BarrySprout's 52 for 2011 Week 33. Record

I'm rubbish at this now.
Another two week catch up.

Week 30 : Weird
Bit of a cheat this one. Would probably be weird to see someone walking down the street like this anywhere in the world other than during the Edinburgh Fringe.

Weird by barrysprout, on Flickr​

Week 31 : Wind
Again a shot from the fringe.

Wind by barrysprout, on Flickr​
COLIN!!>. you said i could nag you for being behind on the project... how can i do such a thing with 2 shots in one posting.. :razz:

like the barbarian good pose and PP (y)
Hiya Colin,

Two great shots for both themes. Like the processing on the 'weird' photo and the colours in the 2nd.

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Hi ya

brilliant shot for everything about it...B&W works great , the border suits it & the guy's expression makes me think he's about to cause havoc with that sword...reaally really good capture & processing :clap:

Wind...can see what you were aiming for but to me the image seems very soft ? May just be my screen but the jeans seem sharper than the rest of the chap & the sax :shrug:

ps...In no way are you rubbish at this !
Thanks everyone for your continued support and critique (even though it's not a two way thing at the moment, SORRY)

Lynne, my wind shot was definately oof.

Week 32. Evolution.
I read somewhere on tinternet (so it must be true!)that through evolution human's would eventually lose the pinky toe as it serves no real purpose. Sooooooo........
I took a giant leap forward today. I used to be a modern man but now I'm futuristic man!

Evolution by barrysprout, on Flickr​
Hiya Colin,

Very unusual idea for the theme of evolution :puke: but a great shot (y)

Thank goodness I don't have a foot fetish :LOL:

My only crit would be (and this is probably my OCD kicking in) but the 'blood' on the knife should be towards the point, otherwise you would have chopped off more toes.

I'd love to know how you did this, if you don't mind sharing your technique.

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Hi Colin

:puke:nearly fell of my chair when I saw that picture & wondered if I'd stumbled in to the wrong forum :LOL:

Brilliant idea & certainly not one I'd have thought of . Great pp...looks way to realistic at 1st glance.....:clap:

As per Dawn , would be really interested to know how you did this one ?
Thank goodness I don't have a foot fetish :LOL:

...mmm now i see what you were talking about in the pub, Colin... and the PP not being quite right....

and going back to dawn's quote... i DO have a foot fetish... but seriously I'M CURED as of seeing this pic.... the blood isn't dark enough, there isn't enough considering you've severed your toe off...i would have though i'd pool under the foot as the knife was going through.... and would THAT knife go through the bone (just heard it now, the grinding, or cracking :D).. but that all aside... good idea.. though not sure we'd lose the toe, as isn't it attributed to balance???? now..maybe you were considering using the other toes to put pressure on the knife hence why the blood was further UP the knife...

is it only me thinking of the ramifications of cutting your own toe off? ... :shrug:

... its funny..bit i had this vision of the start of month python, isn't that where the foot goes into a mincing machine .... i digress.. ?? :bonk:
nice idea... definately different!

Apart from the comments already done (darker blood, thicker, and towards the point of the knife) I'd like to see a spurt of red from teh severed vein/artery...

Think that in effects mix in a bit of flour to the liquids? Should be something online about it.

Nice tho... almost :puke: yet you still go back to look again...
Thanks everyone, I knew from the start my idea was going to be better than my implimentation. My blood mixture actually looked quite good when I mixed it and did appear much darker to the eye. The shot was taken on a sheet of glass with a flash in a softbox level with the glass. Some of the light was travelling through the glass and backlighting the blood, I should have taken this into consideration when mixing.
Would also have looked a bit better with the severed toe lying on it's side, but isolating one toe and getting a shot from side on was proving very difficult and possibly something even beyond Lisa Lottie's skill set (see my or Kevs shots from the Fringe)

As to the technique, it was layers trial and error. Followed by swearing and ending with "well that's as good as I can get it, it will have to do"

Sorry I'm a bit behind in responding to your shots.

Weird, well it is an inspired outfit, and the B&W is suitable, but I’m not a fan of the border.

Wind, sorry, but this looks OOF and like you just snapped it on the street. The composition is too central, and the light too flat. Not up to your usual standards.

Evolution I like a lot. Bags of humour, but well lit and well executed. My only niggle is that you have cropped (no pun intended) on the ankle, and it makes the foot look a little disjointed (again, no pun intended).

But other than that, (y) for Evolution
Weird is a great catch. I love when people are passionate about their hobbies. Can't decide about the crop, I might prefer a little space in front of him. I like the border.

Wind, conveys the theme very well. The red shirt really makes the photograph.

Evolution, sheesh, great imagination. Well done with the PP.

Thanks everyone. I'm still falling behind! more so on my commenting on others.

My initial idea for record was going to be a mexican standoff with an all Japanese cast of cameras and camcorders all recording each other. Tried a few shots for it but just wasn't happy with them. So tried this instead. Another one in my series of ideas exceeding execution.

Hi ya Colin

brilliant idea ( as usual ) for the have great imagination (y) Wouldn't have a clue how to create this image so don't want to say enything negative really...except that although the foucs is clearly on the animated figure it's a shame the camcorder ( think thats what it is ?) & tripod are a bit oof .
Fantastic idea though.... :clap::clap:
Hi ya Colin

brilliant idea ( as usual ) for the have great imagination (y) Wouldn't have a clue how to create this image so don't want to say enything negative really...except that although the foucs is clearly on the animated figure it's a shame the camcorder ( think thats what it is ?) & tripod are a bit oof .
Fantastic idea though.... :clap::clap:

I agree with Lynne and would love to know how you did it.

Thanks folks, I did take other shots with greater dof but I prefered this one. Yes Michael it's a gif with only the small parts animated that are seen moving. File size is less than 153Kb!
Technique is most commonly known as cinemagraph and usually involves a lot more frames and much smoother animation. My first try at the technique though so kept it simple and jerky.
Hey Colin

Sorry i've been dreadful at keeping up with your and in fact everybody's 52!

I have to say I loved your evolution shot as a picture... and with the explanation it did fit the theme... I guess I just prefer shots dont need explanation and that is the true challenge of taking themed shots!

As for the shot itself... that is just wow and has no crit... It actually would have been great for the weird theme!

Keep up the great work!

Hiya Colin,


Well done on your first attempt at cinemagraph, I wouldn't have clue how to do this but have seen some great photos with same technique here on TP.

I have to agree with the others about the focus but for me it is the fact that you have tried a new technique that impresses me.

Well done


Dawn :)
the smokies pics are great, I like number 3 the best

love the movement and attitude of the your kilted man striding through the city

evolution, oooooooooooooooo YUK, but well done, gotta laugh really once over the shock :0)
colin..the thing i love about record is the reflection you've done in the camcorder body of the moving hand...little detail means a lot...