assaulted when taking photos

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Im 22 and recently got into photography. Through talking about it I also recruited my fiances brother who is now doing a tog course at school. Part of his course is to take pictures of water and relection so, being a still night, I took him down to the clyde opposite the type 45 destroyers being constructed in the docs.

After getting quite a few decent long exposures with fascinating reflections, we started to walk back to my car. On the walk we found a great statue and set up again when 2 young boys and a girl, highly intoxicated, meandered along and started trying to push my tripod over. After 10 minutes of arguing and trying to diffuse the situation the smaller of the two (17 and with a clear napolean complex) became more hostile and punched me full force in the side of the head. Obviously shaken that I didnt hit the deck he ran off with his counterparts.

Upon returning home I informed the police who came out and interviewed me. They then told me that a) they will never catch them (despite an incredibly accurate description of the people) b) that if they find out I hit them back then I will be prosecuted as they are minors (what a joke) and finally c) that its a dangerous area that they dont even go to and that I should just not go there.

So in conclusion, you cant defend yourself, police wont get them, and its my fault for wanting to take photos. Smashing!!!!!

I had a cretin attack me nearly 3 years ago, in front of a PCSO & Community Warden. The PCSO just said "I'm not looking, get on with it" and left me to deal with him :)
had similar experience, the coppers were more interetsed in the football on my tv than taking statement. Wouldn't have even thought about going out at night with my camera though- too many @rseholes about in the UK. Luckily for me here I (and a lot of other folk) walk around with cameras on show with virtually no worries.
What a joke! If any of us went to our work and didnt do our duties we are fired. Im not saying all police are lazy ( I know many top notch officers and the officers who dealt with an incident with my fiances uncle were absolutely excellent) but there are a few who really do need their P45s in the post

@ Darth

I normally would only do night photography in the countryside but it was for a course and he needed pics. The clydeside seemed yhe perfect place. But my point is we shouldnt have to feel threatened to go out. Otherwise a great many awesome photos will never be created.
Um, isn't this a photography forum? I'm sure there are plenty of places you can go to have a rant about the police if that's what your hobby is.
I was talking about taking pictures. And if you read my other post i said im not against the police, just the ones who dealt with that.

If you have nothing constructive to talk about then heres an idea- dont post
paulf1990 said:
If you have nothing constructive to talk about then heres an idea- dont post

Jon's was a constructive post. The photography element is a side issue to your story tbh.
Unfortunately its experiences like these, and many others that Ive experienced, that have led me to the conclusion that I cannot rely on the police force to do what they are supposed to do.

They took a very uncaring and "I dont give a damn" approach when I was assaulted, when I had my garage broken into several times, when I had a motorbike stolen, having local kids trying to put through windows and play chicken on the road when Im on my motorbike (even though this last example had gotten a motorcyclist killed less than half a mile away).

The only time they were ever useful was more down to luck, as they had come to detain me / take a statement at my house for an assault on someone else as I had been videoed on a phone beating the hell out of a little twirp. The boys mother had seen the video and taken the phone and marched her boy straight to the police station to show the police. Luckily for me, the police also viewed the previous recording of what had happened before the fight which the mother hadnt in her fit of rage. It was of the boy and several of his friends, lighting and firing several fireworks at me narrowly missing me. I was let off scott free after giving a small statement. I should also probably point out now, that the boy was 2 years younger than me and it happened when I was 17.

I only go to the police now if I need a crime report number for whatever reason, such as insurance claims.
Sympathies on the incident, sadly avoidance appears to be best course of action but it surely sounds like a case of anti-social behaviour that needs to be investigated. If the police aren't willing to do anything about it, can't you write to your local MP and ask their advice?
No it wasnt. As i concluded part of my annoyance is the whole point that the police's answer was dont go and take photos. Its about that as much as the rest
you can defend yourself, you can't however go after people after the fact and assault them. The police are being realistic with the chances of finding them too.

personally I'd not be down at Xscape late at night - heck there are plenty of scum down there during the day lol

Im 22 and recently got into photography. Through talking about it I also recruited my fiances brother who is now doing a tog course at school. Part of his course is to take pictures of water and relection so, being a still night, I took him down to the clyde opposite the type 45 destroyers being constructed in the docs.

