Another 365 thread...


I got in 2hrs ago after a shoot. I have 700mb free on my HD to work with. Email screwed up and a client didn't get their images on time. I've got to rework a chapter on the HDR book as its not right. I've got to check through the preview on the 'Port of Culture' book. I've got to get through todays shoot asap as they need images for press quickly. Thats on top of the rest of the work I have to do. Its going to be a long night. *sigh*
Good luck Pete, I hope that cuppa has a few Espresso's worth in it!!!

Keep it up mate,

Unfortunately caffine doesn't affect me. So I just have to hope I can stay awake.
**** me that is a busy weekend... I was thinking that being a pro tog would be fun and games a lot of the time, but you have just put that idea out of my mind.

Brilliant last few shots, how the hell did you do the interior of the car like that off camera flash, photomatix or just some funky skills with the settings!

Look forward to your next installment!
**** me that is a busy weekend... I was thinking that being a pro tog would be fun and games a lot of the time, but you have just put that idea out of my mind.

Brilliant last few shots, how the hell did you do the interior of the car like that off camera flash, photomatix or just some funky skills with the settings!

Look forward to your next installment!

Pro photography is less photography and more desk work in a way. I wouldn't give it up for anything though. The car was 3 shots merged in Photomatix.


Life.365.15 (8th July 08)

One of those days.
Know exactly how you feel Pete. I'm always busy with college work and sometimes it all builds up until you feel like you just want to curl into bed and sleep.

It's impressive how you've turned a simple shot into a fantastic image.
Pete, chin up mate, hope your work gets a bit more manageable soon. I love the simplicity of this latest entry.

what processing do you do to the shots as they all look stunning,

and did pizza express contact you for the shots, or did you contact the,

very impressed by all your work btw
How can something so bloody simple, look quite so bloody cool!

I'm loving your PP on your shots, really stands out...
Wednesday 9th July


A long day writing and sorting out random bits of work. By around 11 I gave up and decided to take a break. Its been a few weeks since I sat down with my 360 and I've missed it. I had a quick play on Soul Calibur on XBLA and loved it. Took me straight back to '99 when it came out on the Dreamcast. Awesome fun. After I loaded up GTA4 and went on a crime spree. Nothing quite like random mass murder. I spent about half an hour making cops fly from the blades on my helicopter. I couldn't stop :D

Thursday 10th July


Another one of those days. I got the writing I needed to finish done and submitted. After I noticed my phone battery had died, again, and set it to charge. Typically I had missed a call. My 2pm photoshoot that was to take place on top of Radio Merseyside had been cancelled due to health and safety. I only got this at 1pm as I was just leaving thanks to my phone. So I had to quickly find out if I could go on top of the Echo Arena, but I couldn't contact the right person. In the end I figured I'd head into town and see if there was anyone around looking Beatlesish, as its Beatles Day. I needed that photo. As you can imagine there wasn't a single person. Through a stroke of luck I bumped into my 2pm photoshoot at the Rat & Parrot. They managed to move the gig there instead. In the end I got some nice photos of 'The Beatelles' performing to the city of Liverpool. Just what I wanted. All in all one of those days where it starts off being really annoying and ends ok.
Pete, awesome images. I miss my 360 too, just i cant put the ****ing camera down, or forum away for even 5 min. Silly boy that I am!

i love this 365, its so simple yet justified.
i may have to make one.
Brilliant Pete, like I said - your PP is frankly awesome!

Love the picture of the band...
Oh god no. Its a Macbook Pro.

:LOL: ... Why am I not surprised by that comment ... :D

This is turning out to be a super 365 Pete ... (y) ... I am really liking what you are developing into a unique style with some cracking yet simple images ... ;)

Don't loose heart in the hard times m8 ... :shrug: ... it's 'cos you're working hard at being better ... ;)

Pete, awesome images. I miss my 360 too, just i cant put the ****ing camera down, or forum away for even 5 min. Silly boy that I am!


You probably should before you get lynched by more people ;)

i love that band pic!!
It looks like itwas a pretty awesome gig.

That it was. Lovely sunny afternoon.

i love this 365, its so simple yet justified.
i may have to make one.


This is turning out to be a super 365 Pete ... (y) ... I am really liking what you are developing into a unique style with some cracking yet simple images ... ;)

Don't loose heart in the hard times m8 ... :shrug: ... it's 'cos you're working hard at being better ... ;)

Thanks :)

Friday 11th July


I really wanted to get the iPhone when it came out last year but the simple fact was it was a stupidly expensive phone. So instead I got a Motorola Razr 2. Great design and thats it. Absolutely rubbish phone. The battery would die after 1 day even if you didn't use it. Around March I cracked and bought the 32gb iPod Touch. The theory was one device for music and one for a phone. It was going great until I started to get annoyed that my iTouch didn't have a phone on it. It really was the one thing missing from the device. I was annoyed that I had to carry both devices around because the iTouch was brilliant. I used it for email while I was out and occasional browsing but the problem was that I always had to find an open wifi hotspot. So when Apple announced the iPhone 3G at the exact time that my contract was up I decided to go for it.

