am not a terrorist" T-shirt with the combat pants. That'll confuse 'em!
Benneh, those bags are the kids reading folders, ready for the next day. A true hero needs to be prepared for an impending 'school run' :D

Stewart, it must be a lens anomaly playing tricks on your eyes...it's all in focus :D :p

265.365 : Addicted....


....to that bloody game on Facebook 'Word Twist'

I've not got anything done today. (OK, I was out most of the day doing some household shopping, but still).

It's a really addictive game, and I can't beat my high score of 97.
I'm convincing myself that all this playing is increasing my brain power and it's good for my health.....! (I like the way I think sometimes, hehehe)

Well I def know about addiction having managed to pry myself away from nearly 3yrs of world of warcraft I wont even mention how many hours of my life that ate up.
You take that pic with your Mac Marcel? If you did it has an option where you reverse the image so it dont look like mirror shot if you get me (writing on shirt backwards etc..)?
Quality thread as usual though mate - i look forward to each pic and love the heroes one - How did you do that? (Photoshop?)
Do we get to play any more of the "Guess the Product" game Marcel? :D

One of your better ideas for this thread imo ;)
I did Deano (used my Mac). Plum forgot about flipping it :confused:

The Heroes one wasn't Photoshop. Infact it hasn't been near photoshop.
I used my powers to turn the living room black and white, capture the image, and upload it to Flickr...all from where I was standing! :D
Errrr... it starts on BBC2 in the UK on October the 1st ;)

266.365 : Actively procrastinating.


I know this is similar to some of my previous shots, but this one actually has a theme. I've just joined the Flickr group 'FGR' (Flickr Group Roulette), and this is todays theme : "Actively procrastinating".

Well, this is how I do it every day. I'm sat at my desk, supposed to be getting things done, but I'm usually just browsing the forums, messing around, or like recently.......playing 'WordTwist' on Facebook!

267.365 : .


Not much to say today. Not been a bad day. Got an earlyish night, so had the energy to get my flabby ass to the gym this morning :D (After doing the walking bus, AND then walking all the way to pick the car up from my wife).

However, by 4pm I was tired, so took my customary afternoon nappy nap for 30 minutes :D

The walking bus was photographed this morning (We normally do Tuesdays but was drafted in as 'extras' today), for the Times (Monday I think). Who knows what shot's theyre going to use :)

He was shooting with two 5D's though. One with a 17-40L on, and another with the 70-200 2.8L IS.

I'm a photography nerd and I love it!

268.365 : Milk 'tache!


I'm suffering terribly from heartburn this evening. Not sure why, as I take super duper modern medicine to stop it, which normally works.

Gaviscon is dearer per litre than diesel, so that's out of the question, so I guess it's good old milk to quench the pain :D

And I do love a good milk tache that goes with it :D

Now....if only I had cookies, but they go straight to my hips so I'd better not eh?

Im really enjoying this 365 :D
Thanks Doug :)
Deano..they sure do!

269.365 : Like an eeeeeaaagllleeee!!!


I haven't got much done today. A lazy Sunday really.
After having a lie in, I woke up to an empty house. My wife had taken the kids to Asda to do some shopping :D
So I pottered around, made a cuppa, fixed my daughters PC, and played a few games of Wordtwist....

I haven't stopped since then, apart from having lunch and dinner, and also catching up on Prison Break, My Name Is Earl, and watching the new Knight Rider too...

Aaaahhh I love lazy Sundays!

It's 6 am, and ready to face yet another working week, but every morning I like to have a quick surf about with cup of tea in hand. While looking around TP for something to read/look at, I happened across this thread.
And really love it! You've got a wonderful expression which seems to suit all occassions.
Thanks for providing that vital kick start to my day. :)
Thanks for the lovely comment Ian :) And you're very welcome!
270.365 : Snore!


Sorry, I couldn't think of a more imaginitive title for this one (Although previous contenders were "Boing Boing" and "Chick and a Hippo" :D).

Took delivery of the new mattress we've been saving up for today, and I can't wait to get a good night's sleep tonight.

We bought our bed years ago with the cheapest mattress available at the time (about 7 years ago), and I don't think I've had a good night's sleep since!
So after waking up with sore shoulders, pins and needles, painful lower backs, we got this one. OK, some decry Silentnight as mass produced tat, but it's still gonna be better than the one we're replacing.

(And no, we STILL haven't decorated the bedroom).
Oh and yes, my wife and I do fit on the bed together :p. The Sigma 10-20 at 10mm has accentuated me filling the bed ;)

Marcel, a really brilliant thread & pics as ever!

I just hope Mrs Marcel has enough space!
He was seen loitering suspiciously around a cake stall in Asda earlier today.
He is wanted in connection with at least 4 cake-jackings, and two daring doughnut robberies.

The police are warning the public, this man is armed (with a spoon), dangerous, and loaded on cream and sugar.

He mustn't be approached, and if anyone spots him (probably near a cookie stall), they must protect themselves with salad incase he attacks.

Hahahahahahahaha :LOL:
271.365 : Ba ba ba baaaa ba bababa


Incase you hadn't guessed, that was me singing the Pearl and Dean theme tune that comes on before films in the cinema.

Well tonight, I'm not going to the cinema, I'm having a nice night in with my good lady wife. Some munchies, some wine / beer, some snuggling and a good film :)

268.365 : Milk 'tache!


I'm suffering terribly from heartburn this evening. Not sure why, as I take super duper modern medicine to stop it, which normally works.

Gaviscon is dearer per litre than diesel, so that's out of the question, so I guess it's good old milk to quench the pain :D

And I do love a good milk tache that goes with it :D

Now....if only I had cookies, but they go straight to my hips so I'd better not eh?


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Marcel, but milk will make your heartburn worse. Technical bit - milk is a protein pump inhibiter, which actually makes your stomach produce more acid....... :(

Really enjoying the thread though :clap:

Keep it up :)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Marcel, but milk will make your heartburn worse. Technical bit - milk is a protein pump inhibiter, which actually makes your stomach produce more acid....... :(

^^ this is true :) I suffer from a duodenal ulcer quite badly (I should really get it sorted) 1st trip to the doctors taught me not to drink so much milk (y)

Anyway... Loving this thread a lot, I wont lie and say I've looked through every page, I did the 1st 20 and then skipped to this 1! very good stuff, some great images and the dedication is there to stay I see!
Well I never knew that.
Nevertheless. When it does get bad (which is rare, considering the preventative meds I'm on), A quick slug of milk shuts up the pain :D I don't normally drink it on its own...just to quench the pain of heartburn :)

272.365 : Texturised


Been playing in Photoshop again tonight. B&W adjustments, texture layers and some arty farty faffing around :D