After getting quite a few decent long exposures with fascinating reflections, we started to walk back to my car. On the walk we found a great statue and set up again when 2 young boys and a girl, highly intoxicated, meandered along and started trying to push my tripod over. After 10 minutes of arguing and trying to diffuse the situation the smaller of the two (17 and with a clear napolean complex) became more hostile and punched me full force in the side of the head. Obviously shaken that I didnt hit the deck he ran off with his counterparts.

Upon returning home I informed the police who came out and interviewed me. They then told me that a) they will never catch them (despite an incredibly accurate description of the people) b) that if they find out I hit them back then I will be prosecuted as they are minors (what a joke) and finally c) that its a dangerous area that they dont even go to and that I should just not go there.

So in conclusion, you cant defend yourself, police wont get them, and its my fault for wanting to take photos. Smashing!!!!!

Mr_v_s I have considered this. Glasgow and surrounding areas have spent millions on regeneration of the clydeside walkways to boost tourism and really have done a sterling job. For these scenes to be unphotographable (if thats a word) is a real shame.
Poah they meant if i assaulted them at the time of the incident. I would have to intension od going after them but they said if i touched him at the time I would be prosecuted.

I know its a bad area but i live just up from xcape and the fiances bro needed pics.

Still I did get some decent shots so not totally a wasted night.

Upon returning home I informed the police who came out and interviewed me. They then told me that a) they will never catch them (despite an incredibly accurate description of the people) b) that if they find out I hit them back then I will be prosecuted as they are minors (what a joke) and finally c) that its a dangerous area that they dont even go to and that I should just not go there.......


It's esentially a "fob off" as they can't be bothered basically.

Certainly they should not be lying about the law as you are entitled to use "reasonable force" in self defence, minor or no minor!
Um, isn't this a photography forum? I'm sure there are plenty of places you can go to have a rant about the police if that's what your hobby is.

Jon's was a constructive post. The photography element is a side issue to your story tbh.

Nice bit of TP Community spirit there guys - even if your points are relevant.:shake:

Also a sad indictment that pursuing your hobby can mean you end up with a slapping. Mind you POAH makes a good point - not sure I'd go to some areas of Manc or the 'Pool at night...certainly not alone :nono:
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Yes Im sure in the situation if I had retaliated it could have swung in my direction especially given that I had a 17 and 13 year old in my care at the time.

But as they were there I coudnt put them at risk of attack ad also, with my job working in some high security govt installations, any criminal case would jepordise that. With a baby due at the end of the month its a risk I just cant take!

cyclamens said:
Nice bit of TP Community spirit there guys - even if your points are relevant.:shake:

I get the fact that he's hacked off, and justifiably so, but this should be in OOF (as was) rather than in Talk Photography!
Maybe Ill dig out the old batman halloween costume and clean up these streets :p
I was doing a little nature capturing and I got attacked by a swarm of bees!!! LOL I won tho...:LOL:
Poah they meant if i assaulted them at the time of the incident. I would have to intension od going after them but they said if i touched him at the time I would be prosecuted.

I know its a bad area but i live just up from xcape and the fiances bro needed pics.

Still I did get some decent shots so not totally a wasted night.


I'd be making a complaint to the Police office for their failure to provide accurate information as that us just rubbish¬! You are entitled to defend yourself no matter who it is. You can use "reasonable force" however that can mean different things to different people.
there is a difference between defending yourself and assulting - resonable force is allowed not matter the age

Poah they meant if i assaulted them at the time of the incident. I would have to intension od going after them but they said if i touched him at the time I would be prosecuted.

I know its a bad area but i live just up from xcape and the fiances bro needed pics.

Still I did get some decent shots so not totally a wasted night.

there is a difference between defending yourself and assulting - resonable force is allowed not matter the age

Our posts just crossed lol
Ad I said, all yhings considered I coudnt take the risk of defending myself. Better to just learn from it and keep my family safe.

