Antc's 52 - 2010 - Week 52 - Ladybower Reservoir Jetty

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Happy new year everyone! After a lot of thought I have decided to do another 52. Hopefully a bit more creative than the last one, covering some different subjects and getting me out of my comfort zone. A very quick thanks to everyone kind enough to leave comments on my 2009 efforts and hopefully will get plenty of feedback on my 2010 efforts. Links to both parts of the 2009 blog can be seen below - 2009 pt1 2009 pt2

2010 - Week 1 - 2010, a new year and a picture of Me!


Happy new year everyone! I am going to start my 2010 blog with the first picture of me I have posted on here. I had to get some passport style shots done as apparently its been 10 years since I passed my driving test and my license needs to be renewed with an up to date picture of me on it. So along I went to one of those photo booths and had them done, but, only after listening to the instructions to not smile/frown/have anything on my head/look straight forward/adjust my seat/blah blah blah i ended up with 4 pictures of what looks like a lifeless/bored me! Hahaha. Anyway to make them slightly more interesting I have tried to make them look a bit old school with a sepia tone and concentrated on two of the 4 shots, one sharp and clear the other fading out. Im sure these effects would be frowned on by the DVLA but I dont care.
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I think it's a great starting these series' with self portraits, and this is another different way of doing it. Love the DOF. Makes your eyes really stand out.

Good luck with it. (y)
I think it's a great starting these series' with self portraits, and this is another different way of doing it. Love the DOF. Makes your eyes really stand out.

Good luck with it. (y)

Thanks Oli R C, very kind. I thought the dof added to the picture as well.
Week 2 - Wandering the Grantham Canal 2

IMG2.1 lightened%20to%20brighten%20snow.jpg

Back to one of my local spots for this weeks photo. Taking on the feedback from the "Wandering the Grantham Canal" photo I posted up here a few weeks back regarding way to much foreground and so on. So this time the image has changed slightly. First of all their has been a couple of inches of snowfall whereas last time is was just a little frosty. Second main change is I have made a square crop of the image. For me, I think this works a little better than the original. A little less foreground was, after consideration a good idea (why dont I think of these things first!), it wasnt adding anything to the picture having that unused space at the bottom. I think the snow has cetainly added another dimension here, its given it a real wintery cold feel. Lastly I have added a vignette to the image to really focus the eyes into the middle and down through the image along the pathway. Hopefully you will agree these changes have made an improvement from the original. As always I look forward to reading through your thoughts!
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I really like it, the contrast between the path and the bushes helps my eye lead around the photo which leads to the large tree in the background :)
Personally I'd increase the contrast slightly as it looks a bit flat, but apart from that its well done :D

Welcome back to the 52 trail Ant. A great pair of starting shots. The SP has worked well, is that a shot of a passport strip ? The Grantham Canal is getting some good press in your 52's.
I really like it, the contrast between the path and the bushes helps my eye lead around the photo which leads to the large tree in the background :)
Personally I'd increase the contrast slightly as it looks a bit flat, but apart from that its well done :D


Thanks! I will try tweaking the contrast and see how it comes out.
Welcome back to the 52 trail Ant. A great pair of starting shots. The SP has worked well, is that a shot of a passport strip ? The Grantham Canal is getting some good press in your 52's.

Thanks for dropping by. It is indeed a photo of a passport strip.
Indeed, the Grantham Canal is local to me within walking distance and I usually have the camera with me so have various shots of different locations!!

Glad you like them.
Week 3 - The Sky Mirror, Nottingham Playhouse


Taken on Tuesday evening whilst out in the city centre with my photography club. Its a lovely piece of contemporary art called "The Sky Mirror". The reason its called the sky mirror is becuase its angled towards the sky and reflects whats going on in its super polished stainless steel surface. It was designed by the internationally acclaimed and Turner prize winner Anish Kapoor. The Sky Mirror was unveiled on 27 April 2001 as part of the refurbishment of The Playhouse theatre. According to the theatres website this piece of art attracts over 100,000 visitors a year. So for your perusal here is my take on it. Thanks for visiting!
Week 4 - Eggcellent


Last weekend I was tasked with shooting something that I havent really done before, well not purposely anyway. I had to get some still life photos taken for a club competition on the following Tuesday. So I set about using my trusty aid google just to double check the exact definition and away I went. This weeks shot is one of the results I came up with. I was pretty happy with the shot once taken and processed and for me I thought it would make for a strong image in the comp. Along came Tuesday, looking forward to the evenings competition and banter with fellow club members. It was an eventful night, our judge was nearly an hour late, some confusion with the booking but he moved heaven and earth to get with us as soon as he could which was good of him. To cut a long story short this weeks blog image ended up being the winning photograph of our clubs still life competition! I have to say that I'm chuffed with the result. My 3 other images got 15, 17 and 17 which was also pleasing (all marks out of 20) All in all a good night I'm sure you will agree.
That mirror looks amazing Ant... I like the way you've shot it and got that tower in the reflection. I'm not sure you could have shot it from many other angles, and not been in it...

