Adele's 365 *FULLY UPDATED* 166/365 210609

Just playing catch-up after a few bad days with my PC & Memory card corruption, but am back up to speed now :)

71, 73 & 74 are all awesome in their own way Del (y), and nice to see you getting to grips with the D300 :)

Amatuer Match at Ice Sheffield against steel city shoguns [] against the Sheffield Stix.

The Shoguns won 21-3 and this is a photograph of the Stix Goalie. The guy who most of the match was centered around!​

As described by their parents as little terrors, this isnt the first time I have shot Tyler & Jasmine. However, Jasmine was only 7 weeks old last time.

This time she was far more lively. However looking at this pic you'd think they shared much brother/sisterly love.

You'd be fooled.​
Those are what the main Post Office Use..:LOL: I know they do do them on a roll, cos we used them years ago at Work! But a lot of places can only get them if their a big business :)

I must be BIG then - or maybe it was just cos I asked for a roll !!!


Again, I love the portrait shot of the two kids, you really are good at that type of shot.
Now that staff nurse one, Im going to tell you off for - we shouldve had one with a nurses outfit at least now come on!;):p:LOL::razz:. Great for your friend though, nursing is not easy these days, as they are all expected to be managers, which is partly why I left, I would rather spend my time nursing than managing staff and stock then endlessly writing up everything you do.

Hope things are picking up for you, and you are enjoying staying with friends, we all need time out occassionally.
I like the simplicity of 78 Del (y)

Thanks Chris, wonderful what you can do with a Pen, Paper a Sofa, and a camera ;)

Again, I love the portrait shot of the two kids, you really are good at that type of shot.
Now that staff nurse one, Im going to tell you off for - we shouldve had one with a nurses outfit at least now come on!;):p:LOL::razz:. Great for your friend though, nursing is not easy these days, as they are all expected to be managers, which is partly why I left, I would rather spend my time nursing than managing staff and stock then endlessly writing up everything you do.

Hope things are picking up for you, and you are enjoying staying with friends, we all need time out occassionally.

Thanks Zarozinia, I credit DiddyDave for my ability to shoot kids, he has taught me well and I'm still learning.

Yes we should have had a picture of her in her nurses uniform, but her current placement means she doesnt have to wear one!
I do however, have a picture of her in her nurses uniform, from a shoot we did for a laugh at christmas for her other halves christmas present! Needless to say I dont think she'd be right happy with me posting THEM on the internet! :)
Good idea DiddyDave!

I like the idea of the gearstick shot but i think it would benefit from being a b&w shot instead of colour. I think that will add another depth to the image.

Nice focus and DoF on that shot, I bet it would look great in B&W too :LOL:

Yeah high contrast B&W please Dell!! ;) :D (Do you see what you started SM??)

I like the lighting on it, simple and effective.

The lighting was just the sunlight coming through the car-window.
I didnt turn it black and white primarily, because most of my shots lately have been black and white, and there wasnt that much colour in it in the first place! :LOL: otherwise I would have turned it BW! :D

I stole this from Marcel even though I wasnt really tagged :)

All you have to do is write :
Name / Username
Left or right handed
Favourite letters to write
Least favourite letters to write
Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Then finally, tag 5 of your contacts​