It sucks that this happened but TBH nothing the police could do now will change the fact it happened.

Of course if the police were more bothered about chasing up things like this then the world we live in would be a much nicer place and this might not have happened to you. Unfortunately though they aren't, it isn't and nothing's going to change that any time soon and it did.

My advice - don't rely on possible repercussions to keep you safe, CCTV, passing police cars and even bobbies on the beat 2 minutes away don't deter most people of that ilk.

Just do what you can to not put yourself in those situations.
I WANDERED lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
Sadly, if you're going to photograph in doubtful areas, you might need to go with another photographer.
@ King

Cheered me up no end with that. Athough my face is hurting from laughing. Lol

Apparently Bill Wordsworth - his friends called him Bill - was assaulted when he wrote that. Even though the daffodils were on common land and anyone was allowed to write poetry about them, some moron of a security guard tried to stop him, and his quill got bent, and what did the Bow Street Runners do about it? Nothing, that's what they did. Disgusting. Bill wrote to his MP but it was a Rotten Borough and the MP turned out to be a dog called Colin.
So sorry to hear about your misfortune with the scrotes,
I have never been in a situation other than nights out where trouble has come my way! I honestly wouldn't have been half as forgiving as you were, although would you have retaliated if a second punch was thrown? I wouldn't wait for the second, Im sorry but if someone comes my way with trouble then they get it straight back in the face. I am not normally a violent person and can keep my temper under control. But the more kids think they can run riot the worse things will get.
If i get shanked? Well wouldn't be nice but that's the way it goes.
I have trained for many yaers as a thai boxer and know I can handle myself. If a second punch was thrown, I would restrain or run as my hits would cause a fair bit of damage.

Had I been on my own I would have taken some action. But with the voys with me they are my priority. Furthermore, as I said my job requires enhanced security checks and interviews. Any recorded incident (even just a pending one) and I cant do my job.

I suppose its just a case of the lesser of the two evils to let the scallywags go away feeling they won.
And what about poor Sam Coleridge, then?

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round:
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!
A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A mighty fountain momently was forced:
Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:
And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever
It flung up momently the sacred river.
Five miles meandering with a mazy motion
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,
Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:
And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral voices prophesying war!

The shadow of the dome of pleasure
Floated midway on the waves;
Where was heard the mingled measure
From the fountain and the caves.
It was a miracle of rare device,
A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!

A damsel with a dulcimer
In a vision once I saw:
It was an Abyssinian maid,
And on her dulcimer she played,
Singing of Mount Abora.
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song,
To such a deep delight 'twould win me
That with music loud and long
I would build that dome in air,
That sunny dome! those caves of ice!
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew hath fed
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

...he wrote. That was as far as he got when some scrote from Porlock knocked on his door, and made him forget the other 74 verses! I mean, think how much he lost, getting paid by the line as poets were back then.


After 10 minutes of arguing and trying to diffuse the situation the smaller of the two (17 and with a clear napolean complex) became more hostile and punched me full force in the side of the head. Obviously shaken that I didnt hit the deck he ran off with his counterparts...

Point of Order: How do you know he was 17?

Now, where had we got to. Ah yes. Shakespeare. 37 plays he's credited with, as we all know...
He told me. He said "I know Im drunk and only 17 and your probably much older but if we start fightin Ill (insert profanity here) stab you"

OK, this is a guide to making a complaint against the Scottish Police.

As you were interviewed, there will be a record. I take it you do remember the name of the interviewing officers? The allegation you are making is extremely serious as assault with a deadly weapon - what you were threatened with - can carry a life sentence, and anyway, you could have been murdered. So, the officer(s) concerned could be in serious trouble. I know some senior cops up that way, and quite a number of journalists (I'm a press photographer). I'll get the ball rolling. I'll ring a couple of mates who work on the local papers, and they'll give you some publicity.
Jon I was just making mention of an incident and having a rant. I am not seeking publicity or to get the officers investigated. As i said the main point was about being able to take photographs.

As for the deadly weapon part, the police said they would take that with a pinch of salt as the lad never produced a weapon.

I cant help but feel that you are trying to wind me up.