Answered Buy us a cuppa ?

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Hello team , When did I last buy you a cuppa ? , Is it time to buy you a fresh hot one ?
We don't keep records and the dashboard doesn't date the donations.

But we are most grateful anytime for a coffee :)
My cuppa could actually be a frappucino in this weather, and very welcome.
Thanks Allen, for thinking of us!
Its sad to see you are so far off your £750 quarterly target , More Cuppa's needed
Its sad to see you are so far off your £750 quarterly target , More Cuppa's needed
We aren't expecting people to pay for the forum, every quarter,
its just an indication of what it cost, we had to set a target when it was set up, rather like a go fund me page.

As above we are very grateful for any amount at anytime.
And thank you :)
We aren't expecting people to pay for the forum, every quarter,
its just an indication of what it cost, we had to set a target when it was set up, rather like a go fund me page.

As above we are very grateful for any amount at anytime.
And thank you :)

It is a bit hidden! Thinking about it, since @F1.2 mentioned it, I’m not sure what the “12% of £750 for 3 months” tells us without more info. Eg is the total amount ever received (bad!)? Does it refer to a current specific quarter and might be only one day’s receipts (good!) or for (3 months-1day) (bad!). And so on.
It is a bit hidden!
Its deliberately not in your face, and if you look at the classified section there is a banner there.
The request is really aimed at people making a nice no fees profit from selling.
Especially those with exceptionally high feed back who are obviously trading, and those that never leave the classified section, to post elsewhere.

I’m not sure what the “12% of £750 for 3 months” tells us
I thought that was obvious? we have received 12% of the target ( £750)

Does it refer to a current specific quarter
There is no need to analyze it, as above we had to put a target in when it was set up, if it takes a year plus, to reach a 3 month target, it doesn't matter,
we are very grateful for any amount at anytime.

And of course a big thank you to all that have donated,
We always try and thank you personally, sometimes we can't trace you though, as there is no forum name, and the email is not registrar with TP.
Its deliberately not in your face, and if you look at the classified section there is a banner there.
The request is really aimed at people making a nice no fees profit from selling.
Especially those with exceptionally high feed back who are obviously trading, and those that never leave the classified section, to post elsewhere.

Yes, I know! As I said, “it’s a bit hidden”. I tend to forget/not notice it unless as here someone posts about it. I suppose that’s why I bothered to comment here as it bumps it a bit.

I thought that was obvious? we have received 12% of the target ( £750)

There is no need to analyze it,

I wouldn’t exactly call my comment “analysis”, just wondering out loud.

as above we had to put a target in when it was set up, if it takes a year plus, to reach a 3 month target, it doesn't matter,
we are very grateful for any amount at anytime

So it’s 12% ‘for all time*’

* for some value of “all time”, :LOL:


And of course a big thank you to all that have donated,
We always try and thank you personally, sometimes we can't trace you though, as there is no forum name, and the email is not registrar with TP.

Yes, it is a bit puzzling as it just asks for name and email so quite easy to put in an obscure (to you) info.
FYI @sphexx we did achieve the quarterly target in about a year, and then rolled it over to start a new chase for the same amount. As Chris said, we'd rather have voluntary contributions than charge a subscription, and thankfully our advertisers (MPB, Eversure and Trade Canvas Print) subsidise the site's running costs so that we can take that view.
FYI @sphexx we did achieve the quarterly target in about a year, and then rolled it over to start a new chase for the same amount. As Chris said, we'd rather have voluntary contributions than charge a subscription, and thankfully our advertisers (MPB, Eversure and Trade Canvas Print) subsidise the site's running costs so that we can take that view.

That’s good to hear! You can infer that both I and @F1.2 were a bit disappointed at the apparently low 12%.
As of course, you may infer, are we, but then again as Chris said, it's all gratefully received, and it excludes a certain amount received via direct donations via Paypal, so the % is probably nearer 18% at a guess
‘Everything’ looks free on the web, which it isn’t of course. I try to pay a bit to some things I read regularly but it’s hard to put a price. I used, like most, to buy magazines weekly and monthly and tend to think that would be a useful yardstick as I don’t buy any now. I think they were in the region of £2-5 so the single cuppa price may be about that.
Where do send the Jaffa cakes?

