Buying from DigitalRev

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You haven't got your order. You haven't got your money. The only thing you have is a form to fill in. You still need to escalate to ensure that you have a route to your money that doesn't depend on DR doing what they say they'll do.
Now I have to wait to get my money back, why do I think this will take weeks to happen as well?

MPB looks likely to get my business for a used 60D as it's the best bet I can get within budget and I've used them before and found their service excellent.
I'm going to kill someone.

"you have escalated the case to a claim, the decision should be may by Paypal in 48 hours. Please accept our apology for the unexpected delay and inconvenience caused. "

They will not refund me and will wait for paypal to make a judgement? WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Update: DR have sent me screen shots that shwo they can't issue a refund as there's no option to do this until Paypal have investigated. Not much more I can do.

To that end I have bitten the bullet and ordered a used 60D and a Sigma 18-50 f2.8 from MPB Photographic. £100 over my budget and had to put it on my credit card as I haven't had the DR refund but with a week to go to my holiday where I plan on shooting classic race cars for 3 days straight I couldn't afford to wait any longer.
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Nothing worse than a company blaming 'the system' for not being able to process a refund, a screenshot of that should be irrelevant to the customer, they can easily and quickly process a refund for you if they really wanted to.
I'm going to kill someone.

"you have escalated the case to a claim, the decision should be may by Paypal in 48 hours. Please accept our apology for the unexpected delay and inconvenience caused. "

They will not refund me and will wait for paypal to make a judgement? WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Update: DR have sent me screen shots that shwo they can't issue a refund as there's no option to do this until Paypal have investigated. Not much more I can do.

To that end I have bitten the bullet and ordered a used 60D and a Sigma 18-50 f2.8 from MPB Photographic. £100 over my budget and had to put it on my credit card as I haven't had the DR refund but with a week to go to my holiday where I plan on shooting classic race cars for 3 days straight I couldn't afford to wait any longer.


Your refund will come from Paypal.

Now the claim has been escalated Paypal will claw the money back from Digitalrev and hold it until a decision is made, then pay the money to whoever it decides is entitled.

You should have done this last week, and it would have been dealt with by now.
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To that end I have bitten the bullet and ordered a used 60D and a Sigma 18-50 f2.8 from MPB Photographic. £100 over my budget and had to put it on my credit card as I haven't had the DR refund but with a week to go to my holiday where I plan on shooting classic race cars for 3 days straight I couldn't afford to wait any longer.

If you had done that in the first place this whole sorry saga would have been avoided.
Let's not be too hard on our Horney friend. I do think this kind of stuff should be finding it's way into their forum here though. It's all well and good them chucking cheap prices and speedy delivery at everyone, but people should know that there are 2 sides to the DR coin.

Your refund will come from Paypal.

Now the claim has been escalated Paypal will claw the money back from Digitalrev and hold it until a decision is made, then pay the money to whoever it decides is entitled.

You should have done this last week, and it would have been dealt with by now.

You're probably right but I wanted to give DR the 28 days for delivery that most places will state to wait even if it is a next day etc item. I stated a deadline, they accepted that deadline and I wasn't going to start moving goal posts. I work in the service industry and I know things go wrong. I did what I thought was fair when asking for the issue to be resolved and not just go in all guns blazing.

Also the items I ordered from DR were exactly what I wanted, from one supplier and at a good price. I was prepared to wait a finite amount of time, especially when the 10% off was offered. Sadly I was mistaken that they would actually honour any of their promises and have got my fingers burnt.

If you had done that in the first place this whole sorry saga would have been avoided.

Hindsight's a wonderful thing. But I wanted new kit and I have ended up spending £110 more and buying used kit.
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Let's not be too hard on our Horney friend. I do think this kind of stuff should be finding it's way into their forum here though. It's all well and good them chucking cheap prices and speedy delivery at everyone, but people should know that there are 2 sides to the DR coin.

THanks. :)

Once I have my refund and the matter is closed I will write up a factual post of the timeline of events and pop it in their forum.

I certainly won't use them again and if anyone askes me if they should use them I will let them know of my issues so they can decide for themselves if the risk is worth the saving. Lets be honest, 99% of people seem to have no issue at all.
Thought I'd check the trackign on the DR parcel out of curosity and stone me, it looks like it's now being sent to me.

Edit: Yup, marked as out for delivery. Unbelievable. I have instructed reception to refuse the package.
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Refund finally issued. All done and dusted.

60D that I eventually got is awesoemand I love it. All's well that end's well etc etc.
To be honest thats not a good idea - although its fairly typical of a grey importer - one item didnt get through so we'll try another one - trouble is if customs are investigating one importation they'll have your address on a watch list, and another attempt will get picked up and could get you into more trouble (you do not want HMRC deciding to audit your affairs - thats a real ball ache even if you are fully clean)

My view would be that as DR have failed to deliver the item to you as promised they should refund your money - then you can buy from someone who is weither a uk supplier or a grey importer who fulfils from a uk centre and handles the import themselves

My bold. Where did you get this information from? Or did you just made that up? I'd appreciate link to non-moneysaving-expert site.

