Chris's Photo52 2010 - Weeks 22 & 23 Post #200, Page 7


I like the ginger one
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Yes, another sucker has fallen under the Photo52 spell :D. I did one last year, but it was just something that had meant something to me that week, but I like the idea of having themes, it makes it more of a challenge! So, without further ado.....:

Week 1 - "Curved"

The idea is shamelessly 'borrowed' ;) :D from a post I saw on here a while ago, I would credit and link to them but I cannot for the life of me remember who it was! I'd tried shooting this before, and it never really worked out very well, but I finally got one I was happy with the other day! And you can't deny, it's very curved :)

Thanks for looking,


Edit: Here's an index so each week's shot can be found without having to trawl through this entire thread!

Week 1 - "Curved" (#1), Week 2 - "Poetry" (#26), Week 3 - "Chopped" (#36), Week 4 - "Street" (#48), Week 5 - "Speed" (#71), Week 6 - "Present" (#82), Week 7 - "People" (#94), Week 8 - "Mechanical" (#118), Week 9 - "Play" (#127), Week 10 - "Chemistry" (#142), Week 11 - "Candid" (#153), Week 12 - "Produce" (#156), Week 13 - "Quad" (#157), Week 14 - "Shoot" (#168), Week 15 - "Single" (#169), Week 16 - "Stare" (#170), Week 17 - "Peace" (#182), Week 18 - "Indulgence" (#190), Week 19 - "Ingredients" (#191), Week 20 - "Stop" (#192), Week 21 - "Isolation" (#182), Week 22 - "Quality" (#200), Week 23 - "Post" (#201)

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This is an excellent shot Chris. No denying it fits the theme either.
Nice shot, mate. Bet it took a few goes to get that right.
Love the glow on the hand. (y)
Thanks everyone! But as I said, not my idea, so I can't take all the credit! Fortunately it didn't take all that many goes, only about 10 or so, thankfully i learned from my mistakes last time!

Terrific, well taken shot, good colour and composition.
Thanks to you both!

Although I'm getting worried now, peope seem to like this one, it's setting a high standard for the other 51 :help:

I love this one. The dark background leads the eye directly to the curves and colours (amazing, btw!). Can be hipnotising ;)
Love the lighting on this, you got it bang on. I reckon a close crop of a curved section of the glass and your fingers would have looked good too ;)
Holy cow - I give up (and it's not even a competition)

That's simply stunning.

Amazing image!!

Thank you!

I love this one. The dark background leads the eye directly to the curves and colours (amazing, btw!). Can be hipnotising ;)

Thank you too!

Love the lighting on this, you got it bang on. I reckon a close crop of a curved section of the glass and your fingers would have looked good too ;)

Cheers, I tried close ups showing just a bit of curve and my fingers, but turns out the autofocus didn't like trying to lock onto swirly blue things in a pitch black room (who would have thought eh?! :bang:), so all I got was a bit of a blurry mess!

Holy cow - I give up (and it's not even a competition)

That's simply stunning.


No no no noooo, the odd compliment I can deal with, but subscribing?! As in 'with the intention of coming back'?! Oh dear, the pressure's on now! :shake:


Seriously, thanks for so many people taking the time to have a look, it means a lot (y)

very nice Chris the colours are awesome, and fits the theme well (y)

Hi Chris,

I somehow managed to miss your 52 for 2009 (sorry), but at least I've found this one now - and I promise to try to keep up to date with it.

I remember seeing something similar to this too, but I can't remember who it was either . . . so I'm absolutely no help to you on that side of things.

It's something I've been wanting to try since I saw the other shots, but really not got around to doing anything with it - so well done for being inspired by something on here and actually having the motivation to go out and try it :clap:

Brilliant start to your 52, it's come out really well. Lovely colouring and just the right amount of light on the hand.
If I was being really picky, I'd like the background to be a bit darker though - just so that you can't see the corner of the wall on the right third.
Great start to the year Chris, Very good and on theme. (y)
I wish I never looked before I am going to attempt to take my shot. You have set the bar very high :)
Nice shot, I really like it. Looking forward to your future efforts!
Nice shot, I really like it. Looking forward to your future efforts!

Thanks! I'm not as keen on this one as last week's, but I've been on holiday, and am a week behind, so this is a bit of a rush job:

Week 2 - "Poetry"

"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." - (Macbeth, Act V, Scene V).

