daddy day cares Photo52 for 2010 part 2 finished

A lovely portrait of both your neice and her dog. I like the lighting, composition and 'feel' of this photograph. It works so well as a stand alone image away from this weeks theme. I am sure your neice's parents must be pleased with this too. There is nothing I would change about this, the loose dog hairs are insignificant with such lovely subjects. Iain

:plus1: Not really being lazy but I can't put it better than Iain. I love this one. :clap::clap:
lovely shot but i think it would improve if you were at head hight to them both. What's best for me is a shot of a Staffi with a kid so close to it. They get such a bad press when left in the hands of the wrong owners but they are fantastic fun dogs. I can see the results of the struggle, it made me laugh.
Hi Andy.

Much prefer the crop on last week's photo! I really like you shot for secret - very cute and works well on the dark background.

Lovely image of your neice, dog looks seriously unimpressed though!

Thanks - the dog wasn't as upset as she looks :LOL: She was just waiting for her treat.

Well posed photo and bang on theme. As you say it would look good as a print too.

Thanks Sue. I've printed it out on A4 at the moment and it looks good. I will order a lab print when I place my next order with DSCL or Loxley.

Distant... great idea, well implemented, the final edit is much better... I agree with the positions and the small photos on the wall behind, says so much more with those too.

Secret... lovely shot. Well setup and wrestled... ;)

Thanks John. I hve to agree, the edit looks far better than the first version of distant that I posted.

DISTANT: Final image is solid ;)

SECRET: nice idea, works well - as they say never work with kids and animals (stick to cage fighters)

Thanks Dade. It took less time to take shots of a dozen fighters than the session with my Niece and her dog :LOL: I'm showing them the proofs tonight so hopefully they'll like them.

:plus1: Not really being lazy but I can't put it better than Iain. I love this one. :clap::clap:

Thanks a lot for looking.

lovely shot but i think it would improve if you were at head hight to them both. What's best for me is a shot of a Staffi with a kid so close to it. They get such a bad press when left in the hands of the wrong owners but they are fantastic fun dogs. I can see the results of the struggle, it made me laugh.

Thanks Chris.

She's a big softie. Couldn't alter the shooting angle as I was between the softbox as the main light and the umbrella at floor level for the fill. My niece is only short so not much room for lighting :D

Hi Andy.

Much prefer the crop on last week's photo! I really like you shot for secret - very cute and works well on the dark background.


Thanks Phil. The grey paper is my favourite background but I will need to get a new one soon :(

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Andy, terrific shot. Looks like you had fun and your niece is up to mischief. Lovely colours and well lit.
Thanks Paul,

She is always up to mischief :LOL: Normally trying to get her 18 year old brother into trouble :cautious:

If I thought this shot was hard work I've got more to come. I've had an enquiry about doing a shoot for a bloke with 5 dogs :eek: at least there will be no kids :LOL:

Thanks Paul,

If I thought this shot was hard work I've got more to come. I've had an enquiry about doing a shoot for a bloke with 5 dogs :eek: at least there will be no kids :LOL:


Sounds like you'll have your work cut out there. Hope it goes well for you.
I haven't had chance do get "urban" yet although I do know what I'm going to do when the weather improves and I get time..

Here is week 44 though:

week 44 train by Andy Miszkiel, on Flickr

Shot as part of a set I did for the local gym. This has gained me some more work there in a few weeks time.

Oooh I like 'train'! Clever idea and great composition / shooting angle.

A very clever idea Andy... and nicely executed to. A great take on the theme. I do agree with Chris about the floor, but I'm not sure you'd get the same impact with the man on the wall from a lower angle...
Andy, that works well. Good colours on the bag and great composition with the shadow 'punching' the bag.
A couple of weeks behind on your thread sorry Andy.

Secret : That is actually one of my favourite photos from your thread. I don't know what possessed you to try to get a child and a dog in the same shot :LOL: You must be a complete masochist because either one is difficult enough on its own!
It's paid off though. A really beautiful image. Well lit, a good background and despite the inevitable fidgeting they're both perfectly focused. Agree with Chris's comment about it being lovely to see the real personality of Staffies coming through too.

Good to see a different take on train too.
Congratulations on getting some more work at the gym - although looking at the quality of the couple of shots we've seen I'm not at all surprised.
A very clever idea Andy... and nicely executed to. A great take on the theme. I do agree with Chris about the floor, but I'm not sure you'd get the same impact with the man on the wall from a lower angle...

Thanks John. The angle had to be as it is to get the shadow boxing.

Andy, that works well. Good colours on the bag and great composition with the shadow 'punching' the bag.

Thanks Paul.

A couple of weeks behind on your thread sorry Andy.

Secret : That is actually one of my favourite photos from your thread. I don't know what possessed you to try to get a child and a dog in the same shot :LOL: You must be a complete masochist because either one is difficult enough on its own!
It's paid off though. A really beautiful image. Well lit, a good background and despite the inevitable fidgeting they're both perfectly focused. Agree with Chris's comment about it being lovely to see the real personality of Staffies coming through too.

