Advice re getting photo published

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I have captured what I think is a moment that a sports or health publication might be interested in. It is of a man suffering a muscle spasm and you can see the quadriceps very clearly defined.

I am an amateur and wouldn't want to undermine the work of professionals, but would love to get it published. I realise this means I shouldn't give it away for free, but I wondered if anyone had any advice?
I have captured what I think is a moment that a sports or health publication might be interested in. It is of a man suffering a muscle spasm and you can see the quadriceps very clearly defined.

I am an amateur and wouldn't want to undermine the work of professionals, but would love to get it published. I realise this means I shouldn't give it away for free, but I wondered if anyone had any advice?

First thing you need to do is enter all your details into the IPTC field.. search on here for more info on that..This is very important..It will have a caption of exactly what is happening.. who is in the picture. where and when. Also all your personal details.. name/address/email/bank details and copyright info as well as a no free usage notice.. All that in the IPTC is a must!

Then send the picture to the magazines you think might be interested. to the picture desk only..... Do not send a watermarked small picture.. send them the full picture...

Email/contact? the sports or whoever editor explaining what you ahve and that the picture has been submitted.

thats about it I think :)
Thank you so much for a quick and helpful response. I'll look into doing that. You put bank details too?

I've tried to reach the person in the photo to get his permission, but have had no luck yet. I found him on Facebook and he doesn't appear to be a regular user. Do you know if I need his explicit permission if it was in a public place? It was during the half marathon I photographed.
Thank you so much for a quick and helpful response. I'll look into doing that. You put bank details too? transfer details...

I've tried to reach the person in the photo to get his permission, but have had no luck yet. I found him on Facebook and he doesn't appear to be a regular user. Do you know if I need his explicit permission if it was in a public place? It was during the half marathon I photographed.

You dont need his permission no matter where you took it.. public or not .. Imagine all the sports photogrpahs you ahve seen in papers and mags.. rarely on public propert... nobody asks the sportsman for permission ..
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Oh you are a star! Thank you :)

Sorry to make you repeat yourself re bank details, but I am very surprised!

I'm encouraged now. I was feeling despondent as I hadn't been able to contact the man involved. Thanks again.
Sorry to make you repeat yourself re bank details, but I am very surprised!

Your picture will go into the paper/magazines library.. its not a news story.. they might use it soon .. they might use it in a years time.. they need to be able to pay you when they do.. they might use it a second time... they cant keep contacting you to sort out payment.. they cant be contacting anyone really... the amount of pics they have to chose from..

so they want a pic.. sports injury.. they search there own library of which your pic will be one.. if they choose to use it they can just pay it without waiting to hear from you re payment..

pictures like yours are sent in and you accept whatever standard fee they pay

its just an automated way of doing things.. nobody can access your account..its just bank transfer details :)

first you might know that they used your picture is when you get a payment notification..
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PS the last time I gave out advice like this on here.. I got nasty messages basically saying how its hard enough for pros to sell to media without me telling every tom dick and harry how to do it... well my PM is set to off so if anyone wants to complain.. write me a letter! :)
Well it is very generous of you to share your knowledge, and I appreciate it! I recently saw that a photographer on Facebook had been flamed for telling people how to set themselves up in the photography business, so I guess it is a sensitive issue.

Photography is something of an obsession for me, but I'm not sure I would get the same pleasure from it if it became my job. You have great photos on your website, but I can see you work hard at it. Also you must be under tremendous pressure to come up with the goods!
Wbut I'm not sure I would get the same pleasure from it if it became my job.

It does change quite dramatic when its a job.. mostly the work I do for the papers..but worth it to see so many of my pics used every week...

I keep some photogrpahy to one side that isnt for work or business. such as the local amatuer dramatics thingy.. cover the plays for free.. no preassure.. stuff like that..