I got that info from customs and revenue when I last reported someone for VAT evasion - their response basically said (and i'm paraphrasing) "thank you for the information on XYZ , even if we are unable to bring charges this time, all addresses under investigation are kept on a watch list for further offences, so all information is useful even if it does not result in imediate action"

(Interesting choice of first post btw, but welcome to TP anyway)
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It was a third post, not first. No need to make up stuff like that. How is that relevant to the price of zimbulators in South Markovia?

So, as expected, nothing to confirm your statement?

As for keeping addresses 'under investigation' ; are you telling me that it's enough for me to just ring HMRC and report people and instantly not only they are investigated but their address is put on the 'watch list'? If they move, is that address still on the 'watch list' or the address is removed and new one automatically added?
As for keeping addresses 'under investigation' ; are you telling me that it's enough for me to just ring HMRC and report people and instantly not only they are investigated but their address is put on the 'watch list'?

He didn't say that. He didn't imply any direct connection between reporting someone and HMRC opening an investigation.
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He didn't say that. He didn't imply any direct connection between reporting someone and HMRC opening an investigation.

I'll do this as slowly as I possibly can. Repeat after me.


It is entertaining to read all 'reasons' for not ordering 'grey imports'. Always the same people perpetuating same rubbish.

I do understand why you, as registered seller, don't like the idea of competition. I do. But others? The only reason that I can think of, would be either undeclared interest, or resistance to change.

For the record; I have no connection to either UK or Asia/USA dealers/distributors. No interest whatsoever. I wouldn't buy this type of gear on-line (UK or "GI") purely on the basis that I like to go and see/feel the gear and most outfits will match prices anyway.

Anyhow is there a way to add posters to ignore list so that I don't have to suffer kafkian tedium of their posts?

I once read a story about a guy with a fancy grey market camera. He went on holiday. When returning from abroad he was given a bit of a search by customs. The story goes that they checked the serial number of the camera and ascertained it was grey with no duty / tax having been paid. The story goes that the camera was confiscated by customs. Now I don't know if there is truth in this, but it's certainly food for thought.
Anyhow is there a way to add posters to ignore list.

Yup, you click on 'popeye88' 'View Profile', 'User Lists' and then select 'Add popeye88 to Ignore List'. I suggest everybody follows those instructions. Goodbye, and next time try not insulting one of the most respected and helpful members of a forum.
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I once read a story about a guy with a fancy grey market camera. He went on holiday. When returning from abroad he was given a bit of a search by customs. The story goes that they checked the serial number of the camera and ascertained it was grey with no duty / tax having been paid. The story goes that the camera was confiscated by customs. Now I don't know if there is truth in this, but it's certainly food for thought.

LoL. Completely true. After all, every payment to HMRC for every imported good is recorded with serial number for that particular good. Tis all in 'da cloud'.

You obviously don't understand at all!

The clue is in the name "Lenses for Hire"


Ok Heather! (exclamation mark dully noted, the excitement is palpable, almost)

You are probably right, companies that rent out staff never sell gear. Ever. Completely unheard of. Next time I'll make sure that I call them just to check :)
Yup, you click on 'popeye88' 'View Profile', 'User Lists' and then select 'Add popeye88 to Ignore List'. I suggest everybody follows those instructions. Goodbye, and next time try not insulting one of the most respected and helpful members of a forum.

Well, thanks for that, very useful.

As for the insult, it wasn't my intention. In order for me to want to insult anyone I should care, even a little.

And I really don't. I'm, however sure, that ~SR, will be grateful for you coming to his defence.


So many sensitive flowers around. I'll try to watch my step in the future. I promise.
To try to get this thread back on topic.
If I was to buy lens / camera abroad, should I report it to Customs? Or, since I live in States half of the year, should I report the same lens to IR? Decisions, decisions.

I'll do this as slowly as I possibly can. Repeat after me.


how ?

If you have any "evidence" to support your view we'd love to see it

HMRC told me different - so if its all the same to you I'll believe them rather than some random internet guy.

Simple question does anyone really believe that HMRC wouldn't keep an eye on an address they were already investigating ?

I'm not going to pursue this argument any further , believe what you like, buy from whoever you wish - I could give a ****

But don't call me a liar without proof
handbags away please :)
It is entertaining to read all 'reasons' for not ordering 'grey imports'. Always the same people perpetuating same rubbish.