Well done on the comp and the still life images. Really like the Egg and the blue stripe reflected in that eggcup helps to set it off.

I like the teacups, but they don't have the same impact as the egg.

Sorry for missing the thread for a couple of weeks.
That mirror looks amazing Ant... I like the way you've shot it and got that tower in the reflection. I'm not sure you could have shot it from many other angles, and not been in it...

Well done on the comp and the still life images. Really like the Egg and the blue stripe reflected in that eggcup helps to set it off.

I like the teacups, but they don't have the same impact as the egg.

Sorry for missing the thread for a couple of weeks.

Hey no worries about missing it matey, really appreciate the comments. Your feedback pretty much matches the external feedback i have recieved on the images too.

Thanks! (y)
Week 6 - I-Phone


This shot completes a hatrick of still life shots that I have recently shot for a a club competition. Hopefully the weather will improve a little this week and I can get out somewhere in the fresh air with my camera!
WANT ONE!!!!!... Love the angle, and I can see you've been using it quite a bit, based on the battery :D... It looks like there's some odd lighting going on across the face though Ant. There's a shadow from the lower left running through the home button, and I think you've lost some of the contrast from the screen because of it. Not that I have much clue of lighting something like this though ;)
jgs001 thanks for commenting. I think i have a fair bit still left to learn about lighting to be fair. I should however have seen the reflection so thats a lesson learned!
Week 7 - 2010 Nottingham Light Night - 1


This week saw the start of Nottingham Light Night 2010. Its the third year in a row this event has taken place and it seems to get bigger and better every year. Professional lighting and pyrotechnics artists showed off their skill by lighting up various parts of the city centre along with some impressive firework displays from places such as the castle roof. The so called "Nottingham eye" was also shipped in for the event allowing some great views across the city. All in all a good night, great atmosphere and generally nice place to be.
I like that. lovely colours and the motion in the wheel and people is excellent. It's probably just me, but it looks like it's leaning over backwards...

It also looks like a small lake on your right, and I would love to see what the wheel and reflection look like if you got one ;)...

I also can't believe no one else has seen this thread...
I like that. lovely colours and the motion in the wheel and people is excellent. It's probably just me, but it looks like it's leaning over backwards...

It also looks like a small lake on your right, and I would love to see what the wheel and reflection look like if you got one ;)...

I also can't believe no one else has seen this thread...

Shucks thanks matey! The "leaning over backwards" is the effect of my 17-40 lens on my full frame camera. Its is indeed in the right a water feature. I had a shot sort of similar on my blog from 2009 which shows the reflection, have a look see what ya think, the link is in my signiture.

With regard to others not seeing the thread i am not sure, didnt get too many comments on last years blog either compared to most :bang:
Week 8 - 2010 Nottingham Light Night - 2


A second image from my 2010 Nottingham Light Night set. I think one has different qualities to the first one, you can see much more of the reflections of the wheel in the water feature. Also I like the fact you can see the buildings on both sides of the square leading down to the focal points of the wheel and Council House.
Even better than last weeks Ant. The water feature has been put to good use there. And I like the extra buildings on the left. A big (y)
Week 9 - 2010 Nottingham Light Night - 3


My third and final image from Light Night 2010. This time a view of the castle with the specially installed gas lanterns which where constantly blowing large amounts of fire from them and making loud hissing noises. Also there was a laser display being projected onto the side of the castle which was quite nice too.
That's very atmospheric Ant. Love the flaming lanterns and the mistiness. I'm not sure the laser has worked quite so well with a 30s exposure, I'd no idea what that was looking at the image (maybe it's worked well after all ;))...
That's very atmospheric Ant. Love the flaming lanterns and the mistiness. I'm not sure the laser has worked quite so well with a 30s exposure, I'd no idea what that was looking at the image (maybe it's worked well after all ;))...

Cheers (y)

I think perhaps the only point of the image that isnt 100% is the laser onto the wall, you can clearly see that something is being projected but not exactly what.

