weekly BarrySprout's 52 for 23 - Week 52 - Complete!

Week 34 - Circles

Due to slightly over indulging on Wednesday evening at and after a gig I've not really felt like heading out yesterday or today. However my foolishness did give me an idea for this week.

Week 34 - Circles by barrysprout, on Flickr
Nice shot - tell us about it!
Nice shot - tell us about it!
Sure, it's actually six portrait shots merged to one landscape, shot handheld. It's a view of the city of Stirling with the castle the highest point on Castle Hill.
Shot from Bannockburn on the outskirts of Stirling. I've always liked the view which I have considered to be spoiled by the telephone exchange and high school but they work for the theme this week in my mind.
That's my clever clogs shot of the week! Great take on the theme. Eggscellent in fact! :naughty:
Two great shots Colin. Love the mood of your Urban shot and your hollow shot is really creative.
Urban - it makes your point nicely. Well shot.
Hollow - very clever idea and nicely executed (or should that be eggsecuted!)
Solid State? Good take if so.
Nice shot Colin, the processing suits it well and I like the surface that you've placed it on, it complements the main subject.
An interesting shot Colin :)
Yep - works well. Amd a nice image too :)
I'm going to have to consult The Google about the Star Pyramid Colin, it looks like there is a story there to explore, love the colours in your Memory shot.
I love the egg shot, eggcellent idea and well executed too.
Memory - super colours and lighting
Week 41 - Upright

220ft of upright in the form of The National Wallace Monument. It has stood upright atop Abbey Craig, Stirling since it's completion in 1869.
It took 572 years from when William Wallace was triumphant at The Battle Of Stirling Bridge but only 8 years from the laying of the foundation stone to completion.
Funded entirely by the public and a bargain at only £15000 (I know people on here have spent more on camera kit) although £15000 was worth a wee bit more back then :D

Week 41 - Upright by barrysprout, on Flickr
Nice one. Always looks a bit "Lord of The Rings" to me :)