at least 30 dead in france

Dreadful news :(

France had just announced the were to lift the state of emergency.
Some news outlets reporting as many as 60 killed.
Bastille Day. If you've never been will be full of kids and families everywhere. Trying hard not to swear but no matter your beliefs, grievances how can anyone think about doing this, let alone actually doing it.
And explosives in the back of the van now being reported.

Though the Americans are reporting that the whole of Europe is in "full panic".
Me too, I texted them but no reply .... hopefully they are tucked up in bed

Odds dictate they're fine but I completely understand your concerns.
Repotts state 75 dead an 15 seriously injured.

Harrowing pictures appearinng showing covered bodies along the vehicle's route.

The death toll is expected to rise.
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84 now with about 15 in critical condition. CT Specialist commentators state it has all the hallmark of Daesh but they haven't claimed it yet.

I've also got lots of friends in the area...
Horrific events. Also made me realise that it could happen anywhere in any country. What a tragedy.
Horrific events. Also made me realise that it could happen anywhere in any country. What a tragedy.

It can. I have noticed myself trying to be more aware in public places but it's easy to let that lapse. It seems to be France taking the brunt of these things though, in fact aside from Belgium no other countries in Europe seem to be suffering so far
It can. I have noticed myself trying to be more aware in public places but it's easy to let that lapse. It seems to be France taking the brunt of these things though, in fact aside from Belgium no other countries in Europe seem to be suffering so far
I wonder how much of that is down to the local security and intelligence agencies. Don't forget many attempts get thwarted before anyone even gets to know about it. Successful attempts are the tip of the iceberg.
Woke up to this, a good friend of mine Mathew 'Sas' James was shot in Tunisia last year, and now another friend of mine has a daughter currently in Nice, he is still trying to het hold of her. Jeez.

Edit: I have just heard that Carys is safe, she lost her phone running away from it all.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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......It seems to be France taking the brunt of these things though, in fact aside from Belgium no other countries in Europe seem to be suffering so far
I wonder how much of that is down to the local security and intelligence agencies. Don't forget many attempts get thwarted before anyone even gets to know about it. Successful attempts are the tip of the iceberg.

The current brand of terrorism is drawing its support from the muslim community and the French population comprises 9.6% far the highest in the western European countries and twice that of the UK, almost twice that of Germany with Belgium placed in between. The French estimate that it takes around 30 people to track each serious suspect so it's logical that the security services will be more overwhelmed than in other countries.

The current brand of terrorism is drawing its support from the muslim community and the French population comprises 9.6% far the highest in the western European countries and twice that of the UK, almost twice that of Germany with Belgium placed in between. The French estimate that it takes around 30 people to track each serious suspect so it's logical that the security services will be more overwhelmed than in other countries.

I don't think it is that linear to be honest, in one part that would be underestimating how good the British are in that field. The amount of threats being thwarted and the technology investments that are in place to assist are way in advance of the rest of Europe.

So reports that I'm hearing suggest that shots were fired prior to the truck going on a rampage, combined with the increased security checks that have been reported prior to this incident (I've had friends flying in on that day), a scenario is coming to light that this could have been an intervention gone wrong. E.g. a thwarted bomb plot, but unfortunately not successful enough to stop was has happened which wasn't the primary objective but in a perverse way possibly more successful.

Terrible thoughts though to do this on Bastille day.
No point trying to analyse the reasons behind these atrocities, right minded people just cannot comprehend how anyone could behave in this way

RIP and sympathies to those left behind, seems like the world has gone even crazier this year
I don't think it is that linear to be honest, in one part that would be underestimating how good the British are in that field. The amount of threats being thwarted and the technology investments that are in place to assist are way in advance of the rest of Europe.
The British security forces are excellent in their monitoring and prevention and it may not be (almost certainly not be) linear.
terrible stuff my prayers are with these people.
Awful news. trying to avoid the news outlets airing (and on line) posting graphic footage.

just shocking.
And explosives in the back of the van now being reported.

Though the Americans are reporting that the whole of Europe is in "full panic".

