Antc's 52 - 2010 - Week 52 - Ladybower Reservoir Jetty

Really glad you like it John! Its the first time I have attempted this and it worked exactly as I imagined!

Thinking of printing and framing this for the office wall :)
Week 42 - Drop Art


Had a very enjoyable week off this week :) Had a trip out to Clumber park on Monday which is where this photo was taken from. Been meaning to try this for a while and just never got round to it. I reckon it would work very well also when the bluebells come back next year. Quite a simple technique really, set a slowish shutter speed and then just move the camera down a little while the shutter is open which causes the movement blur.
Interesting, how much movement was there Ant ? I rather like the abstractness... As for last weeks.. go for it... get it printed and put up somewhere.
Interesting, how much movement was there Ant ? I rather like the abstractness... As for last weeks.. go for it... get it printed and put up somewhere.

Hi John,

Just a small amount of movement downwards. I started off with the sky in the top of the picture, fired the shutter then moved down maybe about 1 foot or so before the shutter closed.

Hope that makes sense!
Week 43 - Waltzer!


Had a trip out to Ilkeston fair this weekend to take a few pictures. I think this one came out pretty well. The aim was to show colour, movement and excitement!
Week 44 - Speeding Mustang


This rather cool shot was taken at Mallory Park last weekend at the "Top Hat Race Day" I was there with a couple of good friends, all three of us struggling to keep warm and hold our cameras steady! Was a really lovely day weather wise, nice autumn sunshine and some really cool cars. The era all the cars were from was 1950's to 70's touring car series. Some of them really sounded immense though. This weeks Mustang was one of them, it had the sound of America about it (v8 engine burble) All in all a really good day.
Week 45 - Nottingham by Night - 1


Taken on a recent trip out around Nottingham. The idea of this shot for me was to capture the traffic trails around what I am sure we all know as BBC island. I wanted to try and get a perfect loop of light with the traffic coming down from London Road, round the island then back up London Road on the other side. The light would of course change from headlights to breaklights about halfway round. I think this has just about been achieved but there were far more cars coming in then there were going back up the other side.
Sorry Ant, missed your thread for a couple of weeks...

Not sure on the waltzer, it works and certainly shows Colour and Movement though.

I like the Mustang, some movement in the wheels

You've certainly achieved what you set out to in that last one. I like it... I'm still to try light trails but I like that style of them.
Sorry Ant, missed your thread for a couple of weeks...

Not sure on the waltzer, it works and certainly shows Colour and Movement though.

I like the Mustang, some movement in the wheels

You've certainly achieved what you set out to in that last one. I like it... I'm still to try light trails but I like that style of them.

Hey no worries and thanks so much for the comments!

Light trails are good fun!
Week 46 - Abandoned Church


Well what a night I had on Friday evening shooting an abandoned church! It was amazing! We had a good play with painting light with torches and flashguns and learnt plenty! Was something I hadnt done before but had been meaning to try. This weeks shot is actually taken towards the end of the session, with just a tiny but of light painted onto the wall (cant remember if it was a torch or a flashgun we used) but I think this has come out rather well. I love the colour of the sky and the fact you can see all the stars as well! I would definately recomend doing this to anyone, its so much fun and you can get some really cool shots!!
I like that Ant... very nice... good to learn new stuff too... I can't see any obvious patterns to work out what part of the sky you were looking at.
I like that Ant... very nice... good to learn new stuff too... I can't see any obvious patterns to work out what part of the sky you were looking at.

Thanks John!

I am surprised the stars show so well given the exposure time i would have expected them to have gone into little trails.

Not sure why that didnt happen?
Week 47 - Abandoned Church - 2


This is the 2nd in the series from a recent abandoned church shoot I did. I like this one, it has an eerie feel to it. Almost as if a ghost or random person may walk through the doorway at any time!! It was taken from the inside of the church with a flash gun fired from the outside through the windows and doorway you can see.
Regarding your stars... you were probably borderline on trailing... the 24mm on full frame is a bit less than 18mm on crop, and in the right point of the sky, 18mm at 30s is about max without trailing. If you pixel peep the stars do they look ever so slightly trailed ? If so, you just about got away with it.

I really like the church windows, nicely lit, and the effect is pretty moody.
Week 48 - Smarties!!


