Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

Shelter Man.jpg
Some of the photos I took at the Sweeps Festival in Rochester, Kent, UK. Some of you have no doubt been to the festival. People dress up as chimney sweeps or in other costume from days gone by and spend the day making merry.

Rochester Sweeps Festival 2016 - 03
by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Rochester Sweeps Festival 2016 - 06
by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Rochester Sweeps Festival 2016 - 09
by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Rochester Sweeps Festival 2016 - 10
by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Rochester Sweeps Festival 2016 - 11
by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Rochester Sweeps Festival 2016 - 12
by Garry Knight, on Flickr

There's more [url-]here[/url] if you're interested.
Exeter, Devon...

Been lusting for a Leica M - but before I can even consider that I need to prove to myself I will take street photos :) its been a while, but want to get back into it.

L1210337 by dancook1982, on Flickr

Only just seen this shot Dan, liking it very much. Looking forward to you getting back into street style stuff.(y)

Cheers George,

Off to New York in October - exciting for street photography :D

It sure is good for street style stuff, "24hrs a day".(y)

"If you get a chance head on up to the Central Park area, there's always lot's of interesting stuff goin' on there".:D

Another very good street style shot Sir, great mono conversion giving a good full range of punchy tones. Great Stuff.(y)

"Sorry I'm a bit late on parade, I'm just trying to catch up".


Thanks George.

This one was taken in Sheffield last week. The other set were all grabbed while travelling to a meeting in London. I don't generally get much chance to do this sort of stuff, but I usually like the shots I can get when I do.
