Canon 5D MKIII official owners/users thread, anything related to the 5D MKIII

Hi all. Just wondering what grips you guys have bought and how they are panning out? Not worried out having a canon one, just something that works. I won't be using it that often.

Ta muchly.
I have a Meike grip, and it's great. I've used them on all my previous cameras without issue. The only real issue is that the joystick's a bit crappy, but for £50 odd quid you can't complain!

Thanks for the reply. I have a similar bag to the 55AW in the form of a KATA :) I probably would find an alternative to the VERY EXPENSIVE Canon EH20-L. Just looking for something I can more quickly access than the KATA and a case that remains attached to the camera so I don't have the camera strap + another on my shoulder :)

Thanks for the reply. I have a similar bag to the 55AW in the form of a KATA :) I probably would find an alternative to the VERY EXPENSIVE Canon EH20-L. Just looking for something I can more quickly access than the KATA and a case that remains attached to the camera so I don't have the camera strap + another on my shoulder :)

I think it takes a few bags to finally find "the one". Ive lost count of the amount of bags ive had. I tend ot buy a bag for a certain combo, thne when that combo falls out of favour i get another one for the current combo etc. Its never ending.
I also dont like anything that doesnt allow me to have my camera with lens and hood on ready to go, so back packs have always been out of the question.

Other bags ive had that are similar are a Tamrac V9 (my fav bag of all time) and my current Vanguard Up Rise 33. This is my day bag and works well for work and just walking around, and is a top loader just like the Tamrac. Both hold enough but wouldn't hold a full kit. I tend to get camera with any lens attached, and another two lenses. None of my lenses are big heavy zooms or primes though.

Good luck, ive never had or seen the Canon one in the flesh but im sure there are cheaper alternatives.

EDIT: Ive just looked up the Canon EH20-L and i see what you are asking about now. Totally different ot what i thought it was so please ignore my suggestions lol.
That case looks like it would be of very limited use. I doubt you could even get a lens hood in there and would severely limit what lens you would take out IMO.
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Sorry Jonney, i wasnt clear. When i said "ready to go" i meant being able to to just reach down and take the camera out of the bag at amoments notice. So for me its top loaders all the way.
I dont normally use a lens cap on the lens thats atatched to the camera, so i always have the hood on when in the bag.

Actually i do have a Lowepro Flipside 400 backpack, but thats just for storing stuff at home, i dont really take it out and have cut most of the straps off. Its been handy for taking all my gear somewhere in the car, but ive never walked around with it. I very rarely need to take all my gear anyway so the smaller bags do just fine most of the time.
I have two 'bags':

Kata HB-207 Hiker Backpack

and the

KATA GDC Holster H-14

Both are excellent - I just need to use them more :)
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Anyone have a 24-105 thats squeaks when you zoom? Im thinbkimg I'm gonna have to take mine back.

Also, has anyone opted for a 24-70 VC Tamron over the canon, I d a lot of weddings and the 2.8 VC would be awesome for this. Thanks.
Anyone have a 24-105 thats squeaks when you zoom? Im thinbkimg I'm gonna have to take mine back.

Also, has anyone opted for a 24-70 VC Tamron over the canon, I d a lot of weddings and the 2.8 VC would be awesome for this. Thanks.

I won't bore everyone again with all the details but yes, I went from 24-105L to the Tramon, then another Tamron, and now the Canon MKII and have no regrets at all.
I have a friend who also went from the 24-105L to the Tamron and has no regrets and no issues (as far as he knows, although he has had it repaired after the AF ring broke).
I think we have discussed this already but maybe not. My own opinion, and I've only done one wedding, is you will have more keepers with the Canon MKII, but that's not say others aren't using the Tamron for weddings with great results.
I found the Tamron struggled a bit more in low light than my other lenses, and the hit rate was lower if using AI servo. I had two copies and both acted the same. AF was spot on if light was ok and I wasn't using AI Servo, but I have afeeling you will use this mode and light will not be good.
In fact I got the Tamron for my daughters wedding last year, but after two copies failed I bit the bullet and got the canon.
If you rely on the lens for income don't scrimp.
Hi Guys, I have the Lowepro Vertex 304 AW and the Slingshot 302 AW. Ive had at least 5 bags prior to these two that ive settled on.
The 304 goes on long haul trecks with me and the 302 comes in teh car and to Zoo's etc anywhere that isnt "Primarily" a photography trip.
If anyones interested to see them with kit installed let me know and I will take some images.
Pretty sure I'm going to join the 5D3 club very soon. Probably from Panamoz for just over £1700 really want one after reading this thread!
Anyone have a 24-105 thats squeaks when you zoom? Im thinbkimg I'm gonna have to take mine back.

