Canon image numbering problem

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Hope someone can help incase I'm missing something . I have my canon 5dmk3 image numbering set to continuous which has been fine up until recently. Now when I come home from a wedding with 8 or more cards they are all numbered from 001 with every card . So the camera is resetting the number count everytime I put a new card in . Not a massive problem but quite annoying when I'm trying to keep them in numerical order
Have you double checked the 'numbering setting' is still continuous?

If set, perhaps do a factory reset and then re-enter your personal configurations?
It must be set to auto reset rather than continuous - thats the only way that happens. Are you using custom modes? Could it be in one of those?
Its definatly set to continious and ive never used any custom settings. I cant get my head round it at all as its been fine for the last 100 weddings
I've seen something similar if I use a card formatted in one camera and then used in another without reformating it in that camera. It wasn't resetting to 0001 but to the number +1 of the count in the other camera. This was about 5 or 6 years ago so may have been sorted by now in the firmware. Do you use 2 cameras and swap cards between them by any chance? If so, it may be worth a quick check that the cards are formatted in the camera they are being used in and not the other body.
I've seen something similar if I use a card formatted in one camera and then used in another without reformating it in that camera. It wasn't resetting to 0001 but to the number +1 of the count in the other camera. This was about 5 or 6 years ago so may have been sorted by now in the firmware. Do you use 2 cameras and swap cards between them by any chance? If so, it may be worth a quick check that the cards are formatted in the camera they are being used in and not the other body.
Thank you and you may have a point . I format my cards then put them a wallet so they could end up in 1 of 3 cameras
Did you manage to solve the problem?
I haven't put it to the test yet but you may have a good point about formatting a card but using it in another camera . I'm going to have to label the cards and marry them to each camera to find out for sure
Formatting in 1 camera and then using in another will cause this problem. I found this and solved it on my 5Dmk3. Now with my 5Dmk4 even if used and formatted in the same camera I am having the numbers reset from time to time, not figured out why yet....
Not a solution, but makes the original file number less important - I now date-time stamp my photos on import after tripping up in my Lightroom catalog when I went round the clock on my camera - currently I do keep the original filename too, but I'm considering removing this as date/time usually tells me all I need to know.

If using more than one camera you have to sync the times first so everything stays in chronological order. It makes it really easy to get back to the folder of originals too if an exported jpeg ends up in a different place on your computer.
Not a solution, but makes the original file number less important - I now date-time stamp my photos on import after tripping up in my Lightroom catalog when I went round the clock on my camera - currently I do keep the original filename too, but I'm considering removing this as date/time usually tells me all I need to know.

If using more than one camera you have to sync the times first so everything stays in chronological order. It makes it really easy to get back to the folder of originals too if an exported jpeg ends up in a different place on your computer.

Thats all good and well but if using a MacBook, you can't organise the file by time or date taken, its a massive pain as I had this same issue with my 1DXII and 5DIV from the last wedding I shot.
Thats all good and well but if using a MacBook, you can't organise the file by time or date taken, its a massive pain as I had this same issue with my 1DXII and 5DIV from the last wedding I shot.
Ah - sorry I mean a reverse date/time stamp. If the date is reversed you can always sort in date order.

I do use a MacBook Pro. So my files are names e.g. 201712010930_IMG001.jpg. or 1712010930_IMG001.jpg (for a photo taken at 09.30 a.m on 01st dec 2017. It's a bit longwinded and I may in time drop the last bit, but it means I always know when that image was taken and can always put them in chronological order.

You could just use a (reverse) date stamp with no time.

I started doing the reverse date/time stamp naming when I started using two different cameras and it allows me to make it chronological irrespective of camera.

Edit ; note you may have to go down to recording seconds in the time to make it truly chronological if you are taking loads of shots
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I now date-time stamp my photos on import after tripping up in my Lightroom catalog when I went round the clock on my camera

Just out of interest - how did you do this, what was the issue? As lightroom imports by full date, so you end up with something like:

Easy to find an image by date (if you're outside lightroom
My folders also look like yours. Here's a scenario.... If you export an image, say to email to someone, and then they come back to you wanting a larger copy, you only have the filename to go on. If that filename contains the date, then it's an easier task to directly go to the correct folder. I only keep recent photos on my computer, so I may end up having to search several drives to find the original if it didn't contain the date in the filename.

I came upon a couple of issues with filenames - one was that I went round my camera numbering system (10K photos) and this confused my LR catalog. I can't quite remember now, but I think it was that it won't allow two photographs to have the same name, even though they are in different date folders - but I may be wrong.

The other issue I came across was that I was using two cameras, as was my friend, and we wanted to put all of the photos together into one folder in chronological order. I came up with the idea of reverse date and time stamping them. This was after us both syncing the time on all our cameras.

Finally, not sure if this is what you were after - I set it up as a Lightroom import preset using 'custom'. If time isn't important, sometimes I just use date, so I have two import presets depending on which I want to use.