Bronica Medium Format Owners Thread

More shenannigins with the SQ-Ai last week, the camera locked up a couple of times when I locked the mirror up resulting in me losing about 4 frames, plus, it had some issues with shutter speeds, it seemed to be defaulting to 1/250th occasionally resulting in some gross underexposure.

Anyway here are some of the useable shots.

Correctly exposed.

001 Brisworthy Stone Circle 65mm 01-000126590003 PS Adj.JPG

Correctly exposed.

002 Brisworthy Stone Circle 65mm 02-000126590004 PS Adj.JPG


003 Legis Tor 40mm 01-000126590005 PS Adj.JPG


004 Ditsworthy Warren House 250mm 01-000126590007 PS Adj.JPG


005 Gutter Tor 40mm 01-000126590008 PS Adj.JPG


006 Gutter Tor 40mm 02-000126590009 PS Adj.JPG

Correctly exposed.

007 Gutter Tor 40mm 03-000126590010 PS Adj.JPG

Correctly exposed.

008 Gutter Tor Trig (Point) 40mm 04-000126590012 PS Adj.JPG