A bit of fun - WORDLE. (NB, US spelling!) No spoilers please

Back to the normal 5 today
Sweating today! Thought I was getting another fail but managed a 6.

Usual 4 again today, 1G 1Y, 2G 1Y, 3G 1Y, 5G.
Another 3 for me today. Tried a vowelless starter and got a g, followed by another g and a y and a lucky guess saw me solve it.
Another 3 for me today. Tried a vowelless starter and got a g, followed by another g and a y and a lucky guess saw me solve it.

Seeing the Ukrainian PM’s name on TV I thought Schmo* might be in the US dictionary and could be a useful starter — it’s a valid word.

Not saying PM is a schmo, at least not their one ;).
Is it me or has the game gotten a bit easier recently? I feel it's been easier to get 2 or 3 lately, or maybe I've gained some IQ? :ROFLMAO:

Got today's in 3
Is it me or has the game gotten a bit easier recently? I feel it's been easier to get 2 or 3 lately, or maybe I've gained some IQ? :ROFLMAO:

Got today's in 3
They are running out of words obviously and will have to get some more from China.
I've found it a bit easier lately so I now use the answer from the day before as my first guess. I'm back up to 5s and 6s, just makes it a bit more challenging for me.
One of my most used 1st guesses is 'Pleas', just tried it one time and started getting better results. There had been a run of words with P and S in the mix. I used it recently and I hit 5 yellow! Ans was Lapse
My opening gambit is Cloud.
4 again today. Another different starter gave a single y, then yyg, yggg and one viable option.
3 today
3 for me also this morning. 2 G on my first attempt.
4 again today, 1Y, 1G 2Y, 3G, 5G.
4 for me today
By lunchtime, I can't remember what today's word is let alone yesterday's!
By lunchtime, I can't remember what today's word is let alone yesterday's!

Same, my partner does it too and we compare later in the evening, I have to go pull the site up again to not only recall my guesses but what the actual word was!

Today I had 3 yellow first try from one of my usual start words, 3y again on second! just different positions, but that cancelled out a lot of possibles so got it on third
4 today, should really have got it in 3 (for reason that will be obvious when you do it) but only ‘saw’ an uncommon word at that point!

Curious aside, when I type something like “###B#—BOB##—#OOO#—OOOOO” into Notes on iPad after the first ## the characters change colour to red and then yellow before changing bach to normal after the O#. I seem to have found some control code in Notes (actually Quick Note).
Silly beggar. After some research finally realised Notes was seeing “tags” which is what # is used for. I actually use tags but wasn’t at that moment obviously.
Easy 3 today. 3G + 1Y (which might as well be 4G) after second lucky guess, with only one possible word left for the third.
4 for me also this morning :)
6 today. Too many options 3 wrong guesses.
4 today, BB???—??BBB—?OOOO—OOOOO. I was annoyed that my 3rd wasn’t correct as it was much the most common word!
6 for me today .... 4G after 3 guesses ... trouble was too many options ... lucky last guess
A magnificent 2 for me today! :banana: My reward for sticking with the same starter guess.

6 for me today 1G 1Y, 3G, 3G 1Y, 3G, 4G, 5G. One stupid mistake on guess 4 and after that just potluck.
4 for me. A lucky 3g first guess followed by 2 wrong 4gs and 3rd guess at the last letter was the charm. 4 other possibilities left.
2 today!!!!!!!!!

One green and 4 amber first go
5 this morning, tricky little blighter this one :)
Hard work for me today! We'', I made it a difficult job anyway. y, yg, yyg, yggg, gggg, sigh of relief!