Good to see a different take on train too.
Congratulations on getting some more work at the gym - although looking at the quality of the couple of shots we've seen I'm not at all surprised.

Thanks Sarah.

Your comments about the quality mean a lot to me.

I have really enjoyed what I have been doing the last few weeks but I've had no time to take the shots for this thread. I've just finished processing a shoot from the gym and am uploading the files as I type this. Hopefully when the proof cards are sent out the parents will place some orders. Shame only 12 kids were there despite me giving plenty of notice :bang:

A visit to a lab in Mansfield tomorrow and hopefully pick up my new car on Wednesday then back at work on Thursday. I need to find time next week to catch up on my shots for this and comment on other peoples threads. Work have just udated their firewall and TP is now blocked :eek: I will need to use my own time to visit other peoples 52s :LOL:

I will be trying to catch up and so far have managed a couple of shots.

I have ideas for most of the missing ones.

They may not be posted up in order but I will put placeholders in for any missing ones.

First of the catch up shots is week 45 "share"

week 45 share 2 by Andy Miszkiel, on Flickr

I wanted something different than I've done before so have gone for a backlit shot. This was lit with a desklamp shining into the sweet tin. The chocolates were placed on a sandwich box lid which was then positioned over the light source.

share: love the vibrant colours.

faith : she looks very angelic.

Lead: that's one nasty bit of lead but fits the theme.
Thanks for the kind comments.

Perhaps I should use the same shot for Faith and distortion. It has certainly distorted the truth. She is far from angelic :LOL:

I like all of your last three shots. Share is pleasing with all the bright colours. Faith works well - was this taken with a wide angle (hands look quite large relative to face?

Favourite of the three is lead - I like the ominous processing.

Merry Xmas

Thanks Phil,

The shot was taken on a 17 to 70mm zoom. According to the exif it was at 26mm for this image.

Well done on your catch-up process.

Share is a good interpretation - a nice colourful shot and the lighting has worked well.

Faith is lovely - the burnt-out highlights gives it a slightly ethereal feel which fits the theme.

Lead is my favourite - a very simple and arresting shot with great processing. I won't ask where you found the bullet!
Merry Christmas to you and your family Andy.

It's great to see you back on form for the last week of this 52. Come on, you know you can do it - only a few more to fully catch up before the year's over!

Share : Nice interpretation and very good colours. The backlighting is a bit too much for me though.

Faith : Lovely. I don't know why, but it has a sort of christmassy feel to it. The lighting's worked well and there's a lovely peaceful expression on her face. I also like the fact that you haven't tried to "tidy" up the loose hairs - I think it looks far more natural this way and it works better for me with the feel of the shot.

Lead : My favourite out of the three.
Simple, but it really stands out. Good lighting and processing.
Thanks Sarah,

I doubt that I'll get it finished in time but it will be finished.

I am struggling to come up with ideas for the last three that are different than each other. Close, Romantic and together could be covered by one shot :LOL:

I'm back at work until Friday so I basically have a couple of days to get it done within the 52 weeks.

I will get around to commenting on other peoples threads as well.

Andy, all three are good, and fit the themes nicely. I agree with Sarah on the backlighting of share... perhaps toned down a little...

Faith excellent, simple and works well.

Lead, very simple and it really stands out.
I've been wanting to do a lego shot for a while now.

I had to wait until my lego sets arrived from ebay before I could shoot it.

Lighting was again with a single elemental genesis 250. Shot into a partially collapsed silver umbrella.

week 49 space by Andy Miszkiel, on Flickr
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My first real attempt at a close-up image.

Even though I have a macro lens I actually found that my 55 -200 with a Cokin +1 filter on got me closer to the subject. Lit with my elemental Genesis 250 level with the pencils.

Things learnt:

Macro shots have very limited depth of field (this was at around F20 I think)

Every mark and speck of dust will show up on these types of shot.

week 50 close by Andy Miszkiel, on Flickr

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Another step closer to the catch-up.

week 51 Romantic by Andy Miszkiel, on Flickr

Lit by a single Elemental genesis 250 firing into a silver umbrella directly above the rose. A silver reflector angled towards the rose underneath it.

Desaturated slightly and soft focus added in photoshop.

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Close: - Pleasing simple arrangement with good sharpness and colours - they stand out well against the black background. Personally I would crop the lower edge a bit to leave less space below the bottom pencil.

Romantic: - Lovely! I like the way you have just a few sharp edges against the overall soft effect, and I think the burn out corners work here.
Thanks Tracer.

I did shoot the rose with a fake one to start with but it looked terrible. This is a proper one with the lighting more thought about. I'm not even going to show the original :LOL:

I should be able to post a couple more of the themes tonight or tomorrow.

A special well done for the Rose Andy.
I had the same idea, but couldn't be bothered to go out and buy a real Rose so I had to make do with second best. This one really does look so much better and I wish that I'd made the effort now.

Close - Lovely, sharp focus. I like the diagonal composition and the colours look great against black. Agree with Tracer on the crop though.

Not much further to go now - I'll look out for your final catch up in the next few days.