daddy day cares Photo52 for 2010 part 2 finished

Thanks again folks.

Here is the start of my long awaited update:

Week 35 "light"


Zac had to go to school dressed as a character from a book. It just so happens that James Bond was also in a "film" ;)


This is a shot of my garage window :confused:

I like the delicate beauty of the butterfly against the dirt and peeling paint.


That's it for now folks. I'm only 2 shots away now :clap:

Good work Andy, catching up, nearly there ...

Light, lovely warm glow, and it's accented her hair nicely. I do really like it, but the thing that leaps out of it at me, is that table covering... I'm sorry... those creases... the reflectance of it works well though.

Project, crisp, clear, and very nicely done.

Film, fits perfectly... I'm in two minds on the space... but I think it works well, and I'm left wondering where he's going with that gun... It's a good clear shot.

Dirty, I agree with you, they contrast nicely and having the butterfly backlit by the window helps lift it out a bit.
Thanks John.

I missed the scrunched up vinyl when I took the shot but have found it annoying since. I kept telling her to be carefull at the start of the shoot but forgot later on. I must have been too busy telling her not to breathe as she was blowing the candles out :LOL: The earlier shots with a smooth covering had harsh shadows above her cheeks so I didn't like them. This one I used a gold reflector above her head.

He went to school with that gun. Teachers weren't overly impressed :D

:LOL:... so many things to keep an eye on and control... ;)

I can imagine the response from the Teachers :D bet that would have fitted for Rage
If he didn't have the gun he would have just been a kid in a bow tie. He needed the gun for artistic integrity ;)

We used to play with toy guns when I was a kid and it never turned me into a violent psychopath. Come to think of it we played cops and robbers, kiss chase, marbles and conkers as well. All of which are frowned upon now :thinking: :wacky:

so true, and so sad too that they'll all miss out on these things if the PC brigade get their way
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Hi Andy, well done on your catch up.

I love the light shot and did not notice the table covering until John mentioned it. Now I cannot keep my eyes off it!

I really like project too. Very clean shot and bang on theme.

Yes, I can imagine the gun did not go down well at school but no self respecting secret agent would go without one.

Dirty - bang on theme but poor old butterfly! I am ashamed to say that my garage is even worse than yours :(

I like 'dirty' and it's one of the few shots I can actually image being enhanced by some of the unusual painterly type filters in PhotoShop. It has a slight 'painting' quality to it as it stands and I think that could be further enhanced.

Finally here is week 39 (Controlled) rage


I am not that excited about this shot but I am about the possibilities it has opened up for me.

I have met with the two guys that run a new Mixed martial arts and boxing gym nearby. I now have free reign to come and go as I please, take what shots I want and get to know the fighters. Aaron is a web-designer in his dayjob. So, in return, for some shots for their own site and to hang on the wall, he is going to be designing my site for me :clap:

"Console" will hopefully be shot tomorrow.

Another shot of Will in black and white this time. I think I prefer this than the colour one.


Good to see you catching back up Andy.
:rules: As keeper of the 52 member list, you're one person who we can't allow to drop out this year ;)

Light : I like this a lot. Beautiful set up, lovely pose and the warm quality of the candlelight works very well.
I do think you might have benefited from a bit more reflection or an additional soft light above her head - Just to even out the light on her face a bit more. To me, faces lit from below always have a slightly menacing feel which doesn't quite fit with her expression or the tranquil atmosphere of the rest of the shot.

Project : Well lit and nicely crisp and sharp. It's got that product shot feel to it.
Glad to hear that somebody else's house is also full of old computer bits too (nothing to do with me I hasten to add, but it's my OH's hobby!)

Film : (y) My favourite from your catch up.
Well lit, well composed and absolutely bang on theme.
I just wish that our education system could take as much effort in actually educating, rather than worrying about what toys and games our kids are playing with.

Dirty : Another one that I like a lot. Agree with Phil that maybe a "painting" effect would have worked well on it, but actually I really like it a lot just as it is.

Rage : Congratulations on making contact with that gym - sounds like some great opportunities could be coming out of it. And I agree with you on the B&W being the stronger shot.

Console : Probably my least favourite. I think it's just a bit TOO low key for me. I'd like to maybe see a different angle without so much black b/g or part of the image with a bit more sparkle to give it some more oomph.
Thank-you for taking the time to comment Sarah.