Had a rather nice week off work and had to begin work on shooting some macro/close up shots for an upcoming competition at my camera club. For this weeks shot this was only my second go using extension tubes which proved interesting. The tubes I used didnt allow me to control the aperture of the shot, they opened my lens right upto F2.8 and also forced me to manual focus. Not a massive issue as such, just meant that I needed to be super accurate with my focus as F2.8 on a macro lens isnt going to give you very much depth of field at all!!! I set my smarties out in coloured rows and then decided I would add one red one right into the middle which would be the one I would focus on. I think its worked well, its a nice colourful image, the red smartie is as sharp as its going to get at 2.8 and I like the way the smarties run in diagonal coloured lines through the frame. Let me know what you all think!
Week 49 - Strawberry and cream


Something rather tasty for you all this week :) An enjoyable shoot as once finished I was able to eat my props which is always a bonus! This was setup in a studio environment, using studio lights and was a very good experience learning more about how to use them to achieve certain lighting effects. Its absolutely something I want to learn a lot more about and not just for this type of shot either. As always please let me have your thoughts on this weeks photo, good bad or indifferent and also if you have any suggestions of how it could be improved!
Week 50 - Surprise View, Derbyshire


This week I had a trip out to Derbyshire with a couple of friends from camera club. It was the recomendation of one of them to visit this place as it had spectacular views! Well they werent wrong on that part. It was very nice. Just we could have done to be about an hour earlier getting to the summit. That hour was however spent in a little tea shop keeping warm and drinking a nice cup of rosie lea! :) When we did make it out of the shop and to the destination we had enough time to bag maybe a couple of shots, one of which is this weeks blog photo. So my tip of the week is to spend less time drinking tea, or at least get there early enough to have time to drink tea and make it to your chosen position in plenty of time to prepare!! Was all good fun anyway and good company too! Definately worth a few more visits to this place and to the Peak District! Its an awesome place with potential for so much good photography!
Again you have managed to get some great images for your themes!
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50 - great to awesome images!! :)

I went to a lecture by a photographer I forget his name now, he was a Doctor/Photographer who did lots of work in India - anyway he shown us some ok images, then he shown the same images but taken at the 'right time' of day, and it made the shot! It is SO important especially to getting those little seen images.

Well done, sorry not stopped by often lots going on :/
Again you have managed to get some great images for your themes!
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50 - great to awesome images!! :)

I went to a lecture by a photographer I forget his name now, he was a Doctor/Photographer who did lots of work in India - anyway he shown us some ok images, then he shown the same images but taken at the 'right time' of day, and it made the shot! It is SO important especially to getting those little seen images.

Well done, sorry not stopped by often lots going on :/

Thanks very much! I too find it hard to keep up with everything but I must make an effort to get commenting on others work!

Time of day/lighting and so on REALLY makes the photos I absolutely agree with you on that one!!

Week 51 - Kiwi Macro


Well what a week. Been rather busy with loads of things including christmas shopping! Not really had any time for photography at all. So for my second to last blog shot of the year I am pulling one from my macro comp shots that didnt actually make it into the final selection. This was again done using studio lighting but could easily be done with a speedlight flash gun. After much experimentation I decided it was best to use a fairly thick slice of kiwi as the thinner slices the colour faded out of them too easily for the effect and detail levels I wanted. The thicker the slice the less quickly the light got through. I think the shot has worked out well, its highly detailed, very punchy and just a shame it didnt make it into the comp as it might have got me a 3rd place to go with my 1st and 2nd! :)
Week 52 - Ladybower Reservoir Jetty


Merry christmas to you all! Yes I am a day late and it was yesterday but even so! Needed to get out of the house today for some fresh air and to get some photos so myself and good friend Gillain decided to head over to Derbyshire so see what we could get. Ladybower wasnt the intended destination but it certainly made for a few good photos I think (hopefully Gillian will confirm this) Once again, as with our last trip out to Derbyshire we didnt have too much time to bag the shots we wanted before the light dissapeared! Even so we had a good time, got some fresh air and excercised the cameras a little! So what better way to sign off 2010 blog than with a snowy black and white photo at christmas! Hope you have all enjoyed yourselves and I would like to wish you all a Happy and prosperous new year! Thanks again for all your support in 2010!
Some really great stuff in the last few weeks Ant... sorry I've not been getting in and commenting. Love the Kiwi macro (y)