Chris's Photo52 2010 - Weeks 22 & 23 Post #200, Page 7

That's a really nice image Chris. B&W suits very well, DoF is spot on and the background is lovely and soft. Not sure it screams mechanical at me, but I don't really care :D

Thanks, it's one of the few of my photos that I actually planned in B&W, rather than changing it in photoshop afterwards because I didn't like it in colour :D

Like that, the DoF has been controlled really well and the bokeh in the background is a nice touch.

Eurgghhh, bok..... bokee....bokay..... nope still can't do it :LOL: Thanks (y)

That's a sweet dof Chris, works really well as a mono.

Cheers (y)

As it turns out, it's really hard to shoot shiny things, the reflections were really confusing the metering whcih is why I don't have a shot of the actual machine heads themselves! I tried in manual but had to rush off to a lecture so didn't really have much time!

Nicely done, good DOF, interesting subject matter, nice lighting and the B&W suits it down to a tee.
Well done - nice dof & conversion - especially appealing to me as I play the guitar!

Thanks a lot for the kind words everyone :)

I'll see if I can sort out that highlight!
Week 9 - "Play"

I had a really good evening shooting some uni sport last night, and thought it would be fitting to use one of those!

I was surprised by how well it went, although it was floodlit the light was pretty good, and after a bit of a tweak, and some noise reduction the results were pretty good!
I'm not a sports fan, but this is a good capture IMO.

My only distraction is the floodlight in the top centre of the shot.

Love Mechanical Chris... I've no clue what it is, but that doesn't matter. Play is also excellent, a mid action shot, they're steaming ;)... I agree with Ian about the floodlight though.
Brilliant capture mate.

I do understand what the others are saying about the floodlight but feel that it's needed in this shot.

I would be interested to see a black and white conversion with plenty of grain. I feel it would make the shot look really gritty and suit the sport nicely.
Agree with everything said. Nice shot - annoying floodlight.
Cheers for the comments everyone! I couldn't decide what to do with the floodlight to be honest. On a lot of my photos, the light was just outside the edge of the frame, so it caused a bit of flare and was a bit annoying. I thought that maybe if I left it in, the slight flare would seem more fitting (which I'm guessing is what Andy was saying)!

Ah well, lesson learnt, next time I'll make sure the floodlights don't creep into my shots. Cheers everyone!!

Same as others with regard the floodlight which would have been ok if on a grandstand but the lamp post cuts through the leaping players arm love the atmosphere with the steam coming off the players :) must have been a cold night.
Good capture. Exposure looks good and the colours are vibrant. Whilst the floodlight may be a little distracting I think it helps put the light and exposure of the rest of the image into some context.
I know absolutely nothing about sports photography, but that looks EXTREMELY impressive to me :clap: :clap: :clap:

It's just so crisp and clear and you've frozen the action perfectly. It can't have been an easy shot, so a big (y) from me.

Personally I really don't mind the floodlight. It was there, it explains why the lighting and background look as they do and I actually like that little bit of flare. IMO it adds to the atmosphere.

My only problem with it is that it's so central. If you could have just got one step to your right, to place the floodlight on the left third I think the composition would have been a lot more balanced . . . is there actually much time for composition in sports togging though? I really wouldn't have a clue :shrug: :LOL:
Same as others with regard the floodlight which would have been ok if on a grandstand but the lamp post cuts through the leaping players arm love the atmosphere with the steam coming off the players :) must have been a cold night.

It was absolutely FREEZING! I'd already covered one rugby match, this was the second and I had a hockey match to do afterwards too. This was actually the last of the lot as I was walking towards the hockey pitch I just turned back, saw they were taking a lineout and grabbed the shot as quickly as I could.

That's a really good action shot. I'll stop there because I really don't know much about sports photography :LOL:

Thanks (y)

Good capture. Exposure looks good and the colours are vibrant. Whilst the floodlight may be a little distracting I think it helps put the light and exposure of the rest of the image into some context.

