I moderate a football forum where there's some "robust" debate and feel like I come over here because the community is so much more friendly.

We really shouldn't lose that.
:D luv ya too Chris :D

:woot: :woot: :woot:

F'crissakes don't tell anyone else, least of all Mr Yv though,
It'll just be our little secret ;) :D
As a newbie and someone who saw the thread and is a member on several other forums, I found that thread to be very agressive and had an undertone of superiority. Most people come to forums to learn more and usually don't have all the answers, and what some people may seem as stupid aren't to others....surely this is what forums are for...there were people trying to help, but the ole "popcorn man" doesn't help and it comes across as condasending.....just my two pence...as a newbie..

BTW everyone I have spoken to has been wonderful and lovely it is shame that this has happened....
I never saw the thread in question but from rubbing my 2 brain cells together I am guessing it wasn't pleasant and that saddens me.

When I first got my DSLR I checked out a number of forums and most seemed very scary and very cliquey, then I found Talk Photography.

Talk Photography was also bigger than most of the other forums I had checked out and I was apprehensive about joining but it soon became apparent what a friendly, helpful and relaxed forum it was - so I joined

I have asked a few newbie questions since being a member here and I have also had friendly and helpful advice from the more knowledgeable members, I have also learnt a great deal from reading the many posts here.

Another thing I have noticed is that the mods have a very relaxed, open and friendly way in running the forum and this makes for a better and more relaxed forum in my view.

It would be a great shame if things took a less than pleasant turn here as it would surely ruin what is a truly great photographic forum.
Good...glad this got picked up, Colin - that thread in question quite apalled me - I'll cheerfully be quite harsh with anyone posting a dog dressed in a hat in the Advanced Crit section, but to treat a new member (who's no doubt never coming back here) was inexcusable...

...and I second (or third) the motion to get rid of that damn' Popcorn smiley...
Cheers Rob, hopefully things will calm down now......
...I'll cheerfully be quite harsh with anyone posting a dog dressed in a hat in the Advanced Crit section...

Hum, won't be posting up the December month in our family calendar then. Do you know how long/how many treats it takes to get a labrador to sit still for 1/125th of a sec with a Christmas hat on? :D
Good post, and some good decisions made, I think. There is another forum I use that attempted the "be nice to newbies" speech a few months back. It resulted in a lot of whining from the established members, and an argument that lasted for well over a month, the result of which is that nothing has changed. The established members seem to have more power than the mods. I am on there a lot less frequently now. :shake:

It's refreshing to come on here and see some action being taken. (y) I saw the thread in question, but only after it was locked. I was being nosy, as there was obviously some controversy within. :D It's not much different to many other forums I've been on, to be honest, but it's the way it has been handled that makes the difference.

So far, I've had a very pleasant time browsing this place, and asking a few questions here and there. I've read a few times people quoting the words "there are no stupid questions on Talk Photography". Would be nice if it stays that way (within reason :p).

Keep up the good work. :clap:
Hum, won't be posting up the December month in our family calendar then. Do you know how long/how many treats it takes to get a labrador to sit still for 1/125th of a sec with a Christmas hat on? :D

Just remind him/her that they eat dogs in Korea and that all pets are expendable...

Then sit the dog in front of the TV and play a DVD of 'Old Yeller'... all the time giving them that look that says: "See...? EXPENDABLE...!"
Just remind him/her that they eat dogs in Korea and that all pets are expendable...

Then sit the dog in front of the TV and play a DVD of 'Old Yeller'... all the time giving them that look that says: "See...? EXPENDABLE...!"