Nothing like a bit of Shakespeare to liven up the week eh? :D
Thanks a lot! :)

I'm not too keen to be honest, but it'll do, and it's only my second go at a triptych (the first was for a round of the POTY competition and wasn't very good either :D)

Love the week one, very well taken - must've waited a while to get a goodie!

Week two... hmm. Shakespeare, believe it or not a childhood hero of mine! Odd to see allegory taken at face value - though it does give them a fresh outing when seen that way. Do I like it though? Well, oddly yes, I do. I like the idea, I like the execution and I love the dying candle. Maybe put the quote *in* the pic somewhere, but as long as it's nearby then I'm cool with it!

Both of these are very good. (y) I love "curves" though I have no idea how you have done it, and it looks rather dangerous! Brilliant lighting and curves.

The candle triptych is very effective too. I would like to see it with a wider black border around the narrow white one, though, as the white disappears almost completely and so to my eye the three shots seem slightly disconnected.

Well done - a great start to your "52"! :clap::clap:
I like both your shots very much, and I'm looking forward to this weeks challenge! :)
Do I like it though? Well, oddly yes, I do. I like the idea, I like the execution and I love the dying candle. Maybe put the quote *in* the pic somewhere, but as long as it's nearby then I'm cool with it!


Thanks for the kind words! Personally I'm not a big fan of having words written over my photos, I know some people use it to good effect, but I've never really been able to get it right. To be honest I try and avoid any spiel about the photo full stop, but quoting a few lines seemed appropriate here!

Both of these are very good. (y) I love "curves" though I have no idea how you have done it, and it looks rather dangerous! Brilliant lighting and curves.

The candle triptych is very effective too. I would like to see it with a wider black border around the narrow white one, though, as the white disappears almost completely and so to my eye the three shots seem slightly disconnected.

Well done - a great start to your "52"! :clap::clap:

Thanks, it's only my second go at a triptych hence the border issues! If I find some time I might try re-bordering it, but uni has just started again so life is about to get hectic!

I like both your shots very much, and I'm looking forward to this weeks challenge! :)

Hi Chris. I love your curved entry and the poetry is ell thought out. I found this theme difficult too:wacky:

Cheers, now what am I supposed to do for chopped :shrug:?!
Lovely Chris.
I actually prefer this one to your week 1 shot. I like the triptych and the way that it tells a little story of the life of the flame through the 3 frames.
I reckon that Shakespeare counts as an interpretation of poetry and nothing at all wrong with going for a literal translation.

Similar style to week 1 with the light against the black background - and you've pulled both of them off perfectly :clap:
It would be nice to see you experiment with a different style for week 3 though . . . Actually I don't think "chopped" will give you much choice in the matter :LOL:
Lovely Chris.
I actually prefer this one to your week 1 shot. I like the triptych and the way that it tells a little story of the life of the flame through the 3 frames.
I reckon that Shakespeare counts as an interpretation of poetry and nothing at all wrong with going for a literal translation.

Similar style to week 1 with the light against the black background - and you've pulled both of them off perfectly :clap:
It would be nice to see you experiment with a different style for week 3 though . . . Actually I don't think "chopped" will give you much choice in the matter :LOL:

Thanks so much! There's reason for the similar style, I was basically snowed in when I took both of those shots. My room is luminous green (it seemed like a fantastic idea when I was 8 :LOL: ), so I thought a black background would look best! Still have no idea what to do for 'chopped' though!!!

Week 3 - "Chopped"

I have to say I really struggled with this week's theme (don't think I was alone on that one either)! So I did what I do whenever I'm stuck, attached my macro lens and went for a wander round my room :D. The way I see it, a paper is pulped 'chopped' trees, so this has to fit....sort of?
Where's that crowbar gone?

As an image I like. Good tones and shadows and the lines make for a very simple but pleasing image.
Crowbar?! :thinking:

Thanks a lot, it was sort of inspired by a photo I saw on here a few days ago, it was of a building but the horizontal B&W stripes made my eyes go funny, but gave me this idea!

3 great photos to start the year! I especially like the first one, seen this kind of shot before, but really like your view on it (y). Poetry is excellent too. Really like how you've captured the quenching flame, very nice! As for chopped, I actually quite like your interpretation here! It's very much not the norm that you'd expect, and maybe it doesn't scream out "chopped". But for a theme that you would expect to be easy, but is quite the opposite, I like the way you did not succome to the easy shot. Well done I say (y)