assaulted when taking photos

i was out taking photo's the other night and i was attacked by a gang of lads swinging bags of potatoes at me. I was knocked to the floor but managed to get up and scramble away. I immediately contacted the police and they asked if i would be able to recognise any of them again? I said yes... they were King Edwards :D
While the right to defend yourself is clear the reality of it is it becomes your word againts them and difficult to prove either way unless there are interdependent witness and you both end up getting charged with affray. The fact you can use reasonable force is just BS as who decides what is reasonable and necessary. My wife got attacked by 2 guys about 2 years ago (long story) i jumped in to of course defend her and ended up in a cell for half the day. No charge but still a joke.

We can argue this one till we're blue in the face but the core point is that its bad advice to suugest that striking first is generally justifiable - because it isnt

reasonable in the prevention of a crime is talking about aprehending burgulars or breaking up fights, etc or justifiable self defense when you are attacked, - it doesnt mean smacking someone in case they commit a crime when they havent yet attempted to

Not always true. If the person had a weapon and was making threats you can use pre preemptive force. Again pretty much impossible to prove unless they are caught with the weapon. I have had a knife pulled on me many times and i can tell you now i didnt wait for them to use it.

In this case he did threaten to stab you so that should be enough to say your were in fear for your life.

Sorry just noticed about you said pretty much that already.
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Gman that is fantastic. Haha.

End of the day at least nothing more serious happened. Just 2 weeks ago my fiances uncle was attacked and murdered without provocation so this happening so close to that had left everyone pretty shaken. Just glad I got away with just a shiner and sore cheek.

Not always true. If the person had a weapon and was making threats you can use pre preemptive force.

true but i did say "before a crime had been commited" - if he pulls a knife on you then a crime has been commited and decking him is a perfectly proportionate

whats not appropriate is decking him premptively before he's done anything beyond verbals
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true but i did say "before a crime had been commited" - if he pulls a knife on you then a crime has been commited and decking him is a perfectly proportionate

whats not appropriate is decking him premptively before he's done anything beyond verbals

Again verbal threats to kill are also a crime but unless you can prove it then your in a hard situation. The last venue i worked the door we had headcams with audio recording and that was a big help. Maybe we all need them in life.
Again verbal threats to kill are also a crime but unless you can prove it then your in a hard situation. The last venue i worked the door we had headcams with audio recording and that was a big help. Maybe we all need them in life.

Yeah i don't disagree with you there - what i was contesting was yelneks assertion that premptive force is acceptable period... its all about the circumstances and the perception of the responding officers

I had a guy in a pub try to glass me once and I responded with an elbow strike to the face and a gave him a depressed fracture of the cheekbone , and the police were fine " you were attacked mate, its justifiable end of"

a few weeks later my freind alan was in a similar circumstance, guy picked up a bottle by the neck so alan decked him (doing no lasting damage), and the police charged alan with assault - the reasoning being that the guy hadnt broken the bottle yet so there wasnt an imediate threat.

Its all grey areas and as you know theres a big difference between the black and white perception from behind a keyboard and the various shades of grey of actually being there.
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Gman that is fantastic. Haha.

Unfortunately I know that area very well and despite the "posh" flats (which are I believe are actually quite a let down) you aren't far from what I'm sure is shown in recent stats as being the most crime infested street in Glasgow, Earl Street. Although there's nothing there I think the neds from Partick and Whiteinch tend to hang about there sometimes, especially around that connecting ped. tunnel.

The second time I was there for photography reasons I got this photo


The very last time I was there for photography reasons we caught a group of neds stealing computer gear from the portakabins on a construction site. One of the guys I was with is a Sgt in the Met and he ran after them down the dirt path on foot whilst I followed in the car as close as possible and ended up grounding the car on a small mound and wrecked the underside! haha We got the gear back but the neds got away.

