Antc's 52 - 2010 - Week 52 - Ladybower Reservoir Jetty

Happy Easter Ant... They really are vivid those buildings aren't they. And they are set off so well by that moody grey sky. I really like it. The only thing about it that's a little niggly for me, and I really don't know what could be done about it without losing some aspect of the rest of the image is the V of the decks... I'm not sure... perhaps if the line on the left hand joined the edge at the bottom or some such...

Wonderfully surreal! The reflections of those great clouds in the windows make this shot work really well and nice pp!

Thanks for the feedback :)
Week 15 - A Squidger and his seeds


Had a trip to Attenborough nature reserve this morning with the intention of shooting some birds. This proved to be much harder than I imagined. I came back with no useable images of birds at all but now firmly believe I have the answer! Either a 5000mm F2.8 of a rifle haha So as I was walking around I caught sight of this little guy so I opened fire on him and caught him eating his seeds or grain. Think its turned out ok, decided on the b&w conversion as I didnt think keeping the colour was adding anything.
It's a cracking shot of the squidger Ant... lovely details and textures in his fur that the mono has bought out well. As for birds... I have to agree, but carrying that thing is gonna be a total mare :D... I tried at 1200mm f/15 (it's a telescope so it's fixed) manual focus and it's damned hard.
It's a cracking shot of the squidger Ant... lovely details and textures in his fur that the mono has bought out well. As for birds... I have to agree, but carrying that thing is gonna be a total mare :D... I tried at 1200mm f/15 (it's a telescope so it's fixed) manual focus and it's damned hard.

Cheers. Agree carrying round such a lens would require a full time assistant haha just for that lens. Agree though its very hard but I will not be beaten, will be trying again shortly.

I think this works well in B&W, nice shot.


Week 16 - Notts Sunday Football League, Premier One - Cotgrave FC vs Half Moon


After going along to a sports photography talk at our camera club Tuesday just gone I was inspired to go out and shoot some action shots myself. The sport of choice was football and the team in question would be my local team Cotgrave FC. This is the only the second time I have shot a football match, the first time being around two years ago so nothing recent. The lighting conditions were very good if a little bright at times which gave potential issues with blow out on whote shorts and of course the football. Other than that it was a case of anticipating where the ball would go and the action would take place. This weeks shot has been chosen becuase it combines action and a small dose of pain for the striker as the goalies fist and elbow lands into the back of his head! Not a lot I could do with the background as with a lot of local pitches houses back onto them. All in all it was a good few hours work I think, lovely weather and some good sporting action. Hopeing to shoot some more football in the coming weeks before the season ends.
Really like the Science park shot. Lovely colours and composition. HDR by any chance?

The squirrel is a nice shot. Well framed but I'd like to see the colour version as the B&W treatment isn't doing much for me.

And I can't really comment on footie shots as I have nothing to do with football at all! Very good action shot though from my point of view and the puffed up cheek expression is amusing.

Week 17 - Notts Sunday Football League, Premier One - Cotgrave FC vs Half Moon - 2


Another from the set I took from last weekends football.
Great actions shots on the footie Ant, I don't follow, watch of play footie, so I can't really comment fully...
Week 18 - Swan Lake


Well hello readers, hope your weekends are going well. Hopefully mine will be as when you read this I will be photographing some awesome scenery in Glencoe, Scotland. So this weekends photo comes to you from a localish canal (not so much of a lake but I liked the title) This was totally a "right place, right time" shot. I was actually photographing a swan on its nest with eggs when some geese came flying down the canal toward where it was. "Daddy swan" pictured here decided he wasnt having any of it and retaliated and safe to say the geese turned round sharpish and landed in a near by field. The swan then landed in the canal causing a nice big splash which I have managed to capture before then climbing up into the same field as the geese and proceeded to usher them away further from the nest for a good 5 minutes. So not only did I manage to capture what is my first swan in flight/landing in water shot which I rather like but I got to see a swan protecting his nest. So thats all from me for now and hopefully in the coming weeks there will be some rather nice landscapes for you to be perusing.
Hi Ant.

How have I managed to get through 16 weeks of this 52 without once stumbling into your thread ?????
There are some great shots there too.

Far too many for me to catch up on all of them, but I really like your wildlife stuff - the squirrel with its nuts and the swan that you posted this week are both beautiful.

Now I've found this I'll try by best to keep up to date.
Sorry I've got a little behind with your thread, Ant! :)

The squidger is top class - lovely shot. (y)

The football ones are full of action and expression, but don't particularly float my boat - that's not a criticism of your photography, and I know shooting any sport is a 'mare. :)

However, the swan coming in for a well-timed splash down is fabulous! It even looks as though he's checking his reflection in the water - and what a reflection it is, too. You must be thrilled to bits with this one. I know I would be. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. :clap::clap::clap:

:clap::clap::clap: Stunning shot of that swan Ant, very well done, and spot on shot. I'm with Jean, fantastic and I'd be thrilled to have captured something like that.
Another +1 for the great Swan shot. Very difficult to time it right and catching the reflection has worked very well.

