Am I Too Old/Young for going out?

Really?... Everyone needs to know what they looked like two seconds ago!!

Lol don't get me started on that one. I can't stand it how people immediately want to see the photo I may have taken. I'm like look over there, yup that is the photo live :) ok not really but I'm thinking it.
"I began going out a bit more with my friends as I would before, they were drinking as normal and found the concept of what I was doing absolutely baffling..."
I was brought up in a family where drinking was done at Christmas, and then only the odd sherry or perhaps the odd bottle of cider literally only once or twice a year. As a result I was not brought up in the culture of 'you can only have fun if you drink alcohol'. I found as I got to later teens and onwards that others were puzzled by my lack of interest or really resentful of it, as if it was some kind of judgement on them - yet I have never had issues about others around me drinking - its up to them what they do on a night out. It must be hard for you if your management are pushing staff towards a drinking culture. Its irresponsible of them. I wonder if they will find it a good policy when they find they have staff with health issues that impact on work in time to come?

"I will never drink for confidence. "
That was my other reason for not drinking. I had always been painfully shy. The bit of me that wanted to stop being shy wanted to improve on its own, not hide behind drinking as then the improvement would not have been my own, to be proud of achieving, it would have belonged to the alcohol I was cowering behind. I would still have been the afraid person, clinging to a glass. Vanity and pride saved me on that one :) but it was a good stand to have made for myself.

The most interesting aspect for me, and it's a bit off topic for this thread, is how my happiness changes when I begin drinking again. I'm in a very happy and self-assured place right now despite the stresses of my job and other factors that would drag a lot of people down. I appreciate that immensely. I know they say alcohol is a depressant but I had always sort of dismissed that. Given how quickly I felt a change in that regard I'm now a lot more inclined to believe that there is a sort of cumulative effect of regular drinking that wears down my feeling of happiness (other people may respond differently). No amount of pleasure from a drink is worth that so at the first sign that my happiness becomes more easily impacted by day to day events once drinking from time to time I may well opt to become t-total.

+ I am not t-total, but I drink maybe half a pint or cider, once or twice a month at most. I know what I do and don't want from alcohol and I don't let other people choose for me or push me into things - the longer you take a firm stand, the more people stop pushing you to fit with their own ideas. I have no interest in increasing the amount, so I dont find the odd drink a threat, but I dont find it a thrill either.
A friend has recently given up from drinking 2 litres a night of larger at home, due to physical effects on his health. He says he cannot believe how much less depressed he feels. He was lucky and found it easy to stop once given a scare. 2 other friends have been every night drinkers all their adult lives. Both suffer from depression. Both have many failed personal relationships as they have prioritised booze over family, so both are now on their own in their 50's and neither is happy as a person from thier own accounts. Both have felt better when they have given up short term, but both are so self destructive "want to have a good time" they have gone back to drinking, claiming the lifting of depression only co-coincided by accident with giving up booze. Seems unlikely to me to be co-incidence as the timing of the issue coming and going was in both cases way too close to the timing of being on the wagon or not.
Given that this really is what a typical night out in Cardiff city centre looks like :
I'm happy enough staying in with a nice meal and a bottle of wine (or several bottles if we have friends joining us)

p.s. I'm actually closer to Newport, but I don't think anyone has ever made it back from a night out there with their camera intact.

Interesting linked pics. Like the "One Life One Chance" guy wasting his one chance at the bar ! :)

Re the phone thing. I do despair. My wife and I were out in Cyprus recently and the number of couples who just sat in restaurants checking their phones, texting or whatever, while ignoring each other and the beautiful surroundings was pretty sad. I understand the desire to keep in touch with mail etc but not for the duration of the meal!!
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