Another 365 thread...

Wow, now that is showing off pete. I really like that, nice silhouettes(??) too


Todays photo is a little special. What you see on there is my book. I took this while I was at the book designers discussing various details. That isn't the final cover design, its just something we're playing around with. This is why I'm glad I'm doing a 365 project. The G9 is great because I can get good quality photos when I don't want to have to lug the 30D around. So I can capture those extra little moments like this. Plus without this project I wouldn't think to take a photo to document the lead up to publication.
I Feel special!! How long to publication!?

And that is one very cluttered desk :D

Excellent shot and I love the PP
Loving the look of that Display Pete. Nice desk too, looks big and heavy. you are one messy b*****d though :)
Thats not my desk :p Thats the book designers. My desk is much worse :D

Todays blood sugar level. 4.2mmol is apparently the edge of normal / low blood sugar. I could feel it starting to take affect. So I had to grab food. Every time I try and diet I get this. Its hard enough trying to diet but when you get low blood sugar its a real pain. All you want is food. Crisps, chocolate, toast, coke, anything. Just anything! I shake, start sweating and find it a little hard to concentrate. Its a horrible feeling and I eat anything that'll get rid of it quickly. I've been tested for diabetes and I don't have it. I've had this problem since I was a kid. Its just something I have to live with which means I always have to carry lucozade sweets and not knowing when it'll happen.
Ah damn, that really sucks.
I've had that feeling a few times, and I know how dreadful it is, but to put up with it all the time! That sucks.
I hope it doesn't effect you too much.

the photo is great though, the editing is magnificent.

Another special one today. That there is a nearly 13 meter wide panoramic that I took. 13m x 3m. Taken with my 30D no less. I used Genuine Fractals to upscale it to the required resolution. Uncompressed it was 2gb, and a very slow process editing. It was commissioned by Pizza Express and is available for viewings at their new spot by the Echo Arena across from Albert Dock. They do a lovely chocolate ice cream. I'm really very happy with the result. It doesn't look soft or pixelated as I feared and it just goes to show what my camera can really do. Oh and yes, that there is your basic 13m wide HDR image. Yeah baby :D Oh and theres a little sign under the ship with my name on :D "Thats me!"
Great shot of a great shot! Must be awesome to go in there and see your picture up like that!! Nice one!!
Pete, gobsmacked - that is TRULLY awesome. Absolutely love it. WOW WOW WOW.

Stunning Pete, just stunning. Must make you very proud. :)

Another special one today. That there is a nearly 13 meter wide panoramic that I took. 13m x 3m. Taken with my 30D no less. I used Genuine Fractals to upscale it to the required resolution. Uncompressed it was 2gb, and a very slow process editing. It was commissioned by Pizza Express and is available for viewings at their new spot by the Echo Arena across from Albert Dock. They do a lovely chocolate ice cream. I'm really very happy with the result. It doesn't look soft or pixelated as I feared and it just goes to show what my camera can really do. Oh and yes, that there is your basic 13m wide HDR image. Yeah baby :D Oh and theres a little sign under the ship with my name on :D "Thats me!"

That's awesome. If that was mine I'd literally have to go in there every day, just stand under it and point at myself going 'you know, that's me that, see that up there, I did that' etc.
I must say Pizza Express pizzas are also top (do you get any freebies?)
Great shot of a great shot! Must be awesome to go in there and see your picture up like that!! Nice one!!

Its alright :D

Pete, gobsmacked - that is TRULLY awesome. Absolutely love it. WOW WOW WOW.


Ta :D

Ooh, these are very nice! Love the sepia treatment.

Good luck with your 365 :)

Thanks. Not a clue about todays yet but I guess something will happen.

Inspiring stuff.
It feels as if all of this stuff is happening right now (the book being made, the print in pizza express), and you really feel part of it.

Cool :) Its what I was hoping for really. Documenting my life, the things that happen so in a year I'll remember it in more detail than just "oooh yeah.... no don't remember" ;)

Stunning Pete, just stunning. Must make you very proud. :)

That it does. Its great to not only see it, but to know that I can do again. I know that with my little old 8mp 30D I can produce something that big. Its not even soft!

That's awesome. If that was mine I'd literally have to go in there every day, just stand under it and point at myself going 'you know, that's me that, see that up there, I did that' etc.
I must say Pizza Express pizzas are also top (do you get any freebies?)

Hehe I did do something a bit like that when I got there. "OOoooh look thats my name!" I don't think anyone noticed though as it was empty. I need to speak to the manager and get a quote from him for PR purposes. No freebies yet, but they don't know I did it so who knows.
I bet it feels amazing to see that photo of yours up there and to know thousands of people are going to see it.

