Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

Thanks Lee. I don't think the picture would have been much without it.

Ah but hardly any pictures would be much without "the decisive moment" and that's exactly what you caught,.. the decisive moment. (y)
Very nice candid street style shot Lee, with good timing. It wouldn't have worked nearly so well if the guys face wasn't covered by the brolly.

Thank you George. I agree about his face being covered. I like that her face is turned away too. Leaves something to the imagination. :)
Counting the drops?
_DSF3347 by Malc Bernhard, on Flickr

Very nice candid street style shot Malc, nicely composed with a good strong mono presentation.

"It's strange I've been doing a personal project for quite a while now called "Faceless" and both you & Lee @Merlin5 put in a Faceless type shot within a couple of posts etc"
Very nice candid street style shot Malc, nicely composed with a good strong mono presentation.

"It's strange I've been doing a personal project for quite a while now called "Faceless" and both you & Lee @Merlin5 put in a Faceless type shot within a couple of posts etc"
Thanks very much, George.
Purely coincidental on my part, apart from that great (photographic) minds think alike... ;-)
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Hey Nige @FishyFish , back a while ago you posted a shot of an American Candy store in Oxford St (post 5186) and two or three posts later you mentioned that the prices on the American goods were insane. A couple of weeks or so back I passed that very same store and took some snaps but me being from the USA I wanted to compare some of the prices so I went in and asked. A Large box of breakfast cereal that we have back home is less that $1.00 but in that store a Small box of the very same was £7.50, as you say insane prices. However yesterday I wandered around Canterbury for a couple of hours and there is a new American Candy store opened there. The price of the Small box of the same breakfast cereal was £9.99, I'm not kidding you. Needless to say I didn't make a purchase.
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Hey Nige @FishyFish , back a while ago you posted a shot of an American Candy store in Oxford St (post 5186) and two or three posts later you mentioned that the prices on the American goods were insane. A couple of weeks or so back I passed that very same store and took some snaps but me being from the USA I wanted to compare some of the prices so I went in and asked. A Large box of breakfast cereal that we have back home is less that $1.00 but in that store a Small box of the very same was £7.50, as you say insane prices. However yesterday I wandered around Canterbury for a couple of hours and there is a new American Candy store opened there. The price of the Small box of the same breakfast cereal was £9.99, I'm not kidding you. Needless to say I didn't make a purchase.
That's just crazy isn't it George. I can't see why these american food products are so expensive here. My local Tesco does a selection of american products such as that sponge cake called Twinkies and various candies, condiments, etc all at silly prices.
Hey Nige @FishyFish , back a while ago you posted a shot of an American Candy store in Oxford St (post 5186) and two or three posts later you mentioned that the prices on the American goods were insane. A couple of weeks or so back I passed that very same store and took some snaps but me being from the USA I wanted to compare some of the prices so I went in and asked. A Large box of breakfast cereal that we have back home is less that $1.00 but in that store a Small box of the very same was £7.50, as you say insane prices. However yesterday I wandered around Canterbury for a couple of hours and there is a new American Candy store opened there. The price of the Small box of the same breakfast cereal was £9.99, I'm not kidding you. Needless to say I didn't make a purchase.

I know. You have to wonder how much of it they sell. I can only assume it's mostly bought by tourists.
Very nice set of candid street style shots Lee, gatecrashing another toggers shoot Tut, Tut, whatever next ? :) :)

I know George, bit naughty I suppose. But the way I see it, whatever happens on the street is fair game for a street photographer to capture. :)
I know George, bit naughty I suppose. But the way I see it, whatever happens on the street is fair game for a street photographer to capture. :)

:) :) :)
Great shots garry, particularly like the first one. (y)You've definitely got a consistent style. That's something I don't really have but need to develop as mine has a different look for every composition which is good and bad.

Thanks, Lee. In fact, these shots and the other ones in the same album (The Soho Series) were inspired by the work of Joshua K Jackson. He has a great way of capturing the atmosphere of late-night Soho that I can't duplicate. But that's OK with me.

Was in Threadneedle Street yesterday and noticed a shoot going on so I secretly gatecrashed it. :D

I spotted the Bank of England in the background as soon as I saw the other (cheeky) photo in the Spotted a Togger thread. These are all good. You had a great light to work with and you captured it with excellence.
Thanks, Lee. In fact, these shots and the other ones in the same album (The Soho Series) were inspired by the work of Joshua K Jackson. He has a great way of capturing the atmosphere of late-night Soho that I can't duplicate. But that's OK with me.

I spotted the Bank of England in the background as soon as I saw the other (cheeky) photo in the Spotted a Togger thread. These are all good. You had a great light to work with and you captured it with excellence.

Thanks very much garry, Oh the light was lovely, it was just right. But I noticed that all my shots were at 800 ISO. When I got home, I found out that at some point during my fiddling around in the camera's settings that I had accidentally changed my minimum auto ISO from 100 to 800! So the exposures could have been better but it's not too bad.

Good call garry on Josh K Jackson! I love his photos. Yes your style is definitely like his. And he in turn is very much inspired by Saul Leiter's work.
Thanks, Lee. In fact, these shots and the other ones in the same album (The Soho Series) were inspired by the work of Joshua K Jackson. He has a great way of capturing the atmosphere of late-night Soho that I can't duplicate. But that's OK with me.

I spotted the Bank of England in the background as soon as I saw the other (cheeky) photo in the Spotted a Togger thread. These are all good. You had a great light to work with and you captured it with excellence.
Sean Tucker did a nice video about Joshua Jackson
Sean Tucker did a nice video about Joshua Jackson

Ah yeah, I've watched that a while back, good video. (y) He's quite matey with Josh K. There's also two or three very short videos, (Adobe presentations I think), showing Josh K demonstrating his basic processing style.
Another "Excellent" candid street style shot Lee, love the contrasty light and of course the mono presentation.

Thanks George! I just quickly replaced the shot you quoted because I'd forgotten to spot remove a couple of distracting white bits on the wall. There was nice evening shadows on sunday so I took advantage of them. :)
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When I got home, I found out that at some point during my fiddling around in the camera's settings that I had accidentally changed my minimum auto ISO from 100 to 800!.

Yeah, I think we've all got that particular t-shirt! You don't want to make the mistake I did once, which was to change the ISO in the wrong direction, and end up on 25600 while shooting JPEGs, shortly after getting my second-hand Fuji X-E2. I then spent the rest of the day wondering why my photos looked weird on the screen! When I got them home, I realised what I'd done, but at the time I thought my LCD was on the blink,