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Curious to know if anyone with a Canon 60/70D (it may even have options on the 80D) has changed the setting for autofocus and tracking in the custom menus in order to get better focus/tracking for motorsport? Things like tracking sensitivity, Accel/Decel tracking, AI servo first and second priority etc?
If anyone has and has found it improves things, could you share your settings please? Thanks

I can't really help with that specific camera but if its anything like my R5 then the 2 settings are

Tracking sensitivity - do you want the focus locked on your intial subject or to switch subjects when something else enters the screen

There are 5 settings moving from continually track on the left to switch subject on the right

For me it depends on the situation. If I am photographing a rally car car come over a crest I will set the tracking mode more towards switch subject, because i want a quick reaction from the auto focus. In contrast if i am tracking a car round a corner and want the focus point to ALWAYS remain on the registration plate or front quarter of the car closest to the camera I'll set it more towards the left... because i want that point of the car focused

acelerate/decelerate tracking

this is for dealing with eratic movement, so for example if a car is coming towards me from a distance and getting closer then naturally it requires faster camera movement as it gets closer, you would want to accelerate the tracking so the camera can deal with the excessive movement/change of speed and keep the original subject focused.

Does that make sense? Not sure its relevent for 80D though?
