Baby shoot

Like them both. Maybe fill the frame just a little more in the first and crop from the top in #2.

2 Very nice shots Dave. May I suggest a little tighter crop.
Thanks very much guys. I have left these uncropped as they may be going on canvas. So, left a little extra around the outside.
Oh sorry to buck the trend but whilst these are cute they are not great. No1 does not even look like it has been cropped, you are far far too far away for a portrait. No2. you have a baby that looks like it is hanging over the edge with a pink blanket that is just all over the place and a background that looks gray.
Sorry for being harsh but these are in the portrait section and I think they have massive room for improvement, were these taken for a client or of your own kid?
I would suggest that you get close in on the subject and if you must use the mosses basket stand above it and ensure you have good lighting on the baby and try to make her smile, make sure you fill the frame. If you cant blow the background out with your lights you need to use PS a grey back ground is not good IMO! Some of the images on your site are the same, read up on how to blow the background out and it will make your shots look so much better.
Sorry but I dont know how to advise on how to improve on No2!
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Thanks rick. Neither have been cropped as they may be going on a canvas. So, I have left more than usual around the outside. On the originals the background is nice and white. The image quality on here seems to be variable when images are downloaded. They were shot for a friend (no fee) I had half an hour with a very tired and grumpy baby, not many smiles to be had :) I also have quite a few from above the basket that are better. I put these two on as I was not sure about them. The mother loves these two. I probably would have chosen different ones. I'll keep trying. Thanks for the C&C. Will post a couple of the ones I prefer later.
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Yeah thats fair enough Dave as long as the mother likes them, sorry to say though but the way they look on my screen they will not look good on a canvas. How come the originals are white background and these are grey? What is your set up if you dont mind me asking?
Oh and dont tell me about grumpy Babies I could write a book :)
If you have shot with the mkii and these are full frame I think you are still too far away on shot 1 to do much with it for a decent canvas.
When she decides **** ones she wants I will crop them accordingly. They were processed on my laptop (which is calibrated). No1 shot at 24mm, with a 24-105 on the Mk II, not full frame. I have never had anything printed on canvas so, any tips gratefully received.
Calibrated is always a good idea, my screens are all calibrated too and sorry to say your background still looks grey. If you are really going to get the Mum to spend money on a canvas I would say re-shoot. Honest I dont mean to be rude but these shots can be so much better. Re shoot and get that back ground white and get in close to show the babies face. As I said before what is your set up?
To re-buck the trend.... I rather like the room around the subject in #1 and think that it would make a great canvas (y)
I agree the BG isn't white, but if the client is happy with the BG then hey (y) I hardly think it requires a re-shoot :eek: If you wanted, you could spend 20 minutes cleaning it up in PP and compare.

Well done Dave I say :)
Thanks V8. Rick, it was shot using the 1DMkII an arctic white paper backdrop and two 2 x Apollo 300 w/s heads. One with a softbox in front and one with a shoot through umberella to light the backdrop. Still new to this and still experimenting. If you can give me some pointers as to where best to place the lights and what to have attatched to them please do. Thanks

I have had a good look aty these on my laptop and the background on both are a lot whiter than they appear on the sight and both virtually the same. On here they look quite grey, one moreso than the other!
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I have no technical comments,

But I do love the look on the baby's face in number two (y)
love No2 but the lighting is out on the back ground as stated.
Even if these look fine in photoshop they will be grey once printed.
If you open a level adjustment layer and just move the black slider over you will see the shaddow.
My preffered method of removing the shaddows is by using the dodge tool.
here is a vido tutorial i did on the subject

Hope it helps
You don't need a calibrated monitor to know the BG is not white, photoshop tells you that no.1 is about 10% grey and no.2 about 18%. No matter, if the parents are happy that's what matters. If they want white then the BG's need fixing.
lovely pictures