I Had a bit of a coffee / keyboard interface moment then :D
I have no idea wha post you are on about I have asked a few questions and posted some pictures. There were a couple of replies I was not that happy with but I just ignore all the bad and concentrate on the good. I am a member on 3 car forums 1 is a bit clicky 1 is ok and the other I am a paid member of that club and that forum is good qutie but good. This is the only photography forum I am a member of I registered here because it looked really good, freindly and imformative. If any of you ever think my photographs are not good and post a rude post it will never bug me as I have learnt to ignore ALL rudeness I was picked on a bit at school. I would like it though if you told me why the photograph was not good though.
As a newbie I have posted for advice on equipment and sent in photos, and I have no complaints about any of the responses I have received, and already have made some friends on here. Long may it continue.

This is not the first forum to suffer a minority of 'bad eggs' and it won't be the last - it's just an unfortunate fact of life and the internet. The admin guys do a great job but cannot be everywhere at once so we all need to do our bit to keep this forum as the friendly place it is.

Happy Christmas all!
I have no idea wha post you are on about I have asked a few questions and posted some pictures. There were a couple of replies I was not that happy with but I just ignore all the bad and concentrate on the good. I am a member on 3 car forums 1 is a bit clicky 1 is ok and the other I am a paid member of that club and that forum is good qutie but good. This is the only photography forum I am a member of I registered here because it looked really good, freindly and imformative. If any of you ever think my photographs are not good and post a rude post it will never bug me as I have learnt to ignore ALL rudeness I was picked on a bit at school. I would like it though if you told me why the photograph was not good though.

Well that's the point isn't it?
All well and good to be slightly rude (tongue-in-cheek, that is) but it has to serve a purpose - hopefully to inform and educate.
Like I said, anyone showing me photos of dogs, or dog-handlers wearing Festive Santa hats will be subjected to the full force of my ire...

Oh wait...
Oh Bugger...

I hate Christmas...my life sucks out loud.... :cautious:

there are not many people who use pictures of themselves as avatars on the net. I dont want to have my picture on every post I make, I know what i look like

Speak for yourself. I use a picture of myself, ask anyone who has ever met me!

Yes I have noticed a few very rude replies, not really very good on such a friendly forum.
I was one of the good guys on that thread, can I have a get out of jail free card, just in case :D (y)
Well that's the point isn't it?
All well and good to be slightly rude (tongue-in-cheek, that is) but it has to serve a purpose - hopefully to inform and educate.
Like I said, anyone showing me photos of dogs, or dog-handlers wearing Festive Santa hats will be subjected to the full force of my ire...

Oh wait...
Oh Bugger...

I hate Christmas...my life sucks out loud.... :cautious:


It is not all well and good to be slightly rude weather it is tongue in check or not rude is rude end off and is not necessary in life. You can inform some one of a bad photo with out being rude. And if you can not you should be qutie and let the nice people have their say
I think it well said by the mods, totally agree with all said. As for posting pictures I don't think I will probably bother in the future. I don' mind any criticism myself...good, bad, rude, it doesn't bother me personally. I just want any criticism! It often appears that some certain members will get loads of C&C, and others' posts barely get a look in, let alone any C&C. I don't post that often, I think I have been here for must be close on a year and have only just hit 200 posts, and I appreciate that members can't look at every post, however, as previously mentioned, certain members barely get a look at their posts never mind C&C. Or maybe my pics are just so cr*p that people don't want to embarass me...but guess I will never know!
Good call, Colin, we all like to take the p*** at times, but let it be at the expense of established members who understand our mentality - noobies should be treated a little kinder and made to feel welcome. Lots of comments made on the thread were of the type made after someone has left the room, so would not be aware of them, except in this case the comments were written on the wall when he/she came back in!
Happy Christmas all!
Nicely modaged. ;)

Personally I found it refreshing to see the individuals dealt with rather than the thread permanently closed.

Temporarily closing a thread is completely understandable to allow for a cooling off period and acting directly upon the members who step out of line with temp bans makes a much better example.

I think it well said by the mods, totally agree with all said. As for posting pictures I don't think I will probably bother in the future. I don' mind any criticism myself...good, bad, rude, it doesn't bother me personally. I just want any criticism! It often appears that some certain members will get loads of C&C, and others' posts barely get a look in, let alone any C&C. I don't post that often, I think I have been here for must be close on a year and have only just hit 200 posts, and I appreciate that members can't look at every post, however, as previously mentioned, certain members barely get a look at their posts never mind C&C. Or maybe my pics are just so cr*p that people don't want to embarass me...but guess I will never know!