That was my thinking, next time I'll try and get it in a better position!

I know absolutely nothing about sports photography, but that looks EXTREMELY impressive to me :clap:

It's just so crisp and clear and you've frozen the action perfectly. It can't have been an easy shot, so a big (y) from me.

Personally I really don't mind the floodlight. It was there, it explains why the lighting and background look as they do and I actually like that little bit of flare. IMO it adds to the atmosphere.

My only problem with it is that it's so central. If you could have just got one step to your right, to place the floodlight on the left third I think the composition would have been a lot more balanced . . . is there actually much time for composition in sports togging though? I really wouldn't have a clue :shrug: :LOL:

You and me both, it was only my second time doing it ;) :D Composition sort of went out the window, I was too focussed on the action to be looking at the surroundings, but it's something to bear in mind next time! Thanks so much (y)

Thats a good picture and as long as he keeps it in play, its a winner

Yeah, he did, I was hoping for a more manly pose than a limp wrist, but you can't pick and choose sometimes :D

Thanks so much everyone!

Week 10 - "Chemistry"

I'll be honest, this is a botch job, and it's late as well! This week has been crazy with assignments, barely had time to think let alone do any photography.

It's about as abstract as they come, some will like it (hopefully), others will absolutely hate it! I'm not overly fussed about C&C for this one, I didn't spend much time on it, so I don't feel anyone else should have to either! It's just here for completeness!

Roll on the next theme, and hopefully it'll be a better week! (y)
I have no idea what it is but it looks quite molecular in nature. I keep looking at it and wishing there was more in focus to help me work out what it is :) It's quite pleasing in an abstract sort of way.
I owe you two.

Play, love it, beautiful capture, crisp, clear and bang on theme.

Chemistry, botch job or not it caught my imagination, I tried bubbles and failed - miserably.
I have no idea what it is but it looks quite molecular in nature. I keep looking at it and wishing there was more in focus to help me work out what it is :) It's quite pleasing in an abstract sort of way.

Sorry, I meant to write what it actually is, but completely forgot! It's looking down into a glass with an alka-seltzer in....exciting eh :D?! If I re-shot it, I'd definitely have got more DOF, but it was a bit of a rush on a break from my dissertation! Thanks :)

I owe you two.

Play, love it, beautiful capture, crisp, clear and bang on theme.

Chemistry, botch job or not it caught my imagination, I tried bubbles and failed - miserably.

Cheers, don't worry about playing catch-up, there are too many 52 shots on here to comment on them all! But thank you for making the effort and for the compliments (y)
Chris, Works for me... might be a botch/filler, but it gives the impression of atoms so is on theme.
Chris, play is a super crisp, clean shot - impressive!

Chemistry is really cool. Not sure what it is, but looks great(y)

Cheers, Rob
Chris, Works for me... might be a botch/filler, but it gives the impression of atoms so is on theme.

Chris, play is a super crisp, clean shot - impressive!

Chemistry is really cool. Not sure what it is, but looks great(y)

Cheers, Rob

Thanks a lot, as above, it's a dissolvable tablet which was just about the only chemical reaction I could photograph in my room between dissertation chapters ;) (y)

Cheers! :)
I don't know what it is about that Chris, but I like it.
The way that the bubbles seem to change direction - from the side to the bottom of the glass draws me into it and I like the B&W conversion.

I hope the dissertation's going well.

Great chemistry shot! I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but it keeps drawing me back.

Thanks to both of you, last week was crazy with work hence the late entry for candid and not commenting on other people's (for which I feel bad), but this week should be less hectic!

Great chemistry shot! I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but it keeps drawing me back.

:agree: 110%

I think it's the familiar / unfamilar about it. I think I should know what it is and can see bubbles but then I look around the rest of the pic and get confused, so I start again...