Also, has anyone opted for a 24-70 VC Tamron over the canon, I d a lot of weddings and the 2.8 VC would be awesome for this. Thanks.

Canon II is sharper that the sharp thing at all settings. Sharper than 100mm L if you like!

P.S. The squeak indicates either some wear, or if it is new maybe some rubber is too tight. Take it back regardless.
This is less a specific 5D3 question, and more a general FF question. Would you plump for the wide angle adapter if fitting a Lee filter to the 24-105, or is the standard OK? I only currently have one 77mm lens so it's not a big deal, but the WA is twice as expensive as the standard so I thought it's worth checking out.

Anyone know from experience?
I have adaptors on each of my lenses (apart from a 14mm f2.8 which won't take them) across 3 camera systems (Canon full frames, Mamiya medium format and Linhof large format) so using Lee ones was working out very expensive. Someone on here recommended eBay copies from China, I now have a load of them, a wide angle is about £8 delivered and they're excellent.

A long winded reply which can be summed up as get eBay wide angle copies.
Hoping someone could answer a couple of questions for me please...would these lenses fit a 5D3 I'm pretty sure they won't

Tamron 17 - 50 f2.8

Tamron SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD

Also will this grip for the 5D3 I it's the one I have on my 7D I think the batteries are the same for the 7D and 5D3 -

Of the 2 lens the 17-50 won't fit as it is an EF-s lens, but the 70-300 will. As to the grip, no it won't fit, although the batteries are the same the shape and size of the body is different. The grip for the 5D3 is the BG-e11
Thanks a lot for confirming Chris :)

What wide angle lenses do you guys tend to use?
The widest I have is Tamron 24-70 f/2.8 VC. The question is though were you happy with the 17-50 or did you want wider. If you was happy then the FF focal length equivalent of it is 27 - 80.
The 17-50 fits, but you'll get a vignette around the edges, I had the same problem when I switched.

Is the vignette quite bad?

Where is the cheapest for the 5D3 now...still Panamoz? I'm happy to get a grey import.
They were last time I checked, however I got mine from Clifton cameras. £2199 inc grip and software. I worked out that taking the extras into account UK purchase was about £80 more. Could either keep or sell the extras to recoup some of the difference
(Apologies as I have posted this on the general forum as well)

I have always used Canon kit and last March invested in a Canon 5D Mark 3 however it failed big time on Christmas Eve. It is still under warranty as it is only 9-months old and on Canon's advice I took it into Fixation as they are a registered repairer (I have used them before and quite happy). There were a number of symptoms and the outcome was that Fixation have identified corrosion of the 'dial assembly' replacement of which will resolve the issues. HOWEVER they say that as it is corrosion it will NOT be covered by the warranty and I will have a bill of £179.54.

The Canon brochure promotes this camera as having weatherproof sealing which "protects your equipment in harsh environments and lets you keep shooting even when conditions get tough". I use Optech rain covers although on occasion the camera has got wet in the rain but certainly not soaked (no water immersion).

Considering the high cost of the camera body and the claims in the Canon promotional literature, I would:
A) Not have expected this to happen and;
B) Have expected the warranty to cover it in the unlikely event it did happen!

I have contacted Canon and they have asked me to send it to their Elstree office for a second opinion although they warn they do not cover corrosion. I have used Canon camera bodies for over 8 years and my previous Canon 50D and my old 400D never failed me and over the years have had much more exposure to weather than my 5D Mark 3 has ever had.