Good stuff!

Hi Ant.

How have I managed to get through 16 weeks of this 52 without once stumbling into your thread ?????
There are some great shots there too.

Far too many for me to catch up on all of them, but I really like your wildlife stuff - the squirrel with its nuts and the swan that you posted this week are both beautiful.

Now I've found this I'll try by best to keep up to date.

Sorry I've got a little behind with your thread, Ant! :)

The squidger is top class - lovely shot. (y)

The football ones are full of action and expression, but don't particularly float my boat - that's not a criticism of your photography, and I know shooting any sport is a 'mare. :)

However, the swan coming in for a well-timed splash down is fabulous! It even looks as though he's checking his reflection in the water - and what a reflection it is, too. You must be thrilled to bits with this one. I know I would be. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. :clap::clap::clap:


:clap::clap::clap: Stunning shot of that swan Ant, very well done, and spot on shot. I'm with Jean, fantastic and I'd be thrilled to have captured something like that.

Another +1 for the great Swan shot. Very difficult to time it right and catching the reflection has worked very well.

Good stuff!


Wow, fantastic shot of the Swan.

Wow, loads of comments this week, by far the most this year for one weeks shot which is awesome! Thanks (y)

Dont worry if you have missed my 52 so far, there are so many to keep up with one persons 52 can drop down a page or two very quickly!
Week 19 - Rannoch Moor, Glencoe


This week sees the first in a series of shots from my recent trip up north to Glencoe, Scotland. What a wonderful place it is to photograph, lots of stunning scenery if a little baron but that definately adds to the photographs. This trip also gave me my first chance to try out my new Lee filter system that I have had sat on my desk since the Focus on Imaging show earlier in the year. The new filters certainly came in very handy indeed and really helped to bring out the mood in the sky on a lot of the photographs I took. This was an early morning venture out onto the moor, infact it was taken at 05.55, a time of day I usually like to spend in the warmth of my comfy bed! However, it was well worth the early start! We didnt have the best of weather for our weekend away, it was mainly grey moody skys all the way, with lovely sunshine and clouds reserved for the trip there and back which of course was spent in the car!
What a beautiful landscape.

Out of curiosity, which filters did you use, and why did you go B&W? Not criticising your choice, but that looks like a lovely landscape, and I just wondered what teh colour version looked like.

Is it a pano crop, or multkiple images stitched together?

Very nice work.

Ah... what a lovely peaceful scene Ant. Love the reflections and details. The B&W does work nicely, but I too am wondering what the colour looks like.
Lochan na h-Achlaise !

One of my regular haunts. Bit of a pain parking just now cause of the bridge work.
What a beautiful landscape.

Out of curiosity, which filters did you use, and why did you go B&W? Not criticising your choice, but that looks like a lovely landscape, and I just wondered what teh colour version looked like.

Is it a pano crop, or multkiple images stitched together?

Very nice work.



For this shot I was using a Lee 0.9 (3 stop) soft grad for the sky. I went for B&W becuase at the time of morning I took the image, pre 6am the light/colour temp was very cool (quite blue) I am becoming quite a fan of B&W and am always looking for a good landscape thats worthy of conversion. I shall upload the colour one very shortly. Hope that covers everything, if not just shout. Thanks for your comments too.

Ah... what a lovely peaceful scene Ant. Love the reflections and details. The B&W does work nicely, but I too am wondering what the colour looks like.

See above, will upload the unedited colour version shortly.

Lochan na h-Achlaise !

One of my regular haunts. Bit of a pain parking just now cause of the bridge work.

I knew I might have got the wrong name. Thanks for pointing it out. It is just on the opposite side of the road though so perhaps i can be forgiven? Parking wasnt so bad, due to the time we were out and about we parked in the works layby both days just before the bridge. Such a lovely place though I want to go back asap!
Below is the unedited colour version as it came out of the camera aside from the rectangular panoramic crop I gave it.


I decided that I prefered the B&W so didnt really persue a colour version too much.
Week 20 - The road to nowhere


Another from my Glencoe set. I am pleased with the way this one has come out. I have spent a little while processing it, using some methods I have only just started using. I am sometimes a bit lazy and take shortcuts in Lightroom, so what I have been doing is learning photoshop more and doing stuff in there......been good fun actually trying out different ways of doing things, as always there are 10 ways or more to skin a cat. This shot is taken on the main road that passes through Glencoe, literally one way in and out. As I was saying last week its quite baron around here, so I thought at the time of taking this it looks like a road to no where hence this weeks title. So processing on this was mainly around removing a few dust bunnies, burning in the sky, dodging the land either side of the road to bring out some more detail then a final burn on the road. So hopefully that explains everything. I look forward to hearing what you all think.
Week 21 - Moody morning, Glencoe


Third from my series of Glencoe shots. Not long now before we have a change of subject for those of you wanting to see something different. I like the b&w treatment, it works well and also helps to bring out the cloudy sky. Let me know what you think.
Sorry I missed last week Ant... the colour version... I'm in two minds... I think the colour works, but needs something doing to it, the B&W is very good and stands.