(even though thousands of people see your pictures everyday alread i guess) ;)

Nice 365 all the same
Hey Pete, what's up with you recently?
You're being unusually friendly :p
Look forward to today's image (y)

lol :p

I bet it feels amazing to see that photo of yours up there and to know thousands of people are going to see it.

(even though thousands of people see your pictures everyday alread i guess) ;)

Nice 365 all the same

Yeah it does. This weekend will be busy, and then in 2 weeks even busier. Its a bit of a shame that the sign is tucked away but still, thats mine! :D

Not really a special day. Just a day. My car went for its MOT. It passed. So theres the highlight of my day.
Still loving your 365 pete, your images make interest out of anything - even a bloody engine :p

How the hell did you get a 30D image to upscale like that, I have trouble blowing it upto A3! :(
But that is one HELL of a nice shot, how long was PP on it???

Keep it up, I'm hooked!
1.4 corsa?

Like the PP finish on the picture :)

Its only a 1.2 :)

Great start, ive only just come across this 365. Sundays definately woke me up :LOL:

Aye, Sunday was fun :D

Still loving your 365 pete, your images make interest out of anything - even a bloody engine :p

How the hell did you get a 30D image to upscale like that, I have trouble blowing it upto A3! :(
But that is one HELL of a nice shot, how long was PP on it???

Keep it up, I'm hooked!

Its a series of about 9 portrait photos done as a panorama. Theres no way I would get that level of detail from a 10-20 image. I used Genuine Fractals to upscale the image by about 300% I think. It was around 50,000px wide.
Just discovered this thread. I like the shots already done, and will be keeping an eye open.
That panorama is fantastic. 13 x 3m, you could wallpaper a room with that. Total immersion!!!!
Like the latest shot Pete, cars are awesome machines ehh? Engineering excellence.

Just discovered this thread. I like the shots already done, and will be keeping an eye open.
That panorama is fantastic. 13 x 3m, you could wallpaper a room with that. Total immersion!!!!

Thats basically what they did. Custom wallpaper job. :)

Like the latest shot Pete, cars are awesome machines ehh? Engineering excellence.


Cars yes, a Vauxhall Corsa maybe not ;)

Another day of work. Nothing to really take a photo of so here's a photo of my hamster.
Love the post processing, reeally brings the image out!
Another excellent photo for your 365...
Pete, your a big softie at heart. Can I nominate you for the most misunderstood individual on TP? :)

Satuday 5th July


Not really a great image, but it was a busy day. Initially it was to be a 5am start as the Grand Princess came in, but I decided to skip that. Instead I got there for about 10:30am. I tried to get some decent shots of the clipper race but with the 4th largest cruise ship in the world blocking my view it was hard. Eventually the Lord Mayor arrived and I was able to get the shots I was hired for. An exchange of plaques between him and the Captain of the ship. The view is incredible from there. A huge panoramic view from the bridge of the ship. I was on the 14th floor looking right at the 3 graces. Not often you get to see Liverpool from that perspective. Expect something good when I get a moment :) Annoyingly I had to skip lunch and a tour with the captain and Lord Mayor because of another shoot.

After I took a break and had a quick bite to eat. A bag of bbq hula hoops and a lucozade drink. Quickly checked my email on my terribly useless phone and headed off for my 2nd shoot. PR shots of a cabaret taking place on Monday. Looks to be pretty cool too. I was finished by 6pm and headed home. "Should I get a McDonalds? I am starving and only really had hula hoops to eat." I man'd up and decided to get some brown toast and rice krispies. Typically I noticed that I had about 2gb free and 6gb of shots taken. There was nothing to quickly delete so I had to sort through old work and prune the directories in Lightroom. That took time. Eventually I could get to work. The cabaret client needed the shots asap so I had to get them all done by Sunday. I really need a D3. The noise was bad, even in black and white. Canon better launch a D3 beating 5Dm2 this year. I tried some colour shots but the colour noise was just nasty. Not so bad for web usage but still, I was annoyed.

By 2am I was exhausted and not finished. I knew that I would have a few hours spare in the morning so I went to bed.

Sunday 6th July


Work work work. I got up early and finished the work I had from Saturday. Quick upload and email then I was off to document the Field of Women in Liverpool. 10,000 women taking up the shape of 'Lucy' to show their support in the fight against breast cancer. Only maybe 2,000 turned up. I guess it was understandable given the thunderstorm. Despite the turnout they managed to pull off a really impressive giant woman at Liverpool cricket club. I got soaked, then baked, then soaked again. Crazy weather. I got in around 4ish and set to work clearing some more HD space, and then going through some of the shots. By around 6pm I fell asleep and awoke just before Top Gear. I finished rating the shots and I still have to process them. They're currently black and white, and while some look great they really need colour due to the pink outfits.
Keep it up Pete, amazed you can get time to fart with all that work on!! :D

You should be so very, very proud of your accomplishments in this field, someone to look up to for us all.
