Afraid to post photos?

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I lurk mostly, but am trying to emerge from the shadows. Anyway, does anyone else here feel silly posting their photos? I am almost afraid to post mine, as I see so many excellent ones, that I fear being laughed at :LOL:

I don't know much about photoshop - I can't really afford it at the moment, so might download a free trial and see how I get along with it, so fear exposing my ignorance about post processing. I'm also not brilliant with the technical details e.g., calculating what ND grad to use in such-and-such a situation. All I know, mostly, is when something 'looks' right, and I have an understanding of how different variables affect one another, but it terrifies me when people start posting mathematical workings out :eek:

Does anyone else feel a bit inept here?

That said, I do realize that most are friendly and one important way to improve is simply by putting your photos out there for criticism.
Everyone here is of varying skill levels with varied equipment and budgets... but I think you will find what we all have in common is that everybody started somewhere mate.

No-one was born a great photographer with all the knowledge in the world. Dont be afraid mate, people here are a friendly bunch and always willing to help out where they can... me included ;)

So post up your pics mate, they may be better than you think :)
you don't need photoshop. If you can buy elements or for free try gimp or picassa.

Don't be afraid to post your efforts though.

Oh and Welcome:)
It's a steep learning curve, but one of the best ways is to get crit...which you need to post photos for! It is a bit daunting, and not everybody is as tactful as they could be, but generally the help you'll get is invaluable.

As for photoshop, there's a program called The GIMP. It's a very similar interface etc as Photoshop, and it's totally free. There's also a wealth of guides, video walkthroughs etc available for it, of course all free too.
Dont worry about posting images up. So long as you take the comments well then you will learn more and more, thats what the site is about.

Get posting.
I have the Canon 'Digital Photoshop' thing that came with my camera, but I am starting to realize its limitations. As far as I can tell, it's fine if you want to do something simple like boost the contrast, saturation or whatever, but doesn't do much more than that. Is this GIMP thing an improvement?

I'd like to try my hand at HDR, which of course, I can't do with my existing software.

Thanks for the reassurance guys (and gals?). I do like knowing what I have done wrong so as to learn next time.
Hi Louise,

I was a bit reluctant at first, but I thought the only thing holding me back is me really.

I like to think along the lines of 'you can't improve if you don't know where you're going wrong'. So, I happy for the talented people here to comment and criticise where necessary. If you do get something right it's a boost for your confidence and where there is something lacking it helps you in the right direction.

Looking at your tulip picture, it seems you're definately heading in the right direction.

So, don't be shy, post up your photos and I'm sure you're feelings of being laughed at will evaporate very quickly.
GIMP is similar to photoshop, just free! Seriously, post pictures up, no-one's going to laugh at you! Everyone was in a similar position at some point in their lives (well, one or 2 probably just picked up a camera and were amazing from the off, but everyone hates them ;) :D )

On the whole, people will be nice, but they'll also be honest, so don't be disheartened if you hear negatives. The important thing is to pick up on how you could improve it for the next time!

I've been doing this whole photography thing for a few years now, and I'm nowhere near as good as I'd like to be! Don't be daunted by the level of ability here, there are some truly exceptional photographers but on the whole they wouldn't be here if they weren't willing to lend a helping hand!

I'm also not brilliant with the technical details e.g., calculating what ND grad to use in such-and-such a situation. All I know, mostly, is when something 'looks' right, and I have an understanding of how different variables affect one another, but it terrifies me when people start posting mathematical workings out :eek:

That's one of the advantages of digital over film - you can try all kinds of stuff out, with very little cost associated to it. You'll have all the camera settings saved in the exif data, so you can see (even in full auto modes) what choices the camera made, and soon you'll start to understand why...
I lurk mostly, but am trying to emerge from the shadows. Anyway, does anyone else here feel silly posting their photos? I am almost afraid to post mine, as I see so many excellent ones, that I fear being laughed at :LOL:

I don't know much about photoshop - I can't really afford it at the moment, so might download a free trial and see how I get along with it, so fear exposing my ignorance about post processing. I'm also not brilliant with the technical details e.g., calculating what ND grad to use in such-and-such a situation. All I know, mostly, is when something 'looks' right, and I have an understanding of how different variables affect one another, but it terrifies me when people start posting mathematical workings out :eek:

Does anyone else feel a bit inept here?

That said, I do realize that most are friendly and one important way to improve is simply by putting your photos out there for criticism.

I am same, I already know my shots are rubbish, so dont need anyone to tell me :D
I'm kind of in the same situation.
Two things stop me from posting up my photo's, one is time (I really need to sit down & look thru what I have), the other is that I look at a lot of the images & think "is that straight from the camera, or has it had some PP":thinking: Admitedly, some posters mention if there's been some PP.
Trouble is I look at these images & think that my stuff really isn't as good & would be wasting my (& everyone elses) time posting :|
I'd like to try my hand at HDR, which of course, I can't do with my existing software.