The road, I really like it, it works for me.

The third one works... but ... there's something, I can't put my finger on it... that's not quite doing it. Sorry that's no help at all is it ...
Another couple of stunning images since my last catchup. I'm beginning to think a themed 52 was a bit too much rather than just enjoying my photography like you clearly seem to be.

I particularly like the road shot and the effort you took on the PP shows. Really nice lines and composition. It's a strong image in my mind. Was it truly just a bit of dodge and burn?

I think the B&W version of the week before was a good choice. There's not much in the way of colour coming through and it works really well as it is.

Your final shot isn't as strong for me, but I'm really comparing it to the others. There's nothing wrong with it, I just prefer the others. Sorry that's not much help.

Sorry I missed last week Ant... the colour version... I'm in two minds... I think the colour works, but needs something doing to it, the B&W is very good and stands.

The road, I really like it, it works for me.

The third one works... but ... there's something, I can't put my finger on it... that's not quite doing it. Sorry that's no help at all is it ...

Thanks for commenting! I agree with you about the colour one, I have found that no matter what I do to it, I can get a good picture but it just doesnt look as good as the B&W.

I like the third one becuase of its minimalism. But my problem is deciding which is my favourite, I just cant make my mind up half the time lol :bonk:

Another couple of stunning images since my last catchup. I'm beginning to think a themed 52 was a bit too much rather than just enjoying my photography like you clearly seem to be.

I particularly like the road shot and the effort you took on the PP shows. Really nice lines and composition. It's a strong image in my mind. Was it truly just a bit of dodge and burn?

I think the B&W version of the week before was a good choice. There's not much in the way of colour coming through and it works really well as it is.

Your final shot isn't as strong for me, but I'm really comparing it to the others. There's nothing wrong with it, I just prefer the others. Sorry that's not much help.


Well after last years 52 I did think about joining the themed 52, but in the end I decided to keep it open, then it can follow me and flow with whatever I am upto. Thanks for commenting and I am glad you like the road shot, I think its one of my better ones from recent shots perhaps........It was 95% dodge and burn with a little LR clarity and vibrance added in too.

Thanks again to all who commented on this weeks image (y)
Week 22 - The falls of River Coupall in the shadow of Buchaille Etive Mor


Forth image in the series shot at Glencoe.
Week 23 - Train Yard


Rcently visited the Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre and had access all areas pass. Had a good wander round, took shots of some interesting things and this is one that caught my eye.
Week 24 - Orchid


Something a little different this week. I went out with only my macro lens the other night as I very rarely use it so decided to give it a blast. Now normally when shooting macro I would have had the head of the orchid absolutely full frame, as this is what I understood macro shooting to be, huge full frame images full of detail super close up! Well a good friend I was out shooting with, we shall call him Mr Brown, pointed out that macro shots dont always have to be like this and infact you can take a macro shot and show the surroundings of the subject as well! So this weeks photo is just that, a shot of an orchid in its natural surroundings. A natural history picture if you will (my first one I think)
Love the falls shot Ant... mono really suits the moon

There's some great lines through the trainyard image, I think it works well... grubby train though :D

I like the orchid in it's surroundings, a nice image. I understood that macro means that the image on the sensor is the same size as the object, so in close and detailed. But, I've read that macro lenses, being really sharp, do a great job on other subjects too, and I think this shows that nicely.
Love the falls shot Ant... mono really suits the moon

There's some great lines through the trainyard image, I think it works well... grubby train though :D

I like the orchid in it's surroundings, a nice image. I understood that macro means that the image on the sensor is the same size as the object, so in close and detailed. But, I've read that macro lenses, being really sharp, do a great job on other subjects too, and I think this shows that nicely.

Hi John,

Glad you agree with the mono treatment from the falls shot, I think it suits it better than colour.

I also like the grubbiness of the train to as I think it adds to the mood. A super clean train I dont think would have had the same effect.

Agree with you on macro lenses having other uses too, mine makes a nice portrait lens i think.
Week 25 - Penmon Lighthouse


Just got back from a weekend away in North Wales with my photographic society so here is a photo I have processed before I fall asleep at the keyboard!! Not a lot more to say at this point apart from it being a very enjoyable weekend.
I really like that Ant... the water is just about right, the low sun has really set this off... I've been debating if the dots in the sky are birds or dust... but given the exposure is 2.5 seconds... I'm gonna guess at dust...
I think you may well be right in saying they are dust! I was so tired when I processed the shot I didnt even see them! Now they are obvious when I look at it!

Thanks for the feedback though!
Week 26 - Penmon Lighthouse 2


Second shot in my series from Wales. Same lighthouse as the first shot (hence the title haha) but a totally different vantage point. Let me know what you think.