Can you help a young lad?

Thanks Grockle for letting us know how CJ is We tend to forget how fragile life is Please let his family know that they are always in our thoughts
I have only just found this thread and I am gutted I didn't see it in time to send off a card.
My thought are with CJ and his family.

x x x
Thank you for the update Chris, this is such a heart rending story and I cannot imagine what their lives must be like.
Thanks for the update, I cant imagine what they are going through, what a brave family
Grockle, thanks for the update; not much to add to what others have said, except CJ and his friends/family are very much in my thoughts and are an inspiration to other families in a similar situation.

Please keep us updated on the lad's situation.

Sadly I registered to this forum after his birthday otherwise I would have sent a card. What a sad story.
It must be very very very hard for all those around this brave young one. I wish all of them a lot of strength.
perhaps time to edit the first post to remove his address? hate for it to go on for a few years.

my thoughts to the family.