A restaurant owner (who was only 20 meters from the lorry at one point), interviewed live on LBC, said the driver was shooting people with a "machine gun" prior to driving into the crowd. It was also reported that the lorry drove for 2 km before running over people.
A restaurant owner (who was only 20 meters from the lorry at one point), interviewed live on LBC, said the driver was shooting people with a "machine gun" prior to driving into the crowd. It was also reported that the lorry drove for 2 km before running over people.

Just seen footage of the truck accelerating hard into the crowd. Also weaving.
The two km was whilst mowing people down, according to the French authorities.
It can. I have noticed myself trying to be more aware in public places but it's easy to let that lapse. It seems to be France taking the brunt of these things though, in fact aside from Belgium no other countries in Europe seem to be suffering so far
This is in part likely to be due to France's colonial history in North Africa - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Syria. France has long had involvement in the area that's the hotbed of the current extremism.

To draw linear comparisons based purely on the relative size of the Muslim population or to pull a blanket over your head and say "we can never understand the motivations" says a lot about the levels of general ignorance in the white western population of world affairs and political history.
This is in part likely to be due to France's colonial history in North Africa - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Syria. France has long had involvement in the area that's the hotbed of the current extremism.

To draw linear comparisons based purely on the relative size of the Muslim population or to pull a blanket over your head and say "we can never understand the motivations" says a lot about the levels of general ignorance in the white western population of world affairs and political history.
Spot ln Alastair. The French experience with 'Empire' was much the same as that of the British.

The links below are just a snapshot of a complex but small element of a colonial part of France's history.

Obviously not taught in UK schools, plenty of history there to even start on France.

Nothing will ever justify the events in Nice last evening but any reference to Daesh/IS needs some background on French hidtory in NW Africa. It also links to why the Muslim element of the population is a higher percenage in France than anywhere else in Europe.
Obviously not taught in UK schools, plenty of history there to even start on France.
We generally avoid teaching even British colonial history in UK schools... :(
We generally avoid teaching even British colonial history in UK schools... :(

Sad but very true.

"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

Edmund Burke
Statesman and Philosopher
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I prefer,

"Those who rely on Facebook soundbites and social media to look clever will only look stupid"
Winston Churchill, 1874-1965
A bloke I know, who comes from a Muslim family but describes himself as a "lapsed Pastaferian", told me that you're always going to get these troubles because Muslims are taught that theirs is the only true path. By definition, the rest of us are infidels and, for the looney extremists, fair game. As a (very much) lapsed Jew myself, I was able to assure him that his mob is not alone in that odd belief.
A bloke I know, who comes from a Muslim family but describes himself as a "lapsed Pastaferian", told me that you're always going to get these troubles because Muslims are taught that theirs is the only true path. By definition, the rest of us are infidels and, for the looney extremists, fair game. As a (very much) lapsed Jew myself, I was able to assure him that his mob is not alone in that odd belief.
I describe myself as a Lapsed Sundayist.

That is "One who stays in bed on Sunday"

So much strife, when drilled down, will reveal adherence to a particular religion, a particular flavour of said religion, a partivular interpretation or prophet of said religion. etc.

There are divisions in Catholicism who refuse to stop celebrating mass in Latin. This followed a change in 1962 when after learning the prayers etc in Latin - English became the primary prayer language at Catholic Mass in the UK

A true facepalm moment but serious to those involved.

I dropped religion at the age of 10 but still find the grounding I received in Latin has assisted with my adopting the local language in Spain,Italy and France when working in those countries.

I still, however, do not decry religion - each to their own, just do not try to save me from eternal damnation.

enough is enough. I hold our useless politicians accountable for not doing necessary work and not fighting Sharia infiltration and radicalisation - this is a classical Trojan horse takeover.

enough is enough. I hold our useless politicians accountable for not doing necessary work and not fighting Sharia infiltration and radicalisation - this is a classical Trojan horse takeover.


I blame those wielding pitchforks and flaming torches from the safety of the space behind their sofas.