Good point, I just thought it showed that there was a laser show onto the side of the castle even though you cant make out what it is :bonk:
Week 10 - Mallory Park Buildbase Trophy


Sunday 7th March 2010, I have been looking forward to this date for a while knowing that it was the start of the club level motorsport season at Mallory Park. I have had a self enforced break from shooting motorsports for a good few months now to concentrate on other subjects but it was great to be back in the thick of the action today. Can't be the smell of good old two stroke and petrol fumes! Took me a while to get back into it, technique was a little rusty but by mid morning all was flowing well and I began to bag a lot of decent photos. This weeks shot was taken just after the hairpin as the rider was furiously accelerating, so much so that his front wheel lifted clean off the floor! To say I havent shot motorsport in anger for a while I am happy with this shot! Hopefully over the coming months as the motorsport season really gets going then there will be many more like this to come!
Nicely done Any... shovelling on the power there isn't he. Bet that was a tricky pan with the vertical motion component of the wheelie.
Nicely done Any... shovelling on the power there isn't he. Bet that was a tricky pan with the vertical motion component of the wheelie.

Hi jgs001, Thanks, it was a little tricky mainly due to my rustyness to be fair. Really pleased with it for such an early shot in the season and i can only hope that things will get better. It was just nice to be out at the track again!
Week 11 - Mallory Park Buildbase Trophy 2


Another from a series taken at the Mallory Park Buildbase Trophy 2010. As you can see for this weeks and last weeks image the lighting was quite tricky, especially on bikes and helmets that were white in colour as it was easy to blow the highlights. What you also find when you have harsh light is the amount of stong shadows which could be found under the wheel arches of the bikes for example. I think i have done a pretty good job at keeping detail in these shots. I am getting more and more impressed with my 100-400 lens at the moment, as long as i have the light this lens can pull out some stunning images.
I like it Ant, that's come out very well. The strong light does look a bit harsh, but it's well controlled. Looks like he got his number wrong too ;)
Hi Ant, I'm so sorry I've neglected your thread this year. Life's been manic and I was withut my computer for nearly 3 weeks. I'm still trying to catch up. :)

I absolutely love your Nottingham Light Night shots. If I had to pick a favourite it would be #2, by a whisker, because I love the variation in light from the wheel and the Council House in the background, and the people at the foot of the wheel lend scale.

I love the nice clean graphic quality of the still lifes (lives?) too.

The bike shots - mm, know nothing about such things, but the Bournemouth Kawasaki shot appeals purely because of the Kawasaki green against the green crash barriers. :)

I'll try and keep up from now on. :D

Week 12 - Big City, bright lights


Back to one of my Light Night images for this week. Havent had any time for photography the past couple of weeks so I decided to go back and re process one or two of these images. I have added a sepia tone to this one, which I think has given this modern shot on old look. For me it works well, I like the construction of the image, how the shapes fit together in the frame to create a visually pleasing photograph. I look forward to hearing what you all think to this photograph.
It works for me Ant... I like it. There's an amazing amount of light coming off that wheel. the slight blur of motion really helps set it off. The feel is good.
Week 13 - DK Racing sidecar


This weeks image comes from a recent trip to the Mallory Park Buildbase Trophy event. This time its from the sidecar race. In some ways you may think this image looks a little static but thats due to the shutter speed used to freeze the action. Clearly if the sidecar was really static the "crazy" passenger that leans in and out of the cart would not be lent half over towards the driver. I think this has come out well, I like the strong red colour of the sidecar and I also like the fact you can see an expression on the passengers face. I look forward to reading all your comments so please take a few seconds to let me know what you think! Thanks and have a great week!
Ant, it's a good shot, wonderful colours, and the expression on his face is clear... looks like he's trying to follow the corners... It does look a bit static, except for the lean as you say... I like it.
Ant, it's a good shot, wonderful colours, and the expression on his face is clear... looks like he's trying to follow the corners... It does look a bit static, except for the lean as you say... I like it.

Thanks for popping by and commenting i do appreciate it!
Week 14 - Nottingham Science Park


Happy easter everyone! Today is easter Sunday and some glorious weather today! Makes a nice change after all the horrid rain we have had in Nottingham recently. So out with the camera I went and the order of the day was to shoot some funky buildings. Where better to start but the Nottingham Science Park. These buildings are covered in some really nice standout colours, greens, yellows and oranges. I really like them, they look cool, fresh and modern. While I was out we had a shower of rain and just before this we had a real build up of moody grey cloud overhead. I happened to be just in the right position to caputure this over the building I was shooting. Its come out pretty moody and the buildings really stand out against the sky. I have got some interesting foreground interest with the reeds which were barely as high as the decking the last time I visited. So as always I look forward to your comments and thoughts on this photo. Thanks and have a great week!
Happy Easter Ant... They really are vivid those buildings aren't they. And they are set off so well by that moody grey sky. I really like it. The only thing about it that's a little niggly for me, and I really don't know what could be done about it without losing some aspect of the rest of the image is the V of the decks... I'm not sure... perhaps if the line on the left hand joined the edge at the bottom or some such...