I hear of cookies past over the net, but nothing for the jaffa cakes :D:exit:

Sorry :coat:
Any kind of cookie gratefully received although @Cobra might prefer small mammals :D or digits from forum members who step out of line
Any kind of cookie gratefully received although @Cobra might prefer small mammals :D or digits from forum members who step out of line
You are suggesting members give @Cobra the digit? Risky advice! :popcorn:
@Gav-canon yes I did read your delete post .....
The difference in culture between here and the airgun forum is really quite surprising. There they set a monthly target for donations of £130 and always exceed it. The moderators have just had to create a new forum from scratch due to the death of the original forum creator and donations are already ten times the target! Yet there have only been two donations here in the two weeks since I made my last one. Someone needs to go out and about with a cattle prod......
I did send a mod a PM some months ago re this
" If you enjoy TalkPhotography please buy us a cuppa, thanks. "
This to me does not explain the " cuppa " is for helping with forum running cost ??
In my opinion " Time for change " I support a hifi forum willingly , Knowing my donations help with the running cost , I'm not a something for nothing type of person , Just look at how good this forum community is .:cool:
I've been lax and not bought cuppa for ages. Got to hve a morning brew. Where is the link now pls.
I've been lax and not bought cuppa for ages. Got to hve a morning brew. Where is the link now pls.
Hidden ( :LOL: ) away at the foot of the Home page or on the Classifieds.
Hidden ( :LOL: ) away at the foot of the Home page or on the Classifieds.
I have not visited the basement of the home page , That location is a new one for me ;)
I have not visited the basement of the home page , That location is a new one for me ;)
It’s completely ‘invisible’ if you are using a tablet (or phone?) but maybe it’s more visible on a big screen, I haven’t checked. I guess (!) that the forum owners may use big screens when modding etc, hence my original pot-stirring about the invisibility of the “cuppa”. “Cuppa” is also a bit obscure, as you said, unless you are familiar with it from elsewhere.
Done. Forgot the jaffa tho. Ha
Cheers Smiffster (y)
I have not visited the basement of the home page , That location is a new one for me ;)
As above, and to elaborate a little more. We did think about a fee to sell in the market place, but we decided against that idea.
Instead, there is a header in the market place asking if people would be kind enough to buy us a cuppa if they make a nice profit on a trade.
Its far cheaper than ebay or PP fee's.
And it actually says
"Using this section is free for qualifying members, click here to say thanks and buy us a cuppa"

Hidden ( :LOL: ) away at the foot of the Home page or on the Classifieds.
Again that is the target audience.

This to me does not explain the " cuppa " is for helping with forum running cost ??
But if you click through you will have seen that it is indeed a target for running costs.

Again, we are happy for any donations but we don't want to shove it down people throats.

. I guess (!) that the forum owners may use big screens when modding etc,
I certainly do its very difficult using "mod tools" on a tiny screen.
OK I give up , Still can't see why the fixation of the cuppa and not just say forum support , Doh !
Still can't see why the fixation of the cuppa and not just say forum support , Doh !
Because that is the name of the "App" that we use.
OK I give up , Still can't see why the fixation of the cuppa and not just say forum support , Doh !

As @Cobra says about the app but also it’s a fairly common phrase for asking for small donations on the web, or sometimes “buy me a coffee’ like Gordon Laing (Cameralabs) but not using the app.

Your suggestion of “forum support” won’t work as it sounds like the already existing support pages. There’s probably no easy solution ㋡
As @Cobra says about the app but also it’s a fairly common phrase for asking for small donations on the web, or sometimes “buy me a coffee’ like Gordon Laing (Cameralabs) but not using the app.

Your suggestion of “forum support” won’t work as it sounds like the already existing support pages. There’s probably no easy solution ㋡
Its working, and the last few days have got people talking about it ( and donating).
I can't see another way other than blatantly advertising it, across the whole forum.
And that's not what its about, it's subtle and relies on peoples good nature :)
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Its working, and the last few days have got people talking about it ( and donating).
I can't see another way other than blatantly advertising it, across the whole forum.
And that's not what its about, it's subtle and relies on peoples good nature :)
Well, we keep bumping this thread which helps ;).
Well, we keep bumping this thread which helps ;).
Its worked today (y)
We've had a few coffees bought, I think I managed to thank everyone personally :)
Its worked today (y)
We've had a few coffees bought, I think I managed to thank everyone personally :)

There is an obvious problem of getting people to notice stuff, not unique to TP, short of annoying pop ups or flashing signs and one gets use to ignoring or dismissing those too.

This thread with the “help” badge appearing in the “Active Threadsl on the front page seems to work at catching attention. Maybe it would be possible to to do something like that regularly (obviously not to often or too regular!) and catch peoples attention? The same wording as this one might work, so that people didn’t feel ‘tricked’ on opening the thread!
Its worked today (y)
We've had a few coffees bought, I think I managed to thank everyone personally :)

Just wait for them to activate Chargeback!!!

Enjoy the tea...