Like any forum, you get out as much as you put in. I am not having a go at you, many people just don't have time to make a huge contribution, but with 200 posts in a year or so, then it could be seen that your 'return' is equal to your input. Whilst we would all like to think that we are not influenced by who posted the picture, it is human nature that we are, and whilst everyone tries to help newer members, if they are not seen to be making a contributon, then their return will naturally fall off.

Even then, I am mod, have over 8000 posts, been here 2 1/2 years, and like almost every single person here, I have posted pics in recent times that have got few, if any replies and sunk without a trace, others have run to 2 or more pages. Its nothing personal, it just happens.

I would hate to think any members are not posting because they feel they are not getting a response, but can only say please persevere, this is a very busy forum, so get out there and start posting, both in search of, and offering comments and critique.

It is not all well and good to be slightly rude weather it is tongue in check or not rude is rude end off and is not necessary in life. You can inform some one of a bad photo with out being rude. And if you can not you should be qutie and let the nice people have their say

Tell you what - nip down the shops and buy a sense of humour, why don't you?
I think it well said by the mods, totally agree with all said. As for posting pictures I don't think I will probably bother in the future. I don' mind any criticism myself...good, bad, rude, it doesn't bother me personally. I just want any criticism! It often appears that some certain members will get loads of C&C, and others' posts barely get a look in, let alone any C&C. I don't post that often, I think I have been here for must be close on a year and have only just hit 200 posts, and I appreciate that members can't look at every post, however, as previously mentioned, certain members barely get a look at their posts never mind C&C. Or maybe my pics are just so cr*p that people don't want to embarass me...but guess I will never know!

I don't think anyone is left out or ignored on purpose - as you say there are lots of posts and it is easy to lost in amongst them. Keep posting - but also post C&C for other members. Join in with the 52 next year and you are almost guaranteed weekly feedback. Basically, the more active you are as a member the more likely it is that you will get the same in return.
I do agree with you both. My only problem is that due to my inexperience, I feel my only input would generally be posting pictures as opposed to giving C&C to others, which to me personally I feel is unfair of me as I expect others to comment but I don't. I guess with time and as my experience grows I will be able to be more useful to others! I will persevere though as although I might not post often I certainly have learnt loads on here and feel that it is probably the friendliest forum out there! :)
I do agree with you both. My only problem is that due to my inexperience, I feel my only input would generally be posting pictures as opposed to giving C&C to others, which to me personally I feel is unfair of me as I expect others to comment but I don't. I guess with time and as my experience grows I will be able to be more useful to others! I will persevere though as although I might not post often I certainly have learnt loads on here and feel that it is probably the friendliest forum out there! :)

Honestly Grayman, experience means nothing, you really can just say why you do or dont like a particular image, it doesn't have to be 'technically' phrased or even offer ways to improve a shot if you don't know yourself. Please just say what does and doesn't appeal to you personally and do it politely, thats all :D Go on, get stuck in :woot: ;)

oh, and by doing that, you will find you are actually better able to look at your own shots and assess them too ;)
I do agree with you both. My only problem is that due to my inexperience, I feel my only input would generally be posting pictures as opposed to giving C&C to others, which to me personally I feel is unfair of me as I expect others to comment but I don't. I guess with time and as my experience grows I will be able to be more useful to others! I will persevere though as although I might not post often I certainly have learnt loads on here and feel that it is probably the friendliest forum out there! :)

Lack of experience doesn't really matter though. People complain about the "nice pic" type post but if that's what you feel, just say it. The fact you like it and took the trouble to say so is going to give the person who took it a boost and you'll find that eventually you do get more responses :)
damn, we could be twins Yv :p