Beginner Backdrop length for full length portraits.

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What is the minimum length of backdrop I can get away with for full length portraits? I was thinking of getting the bessel 2m by 3m grey/white vinyl, but not sure if the length of 3m be enough. It is just for taking pics of the kids and family.

Thank you


Backdrops are like everything else:
…better have it and not use it than miss it!
Really not giving yourself much room to play with at only 3m. 2m wide nor ideal for group shots either. Take a step back and use a longer lens to narrow the field of view but they'd have to be really close to the background in order to have them standing on the vinyl. Can be extended in PP of course but you'll soon get fed up of that I think.
Thank you both, I agree don't want to get a small one and regret it. Don't think I would be taking pics of more than 2 people in a group so may be I should get the 2 m by 4 m. This is just a hobby and the money is tight....
It depends on what you want to do.

If you want a single coloured backdrop coming past the feet and the subject away from the wall you'll need a fairly long one, seamless would be good for this in as long as you want.

If you are happy to have a wall/floor combination you don't need a backdrop at all.

I have a 2mx4m vinyl backdrop and I have had couples on it ok. The thing with vinyl is the weight, you'll need a decent backdrop support system.
Thank you all. Valid points raised, need to think about what I want before I spend the cash.