For this I'd download the trial of photomatix, it does put watermarks across your image but you will get the experience and see your results. You never know, you may like it enough to warrant buying it :)
Post them, the worst you will get is good advise if its needed I posted on my first day and it recieved lots of comments that helped me, of course you will get comments you personally disagree with but I dont think anyone on TP deliberately sets out to ridicule any photos.....even mine the way welcome to the forum

I lurk mostly, but am trying to emerge from the shadows. Anyway, does anyone else here feel silly posting their photos? I am almost afraid to post mine, as I see so many excellent ones, that I fear being laughed at :LOL:

I don't know much about photoshop - I can't really afford it at the moment, so might download a free trial and see how I get along with it, so fear exposing my ignorance about post processing. I'm also not brilliant with the technical details e.g., calculating what ND grad to use in such-and-such a situation. All I know, mostly, is when something 'looks' right, and I have an understanding of how different variables affect one another, but it terrifies me when people start posting mathematical workings out :eek:

Does anyone else feel a bit inept here?

That said, I do realize that most are friendly and one important way to improve is simply by putting your photos out there for criticism.

Get them posted already :D Best way to get honest feedback and make adjustments if needed! Just bring some thick skin, most of us are nice though :D

Its all a matter of opinion, what one person likes another may hate, what one
person thinks is a perfect shot someone else will pick holes all through it......

Whats the worse that can happen, someone doesnt like your picture, so what ? :shrug:

You might get the odd sarcie comment (very rare here) but those types usually
have their head so far up their own a*ses to be of little concern to you..

Post them, its the only way you'll get feedback on what you do..

I lurk mostly, but am trying to emerge from the shadows. Anyway, does anyone else here feel silly posting their photos? I am almost afraid to post mine, as I see so many excellent ones, that I fear being laughed at :LOL:

I don't know much about photoshop - I can't really afford it at the moment, so might download a free trial and see how I get along with it, so fear exposing my ignorance about post processing. I'm also not brilliant with the technical details e.g., calculating what ND grad to use in such-and-such a situation. All I know, mostly, is when something 'looks' right, and I have an understanding of how different variables affect one another, but it terrifies me when people start posting mathematical workings out :eek:

Does anyone else feel a bit inept here?

That said, I do realize that most are friendly and one important way to improve is simply by putting your photos out there for criticism.

You wont post pics, but you will post saying that you are afraid :bat:

Get them up on here, we all started at the beginning! You will be able to improve a lot more rapidly with decent crit, which you "should" get from here.

Just remember the simple rules:
:rules: rule of 3rds :rules:
:rules: level horizon :rules:
My photo's are rubbish!

Does that make you feel better? :D :D

Seriously get your pics up and download The Gimp.
I can only agree with what everybody else has said. Although I've not really posted any of my stuff on here yet I have taken the plunge on other sites and forums and find the feedback incredibly useful.
Dont worry about posting images up. So long as you take the comments well then you will learn more and more, thats what the site is about.

Get posting.

That's if you get any at all!!!:shrug:
I just joined last night, my photos are pants after looking at all the great photos on here but once I've got a bit of free time I'll start posting some. That way people can help point me in the right direction and maybe I'll start to improve.
Ive only just started posting on here(was a bit hesitant,some of the photos on here:eek:),but its not as bad as what you think.At the end of the day,everybody has to start somewhere & so far ive had nothing but useful advice back.Stuff that i can actually use as well,not just 'this looks good' sorta comments.

Do it,get some pics up,take the advice/crit thats offered & before you know it,people will be looking at your pics thinking 'i cant post in here-look at that one'.
Dont do it,you'll get ripped to shreds,break down in tears,smash up your camera and throw your pc out the window:eek::eek::eek:

Pulling your leg:LOL::LOL::LOL: just go for it,upload some pictures mate.

I did, i got ripped to shreds,broke down in tears,smash up my camera and slug my pc out the window:bonk::bonk:

Welcome TP.

I lurk mostly, but am trying to emerge from the shadows. Anyway, does anyone else here feel silly posting their photos? I am almost afraid to post mine, as I see so many excellent ones, that I fear being laughed at :LOL:.

You may get a suprise and find they are good or you may get a whole load of people telling you they are crap and adding what you need to improve... But as far as I have seen on here I ahve never ever seen anyone ridiculed or laughed at for there efforts..

get a big tin hat and so long as your prepared for anything then go for it...

No one will laugh at your efforts thats for sure.. its not that sort of place :)
Just chuck them on, worse case scenario is that people don't liek them. But most people will give feedback that is constructive.