I do understand why you, as registered seller, don't like the idea of competition. I do. But others? The only reason that I can think of, would be either undeclared interest, or resistance to change.

companies that rent out staff never sell gear. Ever. Completely unheard of. Next time I'll make sure that I call them just to check :)

OK popeye88, you want to talk about my hidden agenda? That's OK. But it's a bit dull I'm afraid.

Here's what happened.

big soft moose said this:
I got that info from customs and revenue when I last reported someone for VAT evasion - their response basically said (and i'm paraphrasing) "thank you for the information on XYZ , even if we are unable to bring charges this time, all addresses under investigation are kept on a watch list for further offences, so all information is useful even if it does not result in imediate action"
And you said this in reply:
As for keeping addresses 'under investigation' ; are you telling me that it's enough for me to just ring HMRC and report people and instantly not only they are investigated but their address is put on the 'watch list'? If they move, is that address still on the 'watch list' or the address is removed and new one automatically added?

I thought you had misunderstood or misrepresented his post. I'm not saying that I thought that was deliberate. But big soft moose's post did not state or imply that the mere act of reporting someone for VAT evasion would trigger an investigation by HMRC. The response from HMRC, as reported by him, might be read to imply that the address of the person he reported was already under investigation; but I'm not sure even that is justifiable.

So in the interests of fairness and trying to keep the discussion on track, I tried to point that out to you. I thought that an unconnected third party pointing it out would be less inflammatory than if big soft moose pointed it out himself, because if he'd done it then it would immediately be into a sort of "oh yes you did", "oh no I didn't" situation.

That's my agenda. Sorry if it disappoints.

I also don't have any "undeclared interests". I'm the owner of a business which hires out photographic equipment and I pay a modest sum each month to the owners of Talk Photography in order to be allowed to say that here. Obviously I have views on tax evasion and illegal competition, and they're not a secret either. I've posted them at various times on TP but I'd be happy to share them with you if you're interested.
Stuart, it's probably a waste of time trying to reason with someone who registers merely to defend a grey retailer, no matter how good your argument or how ridiculous their viewpoint is, you'll never change what they say.
Hi Stuart,

Thanks for the reasoned reply.

When replying, I did notice 'Advertiser' and my reply was based on that. Obviously I was wrong. Apologies for that.

As for illegal competition and breaking the law. I'm afraid I have, what I consider pragmatic view on those matters.

On competition; I do believe that differentiation is the answer, rather than striving for the cost leadership (Porter et al, early 70s).

As far for breaking the law. Again very pragmatic there; Am I going to lose sleep over the fact that I didn't report bottle of cologne to the relevant authorities? Or driving 83 km/h in 80km/h zone? Very very unlikely. And yet both are clearly breaking the law. (For the record above are purely figment of my imagination and such infractions would never ever happen for real).

While tax evasion is illegal, the notion often perpetuated here that any tax avoidance is legal is not correct. People / companies using aggressive tax avoidance schemes (IoM trust fund loopholes are the most recent ones) are being regularly investigated and prosecuted by HMRC. But that is probably topic for another thread.

I'm not here to pass moral judgement on other's behaviour. We all have things that are and that aren't acceptable to us.


OK popeye88, you want to talk about my hidden agenda? That's OK. But it's a bit dull I'm afraid.

Here's what happened.

big soft moose said this:

And you said this in reply:

I thought you had misunderstood or misrepresented his post. I'm not saying that I thought that was deliberate. But big soft moose's post did not state or imply that the mere act of reporting someone for VAT evasion would trigger an investigation by HMRC. The response from HMRC, as reported by him, might be read to imply that the address of the person he reported was already under investigation; but I'm not sure even that is justifiable.

So in the interests of fairness and trying to keep the discussion on track, I tried to point that out to you. I thought that an unconnected third party pointing it out would be less inflammatory than if big soft moose pointed it out himself, because if he'd done it then it would immediately be into a sort of "oh yes you did", "oh no I didn't" situation.

That's my agenda. Sorry if it disappoints.

I also don't have any "undeclared interests". I'm the owner of a business which hires out photographic equipment and I pay a modest sum each month to the owners of Talk Photography in order to be allowed to say that here. Obviously I have views on tax evasion and illegal competition, and they're not a secret either. I've posted them at various times on TP but I'd be happy to share them with you if you're interested.
While tax evasion is illegal, the notion often perpetuated here that any tax avoidance is legal is not correct. People / companies using aggressive tax avoidance schemes (IoM trust fund loopholes are the most recent ones) are being regularly investigated and prosecuted by HMRC. But that is probably topic for another thread.

You seem to misunderstand the difference between evasion and avoidance.

It would not be possible to prosecute for tax avoidance because, by its very nature, it is not illegal. If individuals or companies are prosecuted, then the scheme itself must be breaking UK tax law and therefore would be (legally) classed as evasion.
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