Great work for a bodge!
Week 11 - "Candid" (someone pass me the crowbar)

To prove I CAN and DID use a welding glass filter right. Lame I know. Sorry :D
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Oh boy... You'd better cut a hole for the crow bar to work with an angle grinder first :LOL:...

I'm sure the posts weren't aware you were there shooting them Chris.. so I guess it counts ... at a stretch :LOL:...

sorry couldn't resist...

anyway ... I have to say I really like it, the effect is excellent and the detail superb
Oh boy... You'd better cut a hole for the crow bar to work with an angle grinder first :LOL:...

I'm sure the posts weren't aware you were there shooting them Chris.. so I guess it counts ... at a stretch :LOL:...

sorry couldn't resist...

anyway ... I have to say I really like it, the effect is excellent and the detail superb

I know, it's a poor show, but I was up to me neck in assignments so it's forgiveable :D
Week 12 - "Produce"

Don't worry about commenting on this one! I hate this shot, I've spent 2 weeks trying to come up with an idea, and really came up blank. It's only here for completeness!

Week 13 I like much more....
Week 13 - "Quad"

It's the Easter holidays, and that means 1 thing.....REVISION. Yep, no xbox for me, it's work work work! And hopefully a bit of photography in there somewhere too! I like this shot far more, been done to death I'm sure but I just like the colours! Hopefully now I've got a bit more free time I can get the 52 back on track (y)
Love Candid Chris even if it was a crowbar job :) Think I 'might' have cropped a bit of the sky out to give more focus on the posts and beautiful boulders in the foreground, lovely work though!

Produce.....granny smith's ?? It works...nice dof and on theme(y)

Liking the xbox buttons :) Is your controller really that blemish free or is it pp? :p
another 52 I haven't stepped into until now...........

OK - confession time, I havent read every post, but just scorlled through looking for the pictures, and pretty much like what I see.........

some (Most work really well and are fitting with the theme in my opinion) I know how busy uni can be.....bl00dy dissertations as well............ (yeah ok mine was 15 yrs ago)

Candid works really well - but the dark bar on the horizon looks a bit false..... I'm sure it's not, but just on my monitor, goes, grey, greyer, greyer, BLACK!!!.......

but with welding glass..........:clap:(y)

Produce - I think needs to be a bit wider to give a bit of contaxt. I am guessing kiwi fruit?

Quad - nice idea........
Love Candid Chris even if it was a crowbar job :) Think I 'might' have cropped a bit of the sky out to give more focus on the posts and beautiful boulders in the foreground, lovely work though!

Produce.....granny smith's ?? It works...nice dof and on theme(y)

Liking the xbox buttons :) Is your controller really that blemish free or is it pp? :p

Thanks! Candid was a crop already, the original was landscape and there was another post right in the foreground that was at a dodgy angle, and a bit annoying really. I might have another bash soon though!

Yep, granny smiths! The controller is pretty clean, but that's not to say there wasn't a tactical over-exposure of the white, and a bit of PP, not all that much though! :D

another 52 I haven't stepped into until now...........

OK - confession time, I havent read every post, but just scorlled through looking for the pictures, and pretty much like what I see.........

some (Most work really well and are fitting with the theme in my opinion) I know how busy uni can be.....bl00dy dissertations as well............ (yeah ok mine was 15 yrs ago)

Candid works really well - but the dark bar on the horizon looks a bit false..... I'm sure it's not, but just on my monitor, goes, grey, greyer, greyer, BLACK!!!.......

but with welding glass..........:clap:(y)

Produce - I think needs to be a bit wider to give a bit of contaxt. I am guessing kiwi fruit?

Quad - nice idea........

No worries! There are far too many 52s to comment on them all, any comments are greatly appreciated (y)

I'm still getting to grips with the welding glass, it doesn't look too bad on my monitor, but it's probably because I played a bit too much with the contrast etc in photoshop. My thought train for produce was "sandwich.....rubbish, acceptable, onto 'quad'". I'd been thinking about it for ages, and just couldn't come up with anything!

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)