I'm a total ameteur, only owning my first dslr for 3 months with zero experience when i started.

I stick my photos up when i can to a) keep a record of my progression b) to see if I can get hints on how to improve c) If i try somethign new to see how people react to them.

You really have nothign to lose and it all to gain asking for critique :)
All I can say is that if the photo of the tulip is your work, then I'd love to see more. Very nice.
Anyway, does anyone else here feel silly posting their photos? I am almost afraid to post mine, as I see so many excellent ones, that I fear being laughed at :LOL:

Does anyone else feel a bit inept here?

That said, I do realize that most are friendly and one important way to improve is simply by putting your photos out there for criticism.

Post 'em :) You'll get feedback +ve and -ve and some in between :)

But for the most part it'll be useful stuff :)

But don't forget to reciprocate - your opinion is as valid as everyone elses :)

And yes when I see some of the class acts on here I certainly feel inept :)

But it doesn't last :LOL:
I was nervous to post photos but I eventually did. I had mixed feedback, mostly positive but with a lot of useful suggestions mixed in. It gave me a lot to think of and I definitely learnt where to improve anid what I need to fix as a photographer, rather than as someone using a camera. Some of it I disagreed with, some of it seemed useful, but everything was worth reading as it gave me something new to consider

So my point is: post photos, listen to constructive criticism, and improve where you can improve. Otherwise you've spent money on a hobby that you'll never see yourself improving at or never get the chance to learn new skills
Get posting and definitely get GIMP - its not childs play to use but there's tons of useful tutorials out there - I'm a bit of a hopeless PP-er but even I managed a go at selective colouring and all manner of editing and horizon levelling (y)
I feel the same really.
I have a few portraits I'd like to post, but they'll get ripped and I quite like them so I'm not posting them.
There are many sections for posting, including sections where critique is not wanted.
Dont worry about posting the thing with the tinter web is its ambiguous so no one is saying anything to your face. I know it comes down to mind set and my mind set is im not bothered if no one likes my pics im happy if they do and any constructive critique welcome.
I have not actually posted any pics the ones in my gallery are from my old bridge camera and the only one that is from my dslr is my avatar that was shot on my 50mm f1.8 either on auto or on AP but think Auto with nothing done to it but resize for the avatar no processing no sharpen nothing its as the camera took it.
I have Apperture 2 as im a Mac user but i dont know how to use it, ill learn some time.
I havent posted as i have not been taking pics. Hope to change that soon.
Stick your toe in the water the sharks are toothless.
I used to feel the same way (and sometimes still do). I used to spend hours looking at all the great images on here and just as much time thinking mine would not come up to scratch..................of course this isn't helped by the fact that I am my own worst critic.

But I do post, albeit occationally now. Everyones great, and the feedback is always heplful. And in the time I have been here my photography has improved so much from the feedback images get and from using other images as inpreation.

Bit the bullet and get something (like I did) might just find you are worrying more than you need to ;)
I know exactly how you feel, I've only been taking photos for a month now so i feel they aren't really up to the standard of whats on here
Hi if you can't afford photoshop there are lots of alternatives, theres Gimp, Picassa or Irvanview which are free, or for about a tenner Tesco have a sort of home brand photoshop, although I haven't seen it myself.
get posting, most will be gentle, but take critism well and I'm sure you'll learn a lot.
I do sometimes feel the same. I will occasionally post a picture on here though not often and I've tried to set up a gallery but I can't get it to work for some reason (yes I have followed the instructions).

I must admit the comments I have had on here have been much nicer than on certain other forums I have attempted to use! Some places people can be quite cutting and rather than give constructive critiscm they just rip newbies pictures to bits. So now I tend to avoid those places and come here instead as the people ate much nicer.

I'm going to try and post more pictures on here as I've started realising that even though people add me quite regularly as a contact on Flickr they don't necessarily comment on any of my pictures or offer any help or advice on how I can improve. The only way I am going to learn is by biting the bullet and putting pictures up for critique :)
Yep . feel the same..... hmm you know what?... I am going to post one tonight:wacky:
Its all a matter of opinion, what one person likes another may hate, what one person thinks is a perfect shot someone else will pick holes all through it......

Whats the worse that can happen, someone doesnt like your picture, so what ? :shrug:

You might get the odd sarcie comment (very rare here) but those types usually have their head so far up their own a*ses to be of little concern to you..

Post them, its the only way you'll get feedback on what you do...

I entirely agree - just do it and remember that your own opinion is as valid as anyone else's. And certainly don't be put off by the very small minority who seem to think they know all there is to know - NOBODY DOES ;)

(Schedule 1 Licence holder for Avocets, Kingfishers and Barn Owls)