Can you help a young lad?

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Hi all, I've checked with Marcel that it's ok to post this:

there's a young lad (whose mum runs another forum I use) who is terminally ill with a really aggressive tumour that runs from his stomach to his ankle and who is unlikely to live to see his birthday later this month. He is a really brave little guy who loves football and Man Utd and this is his mum's request:

All I would change from the original would be to ask for photographs, home prints or cards to be sent.

Mums request:

Hi All... I've mulled over posting this then figured ***** or bust...

As most of you know... My lad Chris been a tad ill lately... After a few really rotten weeks he's more comfortable than he's ever been which is really good and a blessing to see... But there's little doubt he's on the home stretch now and we are just going day by day...

Thing is, it's his birthday on the 20th... He's focused on that when he's 'with it' but I don't know if he'll be able to hang on in there the way his body is letting him down at the moment... Although, knowing my boy he could throw a curve ball and see Christmas through as well... It would surprise me, but at the same time it wouldn't... He still doesn't know himself just quite how things are - and some of the drugs he's on now are quite disassociative and interfere with memory a little so he's in a fairly comfy, lazy, hazy place when he's awake...

Anyway - with his birthday brewing so close and him being a tad fixed on it - well, I kinda thought it might be nice if he had a shedload of cards that might put a smile on his face... We've moved his bed into the lounge so he can be right by me all the time and I've kinda got a picture in my mind of lots of birthday cards hanging off

I don't like asking, but I don't quite know what else to do really... So was just wondering... If anyone had a moment and had a spare birthday card hanging around, I'd like to ask a huge favour and see if you'd mind sending him one in the post... Just so that this year he has more cards than he's ever had - and if he's seeing them in the run up to his birthday rather than just waiting for his birthday then perhaps it'll just make him feel good and I can't explain it very well but seeing a grin right now is worth everything...

I know it's a terribly busy and expensive time of the year for everyone and we've all got a little chaos going on in our lives and the timing's not the greatest... So please, don't anyone feel obligated at all and don't anyone worry about going out and buying a card... Just if you have one hanging around and are heading to the post office I would be soooooooooo grateful if he received a few extra this year...

Anyway, if anyone has the time, and is in the position to help out, his address is:

**Removed and many thanks to all those who sent cards and made CJ's birthday something very very special.**


If you do send anything it might be a nice idea just to stick the initials TP somewhere on the item so mum has an idea of where it came from.

Many thanks to anyone who takes part, it will make a young man happier than he has been for a long time.
im in..
This is a very, very sad story...

What a brave young man.

I will surely send the lad a card. It`s the least anyone can do.

On the Man utd thing and being a fan myself, mum should contact the club... they may send him some goodies or a signed card from the players or a signed shirt... or maybe even a visit from one of the players... it`s maybe worth a try. Just a thought.

Card will be on it`s way...

This is terribly sad, i can't think of anything worse than out living your children and having to remember how they were, i will send one over the next couple of days, you haven,t mentioned how old he will be.

Great idea by tjc, i'm sure this could be fruitful (y)
Ben as I personally know this lad I find your post pretty offensive but each to their cynical own.
. . . for it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.(charles dickens). not that im pointing at anyone
Chris, what an unbelievably sad story particularly at this time of year, it really struck a chord with me as his birthday is on the same date as my eldest son, Harry. I'll get a card out later today or tomorrow.
FWIW Grockle approcahed the Admin first, and we have checked the authenticity of this (as far as we can of course), and we have concluded that it's not a scam, and therefore we've allowed it.

It must be horrible to live in such a cynical world eh? Contrary to what you might believe, there ARE some real people out there, and some things on the internet are still true you know.

If you don't have anything supportive to say...then don't say anything. If you don't want to send anything, that's fine, don't.
A very sad story, seems a very brave young man! my wife cried when I read this out count us in.
if the first Quote did not work then this says it all

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.
Chris will be 14 this year. He's met Man U back in the summer through a charity that makes that sort of dream come true.

Just in case anyone else does question it his mum asked me to let you know that Chris has the condition Neurofibromatosis... It's just in him a particular type of benign but invasive growth has undergone malignant change... A small risk that it happens...
The statistics didn't work in his favour...
I'll be popping a card in the post too.
Chris will be 14 this year. He's met Man U back in the summer through a charity that makes that sort of dream come true.

Just in case anyone else does question it his mum asked me to let you know that Chris has the condition Neurofibromatosis... It's just in him a particular type of benign but invasive growth has undergone malignant change... A small risk that it happens...
The statistics didn't work in his favour...

I`m glad he`s met up with his heros...

Nice one. (y)

Good to see you sorted out that... "negative" post Marcel. (y)
Will most certainly send one tomorrow to the poor lad and will spend the evening writing something special for him. Bless him.

Consider it done, hope he gets many many more

I will be sending him a card this weekend and hope that, if everyone else does that has promised to too, it will help brighten his day (and also give a tiny bit of support to his poor parents who must be emotionally wrecked too right now).
Ok, so my wish not to increase the posties workload was seen as offensive.

Did I actually say anything about the boy, or his condition? Did I imply that I thought the whole thing was a scam of some sort?

I did say that many people who have made similar pleas for things to be sent through the post have been victims of the internet - the story gets spread around by many well wishing people, and this ends up in the real world equivalent of an email based DoS on the address concerned.Example

I have not stated where I stand on the position of this lad or his family. I just commented on the possible outcome of a "mail a card" campaign and that, bearing this in mind, I wouldn't be sending a card.

Ok, so my wish not to increase the posties workload was seen as offensive.

Did I actually say anything about the boy, or his condition? Did I imply that I thought the whole thing was a scam of some sort?

I did say that many people who have made similar pleas for things to be sent through the post have been victims of the internet - the story gets spread around by many well wishing people, and this ends up in the real world equivalent of an email based DoS on the address concerned.Example

I have not stated where I stand on the position of this lad or his family. I just commented on the possible outcome of a "mail a card" campaign and that, bearing this in mind, I wouldn't be sending a card.


button it scrooge
btw, me an Liam dont like football, but we can definatly make something beautiful for this little boy to treasure.

i will make he a wee card and send it in the post ;)
Quote "button it scrooge " lol
Hi i will send a card today
Is there an email address as i have a few good shots from inside old trafford of a few of the players that i could send on

He will be 14.

Cathal, thanks for the offer, I'll ask his mum if it's ok to give you her email addy. I'll PM it if she says yes.
A terribly sad time for the family, make the most of each and every moment that you can. My thoughts are with you all.

I will send a card today:)

I must admit that I'm always skeptical about these sort of things, so I did a bit of research and the name and (as far as I can ascertain) story tie up with a genuine family and a genuine address.

Perhaps it would be worth removing the address details from the post though and Grockle can pm them to those interested in sending a card, to prevent the family ending up with a situation like those highlighted by BenMottram....

Just a thought ;)
Sent my card. Its the least I can do for the lad.