Chris's Photo52 2010 - Weeks 22 & 23 Post #200, Page 7

Week 23 - "Post"(-Processing)

I went and did it, I finally succumbed to giving HDR a go!

Yes, I know it looks a bit 'over-saturated', I know many people will hate it. I know it's lacking a focal point too! But this 52 is trying to get me out of my comfort zone, and try new things, so don't hold it against me!

Any comments or criticism appreciated, but be gentle as this is my first one!
Shoot... Great use of the famous 'How long has that potato been in the back of the cupboard?'

Single... Nice detail in the penny.

Stare...very good SP, only minor niggle is the light catching where your lips meet looks like saliva/drool :puke:

Peace...Looks like you had a geat chance for a candid of the PM's new best mate. Good stare as well.

Indulgence...Only 2 left :LOL::LOL: looks like you indulged yourself a little too much. At least you still had 2 left for the shot.

Ingredients...CROWBAR!! nice shot though

Stop...Yes STOP with the bad jokes PLEASE!

Isolation...Good use of the Blue Peter skills for the snoot, would have like to see a version without eye contact.

Quality...Quality shot of a quality shot for your first attempt at cricket.

Post-processing....Doesn't scream HDR and also not too over saturated too. Lots of atmosphere in the sky (y)
Shoot... Great use of the famous 'How long has that potato been in the back of the cupboard?'

Single... Nice detail in the penny.

Stare...very good SP, only minor niggle is the light catching where your lips meet looks like saliva/drool :puke:

Peace...Looks like you had a geat chance for a candid of the PM's new best mate. Good stare as well.

Indulgence...Only 2 left :LOL::LOL: looks like you indulged yourself a little too much. At least you still had 2 left for the shot.

Ingredients...CROWBAR!! nice shot though

Stop...Yes STOP with the bad jokes PLEASE!

Isolation...Good use of the Blue Peter skills for the snoot, would have like to see a version without eye contact.

Quality...Quality shot of a quality shot for your first attempt at cricket.

Post-processing....Doesn't scream HDR and also not too over saturated too. Lots of atmosphere in the sky (y)

Thanks for the input, and I'm very glad to hear you don't think the HDR is over-done (I'm sure someone will disagree though :D). I hadn't spotted the 'drool' issue, thanks for pointing that out :LOL: !

I'm a bit annoyed I didn't do an 'isolation' shot without the eye contact, as it's been suggested a few times now, if I ever do a shoot like that again I'll definitely bear it in mind (y)

Thanks a lot!
Chris, I'll believe you when you say that's a quality pull shot, I'm useless at cricket, a bit like my MC Hammer knowledge ;)... However, the shot itself, is very well done, and for a first go at it... :clap:...

the HDR, doesn't look overdone, and not oversaturated to me. It does look HDR, I think that's down to the brighter spot in the middle with the darker bits around it... I can't remember the control (light smoothing) I think that evens that out a bit. All in all though, it's worked well, and nicely controlled bit of PP'ing.
Chris, I'll believe you when you say that's a quality pull shot, I'm useless at cricket, a bit like my MC Hammer knowledge ;)... However, the shot itself, is very well done, and for a first go at it... :clap:...

the HDR, doesn't look overdone, and not oversaturated to me. It does look HDR, I think that's down to the brighter spot in the middle with the darker bits around it... I can't remember the control (light smoothing) I think that evens that out a bit. All in all though, it's worked well, and nicely controlled bit of PP'ing.

Oooh, 'light smoothing' you say? I'll look into it, I'm still trying to work out what all the buttons and sliders do in photomatix! Thanks a lot for your kind words! (y)
