Can you help a young lad?

Young Chris had 4 cards on Saturday and 5 this morning that he hasn't seen yet as he's still sleeping. I'm sure his mum will pop in later and let us all know how he's doing.

It's great to see the cards have started flowing and I'm proud to be part of such a great community.
Such a sad story.

I help run a large car club forum, I am sure me and the admins would be happy to post this up, if the OP or Mum want me to then let me know.

Will send a card out tomorrow.
Card is in the post, what a confusing address! Hope it gets there :D:D
Young Chris had 4 cards on Saturday and 5 this morning that he hasn't seen yet as he's still sleeping. I'm sure his mum will pop in later and let us all know how he's doing.

It's great to see the cards have started flowing and I'm proud to be part of such a great community.

Hi Grockle I sent the details to Man UTD just wondered if you had heard anything??
card in the post, had one of those days then remembered i hadnt posted the card, we have so much to be thankful for

We've sent ours hope he has a great fun opening everyone's (y)
Is anyone else having trouble viewing the last page of the thread? It says I am on page 3 of 4, but it wont let me open the last page? :(
Yep. It's been doing it for a while. I don't think the page exists yet.
Is anyone else having trouble viewing the last page of the thread? It says I am on page 3 of 4, but it wont let me open the last page? :(

Yes happened to me earlier, i got PC rage and it nearly grew wings :LOL: ok now though.
My young nephew Zak, suffered from a related condition, Neuroblastoma, and he passed away a week before his 5th birthday. I will also send a card as I know how the family are feeling. Anything to bring a little cheer into a young life.
are you hoping to get as many cards as possible? or is there a limit your aiming for?

i only ask as the story and requests seem to be travelling quite far and i would hate for you to get "too many" if you know what i mean
Hi folks.
Just dropping in from Canada to let you know that someone posted about
CeeJay on one of our discussion boards.

Several of us Canadian ebayers have sent CeeJay cards.

However the amount of cards he recieves from Canada may be limited because
one of our resident Trolls on the ebay discussion boards saw fit to report this
posting and ebay removed it along with CeeJay's address.

Our hearts go out to CeeJay and all young people who are inflicted with life ending

I will be monitoring this site to see how CeeJay is getting along.

Merry Christmas to all our friends in the UK and elsewhere.

Hi All...:)

I just wanted to say a big 'thank you' for all the marvellous support you have shown on this forum... You are wonderfully kind and generous people x

CeeJay has received cards on Saturday, Monday and yesterday and it has been lovely to see them... Told him the Queen might have two birthdays a year but hers don't last for a full two weeks...:D

He had his first post from the US yesterday and was quite fascinated with that... We're so used to bills and junk arriving in the mail as adults we kinda forget I think how much we might have waited with anticipation for the postie as kiddies...

I've given the postie warning and he's on standby incase he needs to bring

As for the postal address... Yes, it is confusing to say the least... I'm a non welsh speaker but I've been assured that in the welsh language the name of the village does contain some vowels... If anyone is curious, Ynysybwl is pronounced Un (as in 'un' for 'unfair'), Us (as in 'us'), U (as in 'u' for 'under') and Bull (as in four legged critter with horns!)...:thinking:

He's a sleepy boy at the moment so I'm sitting on my hands after the postie has been whilst waiting for him to wake and open his mail...

Thank you all for showing such concern and if it's ok with Marcel I'll post again just to update on how many are arriving and how he's doing...:love:

Ann-Marie (CeeJay's mum) x
Pleased that he is receiving the cards and I am sure it will be fine to keep us up dated but checking with marcel would be good.

If you do update it would be good to update in this thread and then peeps will know where to come and look.

best wishes

Man U goodies arrived at CJ's today along with 31 cards - I'm sure Ann-Marie will pop in later with an update.

Apparently Chris is one happy little chappie. Thanks to all involved.
Thats great news to hear :)

Please do keep us updated! :)
What a very touching thread.

Birthday Card sent.

Nothing as easy as spreading a little happiness.... most people even break out laughing with just one glimpse of my ugly mug.. Its the years of practice you know.

Glad the cards are rolling in.
CeeJay got 39 cards today including several with TP on them. Thanks all, keep them coming.

His mum says he's currently sleeping about 16 hours in 24 (in 2 - 3 hr segments) with his pain meds. He's over the moon with all his cards and other bits and bobs that have arrived for him.
I put TP on mine, I am chuffed to be a part of this, Id love to see the look on his face when he sees all the cards hes getting :D:D
Another 31 cards today, the lounge walls are now starting to be covered and CeeJay is managing a few smiles although his mum says he is starting to sleep a bit more each day at the same time as getting a little weaker all the time.
We're so happy he's receiving lots of cards and pressies and really proud to be part of making his wee life a little happier .
Thank you Marcel for allowing me to update...

CJ received 39 cards today - I've been amazed!! Thank you all so very much... Quite a few with TP on them have arrived and some from the likes of the MoD and an RAF Police squad... Great to know they know where to find me...:p

As Grockle mentioned - he's only awake in bursts of two to three hours at the moment so the card opening ceremony each day although tiring for him really does put a smile on his face as he is now the official king of the birthday cards in this household... I'll confess to finding it quite exciting seeing the different stamps and different parts of the world they're coming from too...

All the surfaces are filled with cards so hubby's been told to pick up some white tac to start lining the wall above his bed... Who needs Christmas decorations?? :)

One week today till his birthday... Then Christmas... Then New Year... God willing and with a good tail wind he'll get to see them all...

Thank you all so much for your support... You'll never know what it means...


Ann-Marie x
CeeJay has touched a lot of hearts here and wherever he goes he will travel with us in our minds and hearts
Thanks Chris. I didn't want to copy the email she sent me, as it wasn't my place to :)

Needless to say, I'm honestly touched at the friendliness of people on here. I know we've got a really good community full of friendly, good natured, and helpful people. Sounds soppy and cliched, but I'm proud to be a part of it.

So while everyone is entitled to their views, please don't ruin what is a nice gesture by some people, by being a doubting thomas full of negativity and cynicism.

HEAR HERE its not sloppy mate .....its freindly and shows we do care nowt special about us all except we care
so the card opening ceremony each day although tiring for him really does put a smile on his face as he is now the official king of the birthday cards in this household...

I don't know about you but this big hairy guy feels real good to hear that! Wayne

Lets keep them coming guys!!:)
She forgot to mention that CeeJay also got a card from one Ryan Giggs today. :D

I think Dangermouse gets the credit for that one.
She forgot to mention that CeeJay also got a card from one Ryan Giggs today. :D

I think Dangermouse gets the credit for that one.

I dont need any credit mate just the thought that CJ can see it makes it all worthwhile
Just a quick update.

CeeJay had another 37 cards (Mon & Tue) Total count according to his mum is now 193 and he has a big smile on his face every day when he wakes up and helps open his cards. :D
Lady Dragon, is it too much to ask for a photo? Not of CeeJay if you dont want to post his pic, but of all the cards in the house? Thats what we are all about here after all :):)