daddy day cares Photo52 for 2010 part 2 finished

Thanks Sarah,

I haven't seen your rose yet. Knowing your usual standard it will be great.

I couldn't get a single rose either, I had to buy a bunch of them :eek: SWMBO complained the the only time I buy her flowers is when I am taking a photograph of them :D

Urban has now been added for week 43 which just leaves three more.

Hi Andy

Well done on the catch-up!

I like close and romantic. Close is a classic simple, but appealing image. I love the glow that emanates from the rose in romantic.

I also fundamentally like 'together' - it's sharp and you've done well to light both faces without resorting to flat lighting. I suspect, however, you didn't have a black background handy when you took the shot and had to manually darken around your subjects. This have given a slightly odd fade into the background around the heads and I think you missed a little by the lad's ear!

Being picky though!

I've enjoyed seeing your photos this year and commenting on them. Thank you for taking the trouble to comment on mine.

Happy new year,

Thanks Phil.

I have enjoyed the 52 this year (mostly) and have learnt a lot.

You are nearly right. It is a black sheet but I couldn't get far enough away to hide the creases.

I duplicated the layer and used a black point in photoshop then erased the models back to the background. It does look like I missed bit :bang:

I really like black background stuff though so next item on my very long shopping list is a lastolite popup background.

I have to admit that this was my original idea for "close" but as I am so far behind I was able to choose different shots for the themes.

Well done Andy, you got through it (y)

Close, works really well, nice bit of close up work there. Doesn't the camera capture every little piece of dirt, fluff and nastiness at this sort of range ;)...

Romance, I can't decide on this one... The sharp edges of the petals at the top work, but I'm not sure about the softness in the centre personally. Still it fits the theme..

Together, works great, excellent idea for the theme. I agree with Phil's comment though about behind his ear...

Thanks for taking the time through the year to visit and comment on my thread also. Happy New Year
Thanks John,

I'm not quite there yet. I still have "distortion" and "space" to do but I will get there. Possibly next weekend now.

Oops ;)... will watch out for them..
Well done on the catch-up, Andy. Hope you manage to finish the other two.

I really like your close image. Very simple and fits the theme perfectly.

Romantic - I love everything about this image :clap::clap::clap:

Together - excellent. I love the lighting and especially the catchlights in their eyes.

Is it me or have I missed loads of your shots Andy??

Somehow I missed Urban - Good solid shot, definitely on theme. Quite a menacing feel to it as well.

Share: Good 'product' shot - not sure they are for sharing though!! Good colours.

Faith: Nice clean shot. I like the backlighting. A very tranquil shot.

Lead: Nice composition. The mono works well with the subject.

Close: Another strong image. The only distrction for me is the broken lead.

Romantic: Another lovely image. The softness and pastel colours work well.

Together: A very nice portrait. Very well lit.(y)
Finally caught up :banana:

I've just added "space" and "distortion" which were my last two.

All 52 images present and correct :D

It has certainly been a challenge at times. I have learnt a lot from it and feel my photography has improved as well. I have been using a camera since I was 18 but only got back into it, after a long break, last year. It would have been to easy just to shoot what I am comfortable with and I would have soon got bored.

Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to comment on my thread over the year.

On to 2011 then.... :thinking: :wacky:

:clap: :clap: :clap: Well done on making it to the end !!!

Lovely shot to finish on for "together" - it's been great seeing your portraits develop over the year.

(y) for the Lego shots for distortion and space too. I keep meaning to buy some of these little figures just for this sort of thing. Space is simple and elegant and the reflection makes it, but it's the cleverness of the idea behind distortion that wins it for me.
Thanks Sarah.

I have just bought a load more lego figures from ebay :LOL: I have a feeling that they may be used more than once this year :)

I tried the spaceman with and without his moon buggy on a suede cloth as well. The shiny black surface won hands down when I reviewed the images.

I needed very little PP on either shot so my lighting technique must be improving :D