Little ******s are everywhere these days.
Gman do u stay near here then? I can see a Glaswegian version of Watchmen forming :p

Ill be Rorjak. Boom
a few weeks later my freind alan was in a similar circumstance, guy picked up a bottle by the neck so alan decked him (doing no lasting damage), and the police charged alan with assault - the reasoning being that the guy hadnt broken the bottle yet so there wasnt an imediate threat.

Yup all shades of gray and thats what makes it hard. That surprises me. I have been hit with an unbroken bottle and trust me it hurts. Smashed all over the back of my head and left me with about 16 stiches. Ouch.

Also a good mate of mine ended up with 80 odd stiches in his face after what started with an unbroken bottle. I was there trust me horrid horrid situation and he almost died. The way i see it if they have a bottle in there hand and are being aggressive they are either dropping the bottle or going night night.
Yeah I agree

******** claimed he was just holding it when he was victim to an unprovoked assualt - alans version is that the guy was already giving him a load of verbal and then picked up the bottle and reversed it like he was going to smash it on the table, and that was when he decked him
Yeah I agree

******** claimed he was just holding it when he was victim to an unprovoked assualt - alans version is that the guy was already giving him a load of verbal and then picked up the bottle and reversed it like he was going to smash it on the table, and that was when he decked him

If i am having a row with someone and they pick up a bottle that is enough in my mind. I would rather have a criminal record then end up like my buddy did
Tbh though if they pick up a bottle I would run. 9 months ago if they did it I woulda floored them but something about being an expecting father has changed my whole outlook. Its no longer just my life I need to be concious of, its my babies too. So losing my job is not an option.
ouch - that's not good, but looking on the bright side they missed his eye

I absolutely agree with you on that - I used to be a paramedic and i've seen some horrible glass injuries and theres no way its going to happen to me... my guy picked up a glass and said something about '****ing shoving it... 'which was when I gave him an elbow in the side of the face

which like i said the police were fine with , even though i did him a fair bit of damage - which was what i was saying really you can never tell how the cops will react to 'getting your self defence in first' it all rides on the individuals percception of the circumstances
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Yup all shades of gray and thats what makes it hard. That surprises me. I have been hit with an unbroken bottle and trust me it hurts. Smashed all over the back of my head and left me with about 16 stiches. Ouch.

Also a good mate of mine ended up with 80 odd stiches in his face after what started with an unbroken bottle. I was there trust me horrid horrid situation and he almost died. The way i see it if they have a bottle in there hand and are being aggressive they are either dropping the bottle or going night night.

Was he conviceted though? Getting charged is not a conviction.
was who convicted ? - If you are reffering to my mate Alan, yes he was , although the judge went quite light on the sentencing and gave him 60 days community service and a suspended sentence - but a cwiminal record is a cwiminal record - and although it doesnt really matter to Alan (hes a builder), I need a CRB check for the work I do so a conviction for assault would not have been useful if our incidents had worked out the other way round
Very sad state of affairs all round really.

One point about them being minors though....... I think you could easily argue that given the time of night and the fact that they were intoxicated you would automatically assume they weren't minors ;)

In the situation where they are being hostile towards you I don't think it would be reasonable for anyone to make an accurate judgement with regards to their age and whether they were minors or not.

Failing that, in a situation where you're trying to protect yourself and your gear, it might be very easy for a tripod to become lodged somewhere painful ;)

OK, you've come out of this with a bit of a sore head, shaken and maybe with a little lost pride BUT essentially you're OK, your gear's OK and you can learn from it for the future.

(Next time have a spare monopod with you ;) )
Was he conviceted though? Getting charged is not a conviction.

Was the guy who did this to my friend convicted? Yes he got 4 years. Served 2 and now is happily walking around like nothing happened after almost killing someone while blake is left with life long scars.
I WANDERED lonely as a cloud
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.


Interesting. To photograph said crowd, I think a tripod is a cert, a wide angle lens, say 15mm. But do I want to freeze the movement of the daffodils or show a bit of motion blur? And do I want to throw the trees behind out of focus or not? I suspect F8 would probably do and chimp the shutter speed.
Nice one. I moved to renfrew from cambuslang as my fiance lived out this way.