I made a few calls on Thursday and found out that my local Carphone Warehouse would not be getting *any* iPhones to sell. The ones they had were all reserved. "What?!" I visited the Liverpool 1 store while I was out and they had 13. 10 8gb and 3 16gb, all reserved. Later I called the Cheshire Oaks store and score! 2 16gb models, none reserved. "Put my name down!! I'll be there at 9:30am waiting!" I got there at 9:30am for their 10am opening and I was 2nd in the cue. I chatted with the others and they were at the o2 store for 7am. They missed out on getting one at 8am by 1 place. Now thats a kicker. I was glad that I could just turn up and buy one.

I've had it for 24hrs and I love it. It is the phone I've wanted ever since mobile internet appeared. I don't have to check my email every 30 mins while I'm out because it works like SMS. I don't have to hunt for a free wifi hotspot as I can use 3g, and BT Openzone AND that cloud thing. As a freelancer my office is where-ever I want but most days I don't want to lug a laptop around. The iPhone solves all that. No more emailing via a stupid mobile phone keyboard either.
id buy it just for bomberman:D
Nicely processed view of the iPhone and a great 3G success story to go with it Pete ... (y) ... from your image it doesn't look any different to the original ... ;)

I've had a bit of a lengthy debate with O2 about my current accounts (one of which is my iPhone (2G)) and the new iPhone 3G ... all meant I totally dipped out, for now, on the new one but at least I got upgraded to v2.0 and MobileMe yesterday ... ACE ... ;) ... are you going with MobileMe Pete I would have thought it suited your freelance situation superbly ... :shrug:

id buy it just for bomberman:D

Don't know that one but Monkey Ball makes amazing use of the iPhone's built in accelerometer ... :D

are you going with MobileMe Pete I would have thought it suited your freelance situation superbly ... :shrug:

Oh yeah. The push email facility is quicker than my gmail notifier on my Mac. Still need to setup the other things like the calendar and contacts.
I really want one of these phones now! Just seen my mates and it is lurvely...

Again an excellent pic Pete...
Saturday 12th July


I spent most of the afternoon running around buying frames. I needed 8 for an urgent client request. 5 x 80x60cm and 3 x 50x40. They all needed to be the same colour and I normally buy black but naturally B&Q were all out. So I went to another, all out. In the end I decided to go with oak. Nice enough. I found the iPhone was again super useful today. Instead of running around all the B&Q's I put the code number of the frame I wanted while in store and checked if another local had them. So off I went to where I thought the store was. Turns out it wasn't but yey for GPS. I got directions to where it actually was. Funnily enough after turning the first corner I found a new superstore that wasn't listed on the B&Q site and bought all my frames. Yey for iPhone. Oh and my car is now a giant speaker phone too, which is uber handy while on the road.

This shot was taken on my iPhone for funsies while I was waiting for the mounts to be cut at Gallery 2000 in Neston.
Its very much a 2mp camera on full auto. But if you're careful it can work.
Its very much a 2mp camera on full auto. But if you're careful it can work.

Oh well, I was hoping the new version would take a stab at an N95 style camera, but to be fair, it's not what the iPhone is about.

Liking this set, keep it up!

Sunday 14th July


Lovely Sunday afternoon spent at Parkgate enjoying ice-cream from the best ice-cream store in the North West.

Monday 15th July


Life just isn't as good as advertised.
Pete chin up boy, whats p*ssing you off. Amazing how 3 simple letters can get across so much emotion.

Spill the beans, we are listening!

Love the last few pictures mate, Not suprised to see the iPhone in your 365 one bit!

Chin up, you're an awesome photographer, whatever's bugging you it can't be that bad.

going well, keep at it.

there is only one niggle i got though, it was sun 13th and mon 14th;)
That iPhone picture is quite good, shows that it isn't the camera but the user as my friends iphone pictures are rubbish! :D

I love the icecream picture, makes me hungry!

Whats up, the last picture is brilliant, but it does convey a little sadness.. :(
I still haven't decided just how open I am going to be in this, which is annoying. In a years time how will I know what really affected me on a random day? But on the flipside its not something I'm ready to discuss with a web page.
what processing do you do as it looks great?

great set so far as well, keep them coming
The processing is an action bought from Totally Rad


Bit of a boring day today spent sorting prints. My Dad put them onto the mounts while I cut my fingers on the frames. Then I had to wrap them all in bubble wrap and deliver them. It takes a surprisingly long time to package 8 30x20'' prints. After I went to Starbucks for a vanilla creme frappuchino and brownie. I'm still loving my iPhone and used it to quickly chat on IRC and check my email while I relaxed.