weekly Crotal Bell 52 for 2023 Wk 52 Favourite from 2023.

Not a fan of peanut butter, smoth or crunchy, but I do like marmite.

Fits the theme. The image looks a bit noisy, but not sure if that is just the non stick background which again is smooth.

Not a fan of peanut butter, smoth or crunchy, but I do like marmite.

Fits the theme. The image looks a bit noisy, but not sure if that is just the non stick background which again is smooth.

Just a fun snap this week, quality of image took second place, so a bit rough around the edges as they say.
Ooooh no I don't like Marmite, it's all yours Pete ;)
LOL, made me laugh. I'm all for the chunky spread myself... :D
There was plenty to choose from after 2 days of watching a Heron taking fish in the same spot, but decided on this one.
F Heron.jpg
Full - It would appears completely filled but reminds me a bit about a story related to how much could be fitted into a container as an analogy to achievement (or something like that). When everyone stated the container was full you could still add something smaller like sand. I'm presuming you could fit something else in the feeder, though not necessarily something that birds would eat.

Pattern - Lots of variations within the scene with a good range of pleasing tones.

Tunnel - Is it shot with a fisheye lens?
The mono processing suits the scene.

Spring - The colours really stand out in this, with detail where it needs it.

Smooth - Definitely an image to make you smile, can't remember the last time I tasted peanut butter.

Snappers Choice - I think it would need a lot of fish that size to keep it happy. Did it just stare at the water and make sudden movements to grab the fish?
Full - It would appears completely filled but reminds me a bit about a story related to how much could be fitted into a container as an analogy to achievement (or something like that). When everyone stated the container was full you could still add something smaller like sand. I'm presuming you could fit something else in the feeder, though not necessarily something that birds would eat.

Pattern - Lots of variations within the scene with a good range of pleasing tones.

Tunnel - Is it shot with a fisheye lens?
The mono processing suits the scene.

Spring - The colours really stand out in this, with detail where it needs it.

Smooth - Definitely an image to make you smile, can't remember the last time I tasted peanut butter.

Snappers Choice - I think it would need a lot of fish that size to keep it happy. Did it just stare at the water and make sudden movements to grab the fish?
Tunnel - iPhone 11 just standard shooting mode.
SC - That's the Herons regular spot, by a narrow channel off the main river, sits motionless then BOOM !! in it goes and out with a fish.

Glad you like Spring, I was pleased with that one. Thanks for all the comments Stuart.
Great Heron shot - I've seen plenty along the canal and pond near me, but never one with its dinner in its mouth. Great catch - (both of you).
Great Heron shot - I've seen plenty along the canal and pond near me, but never one with its dinner in its mouth. Great catch - (both of you).
Thanks Graham, I was chuffed to bits to get pics of the Heron getting a fish. Twice in 2 days !
After all the research into my Victorian ancestors, and realising how far back my Kempston roots go, I really do feel connected to them, so this seemed appropriate for the 52.
Fantastic shot! Love the direct gaze at the headstone, thanks for inviting us into that moment. Nice composition and processing is effective with the light and dark.
Yep - works for me :)
B&W works well for this shot, no distractions so just the man(you?) looking at the grave stone and thinking /reflecting
B&W works well for this shot, no distractions so just the man(you?) looking at the grave stone and thinking /reflecting
Yep that's me. Ten second timer and picked my fav from a few trials and errors. Yes I agree B&W works well.
That's a very powerful image and beautifully simple. Colour would have distracted us from the message.
Cracking idea for liquid, very sharp where it should be.
Cracking idea for liquid, very sharp where it should be.
Thanks Roger. I was amazed at the variety of flying insects all drinking from the flowers yesterday. They don't stay still very long though.
You did very well to capture that, I find myself taking too long framing the shot and then they fly away followed by much cursing from me!
You did very well to capture that, I find myself taking too long framing the shot and then they fly away followed by much cursing from me!
Dito Simon.

I had 400 images, mostly of empty leaves and OOF insects and only around 5 were as good as this one.
Nice take on the theme. A very distant look on her face.
Yep - ticks the box nicely :)
A penny for her thoughts, nice take on the theme.
Nice and interesting - I wonder what she's thinking. Good job
Lovely context to make the shot.
Distant relative in there maybe?
There's a few relatives from the 1800s in that church and some from later, plenty of family history in my area but I'm the last of the line in the town.
Maybe some unknown distant cousins still here, should really investigate a bit deeper.
Catching up, two great shots Keith. I really like the colours in the liquid shot and the b&w really suits the distant shot well.