Anyone have any advice or experienced the same sort of thing?

Thanks in advance.
(Apologies as I have posted this on the general forum as well)

I have always used Canon kit and last March invested in a Canon 5D Mark 3 however it failed big time on Christmas Eve. It is still under warranty as it is only 9-months old and on Canon's advice I took it into Fixation as they are a registered repairer (I have used them before and quite happy). There were a number of symptoms and the outcome was that Fixation have identified corrosion of the 'dial assembly' replacement of which will resolve the issues. HOWEVER they say that as it is corrosion it will NOT be covered by the warranty and I will have a bill of £179.54.

The Canon brochure promotes this camera as having weatherproof sealing which "protects your equipment in harsh environments and lets you keep shooting even when conditions get tough". I use Optech rain covers although on occasion the camera has got wet in the rain but certainly not soaked (no water immersion).

Considering the high cost of the camera body and the claims in the Canon promotional literature, I would:
A) Not have expected this to happen and;
B) Have expected the warranty to cover it in the unlikely event it did happen!

I have contacted Canon and they have asked me to send it to their Elstree office for a second opinion although they warn they do not cover corrosion. I have used Canon camera bodies for over 8 years and my previous Canon 50D and my old 400D never failed me and over the years have had much more exposure to weather than my 5D Mark 3 has ever had.

Anyone have any advice or experienced the same sort of thing?

Thanks in advance.
No real advice but that sounds bad!
I posted a few months ago about how i was out shoitng the Lord mayors parade in London. It was raining most of the time but i wouldn't class it as really heavy. The camera wasnt out in the rain much, but it did get wet.
The next day i found the top dial to be very erratic, to the point where it would just not do anything most of the time. It too almost 4 days before ti had dried out and was back working.
I too thought i wouldn't need to worry about light rain, but it seems not.
Come to think of it my 15 month old 5DMIIII has quite a few scratches in the bottom part of the body. Im very careful with my gear but this is the first camera ive had these issues with.

Poorly made and i certainly wouldn't rate it as semi pro build.
Awesome service this weekend by Jessops, walked in, showed them the issue with the squeak on the 24-105 the guy grabbed another one and swapped it right out there and they, took like 5 mins in all. Cant fault that.

Tempted to sell it and get a 24-70 canon now as its brand new.
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5D3 ordered :D

Now to find a cheap grip for it!
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I opted for the genuine Canon grip in the end as i use a BR strap.
Some of the third party grips don't have a metal reinforced plate where the tripod/strap screw connects on the inside of the grip and i didn't want to risk 2K worth of body hitting the deck if it failed!
Maybe overkill on my part, but i didn't want to take a risk.
Is the vignette quite bad?

Where is the cheapest for the 5D3 now...still Panamoz? I'm happy to get a grey import.
I'd buy it from most uk shops as the price is only around 200 more.your spending near 2k so might as well throw an extra 200 for uk warranty
I'd buy it from most uk shops as the price is only around 200 more.your spending near 2k so might as well throw an extra 200 for uk warranty

Uk price on camerapricebuster is £2289, Panamoz with BT is £1698.60!!!!!

Also, I've dealt with a warranty issue on a Nikon that came from Panamoz, and it was sorted by Nikon in the UK. The warranty for the 5Dmkiii is also UK (2 years) but through Panamoz themselves.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them.

Decided on the Amazon grip in the end!
UK Price £2289 inc Grip and PSE11/LR5 Bundle.
Sell the grip £200 and sofware bundle £100
Net difference of £291

Also don't forget re-sale, it will be easier to re-sell/PX a UK body and will get slightly more for it. I know which I chose
Uk price on camerapricebuster is £2289, Panamoz with BT is £1698.60!!!!!

Also, I've dealt with a warranty issue on a Nikon that came from Panamoz, and it was sorted by Nikon in the UK. The warranty for the 5Dmkiii is also UK (2 years) but through Panamoz themselves.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them.

That price doesn't include the tax and vat due on the import.