advice on this pic please.


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this is one of my favourite pictures at the moment, and its also being used for a celender :) so i decided to have a little play about with it in photoshop, do you think i took the levels too far or are they about right?



thanks in advance.
Second is the better IMHO, the colours seem much sharper and more vibrant, however in parts it seems the highlights are too strong and its being blown out in some of the whites. The cars spot on, its just in the background that you can notice things are a little over done.

As said its definately alot better, see what other people say before you take my comments as fact though;)

Thanks for sharing (y)
Some of the background detail has been lost in the second shot but I still feel it works better than the original.

If you wanted a futuristic neon sort of effect .... You nailed it.

Only thing I would change is the line reflection in the light lens.
As Warspite says, the highlights are a bit blown in the b/g in the second. If you did the levels work on an adjustment layer you could try gently painting them back in with a soft brush at, say, 10% opacity until they look a little less harsh. Just IMO of course. I think the car looks fantastic, really vibrant!
I like the second one but as others have said the highlights detract from the car. I've a very quick play using some layer masks and come up with this:

Nice shot and yeah I prefer Hackers version - good contrast etc...Still great shot though :D
I like the reflections but the background was is a little too much. I tried this by layering the pictures and removing the background by deleting the bits. I also corrected the verticals so they do not distract.

Its nice to play, even if I can't get it right