I have no intention of dropping out but do find it difficult to keep up to date sometimes. Technically I'm back on track at the moment. That will most likely change to a week behind on sunday though ;)

Hey Andy - Your RAGE shot - I would have liked to see your eyes in the shot, but for this theme black and white all the way and make it gritty looking too. Nice to see someone sweating for their art ;)

CONSOLE: sadly not working for me chap - needs to be nice and sharp white crisp background or dark dark black (is there such a thing?) and shoot a small section of it as we are familiar with the product, so we dont need to see it all.
Just my input - but dont panic, keep working at it, you are doing well, remember its a personal challenge not a competition ;)
Catching up again Andy.

Light: Lovely shot. Light is great and coupled with the smile creates such a warm feeling.

Project: Can see where you are coming from with this. Always a project to get a PC built.

Film: Good portrait. Well lit. A 'mini Bond'. :)

Dirty: That a great abstract image. I like the pastel colours.

Rage: Good shots, but he looks like he's enjoying himself far too much in the first.

Console: as you say, not very original - but then I'm guilty of that too. :D Very nicely lit though.
Rage, the gym contact sounds great. Good luck, and I hope you get loads of great shots. Of the two images, I much prefer the mono... the colour has a bit too much lower down... the closer crop works better.

Console, it works, I like the feel of it, but it might be better with a much closer in view.
Like the lighting on console and the way the coloured logo stands out from the rest of the shot.
Thanks for the comments guys.

It seems that most people prefer the black and white for rage which is my own favourite as well (y)

Console is a bit of a marmite shot I agree. I am going through a bit of a low key phase at the moment so it was always going to be shot on a black background not white. I guess that I could have used a different crop or angle.

On a different note....

This is my 1000th post :banana:

Well my wife wouldn't be that distant with flowers under her nose!

Interesting idea and well executed shot. I personally don't like the central position in the frame of the male (you?) so I'd simply hack off the left hand 1/4 of the shot.

Thanks Phil.

This is my Sister-in-law and her Husband.

My wife wouldn't be that distant either.

Good call on the crop. I have cropped it and cloned out the candle holder from the top right of frame.

How does this look?


That works Andy(y) I particulary like how the small pictures on the wall behind mimic the position of the subjects in the main photograph. Makes me wonder why the flowers and distant look? :LOL: What have you been up to?

(note to any ladies reading my comment, I know us men shouldn't need a reason to give flowers but thats how it usually works in my house ;):LOL:)
Can I just restate for the record that this is not a self portrait. I am the model husband and would never have to give flowers to SWMBO as an apology :LOL:

Well spotted on the pictures Iain. I took the portraits this morning, framed them and put them on the wall in that position specifically for this shot.

The cropped version works much better Andy, it speaks volumes as an image and its backed up by the two pictures on the wall behind, both portraits are looking away from each other and not towards. My only crit would be to clone out the top of the door frame in the mirror.
Light: Excellent - lovely composition, lighting and expression. I don't mind the wrinkles in the covering at all - it looks as if the lights are floating on water. :clap::clap:

Project: Fits the theme but doesn't do a great deal for me, probably because I have a love-hate relationship with computers :D.

Film: Brilliant! :clap::clap: One that he will enjoy showing to his own kids in due course, perhaps.

Dirty: Another good one that fits the theme. It looks just a little washed out to me though - I think I would like to see it slightly darker.

Rage: I agree that the second, mono version is better - more powerful. Sounds like a great opportunity for you.

Console: Just a bit too low key for my monitor - I'm losing maybe more than you intend in the shadows.

Distant: Works very well and your edits have improved an already good shot.

Well done for catching up! :clap:
Thank-you folks.

Here is week 42. This has probably been the hardest shot I've taken all year :) If my niece would look the right way her dog wouldn't and vice versa.

I found it easier shooting boxers and cage fighters last night than this one today :LOL:

I am pretty pleased with it in the end though.

My niece telling her very unimpressed dog a secret:

week 42 secret by Andy Miszkiel, on Flickr

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Nicely posed and lit shot Andy. You've done well to work with both animals and children in the one shot and keep control of them both :) Did you have to wrestle the dog into place as he/she has left hairs everywhere? :D
I've just edited out some of the dog hairs. I have kept some around the dog and my niece as it looks OK to me (and I got bored cloning them out :LOL: )

A lovely portrait of both your neice and her dog. I like the lighting, composition and 'feel' of this photograph. It works so well as a stand alone image away from this weeks theme. I am sure your neice's parents must be pleased with this too. There is nothing I would change about this, the loose dog hairs are insignificant with such lovely subjects. Iain
Thank-you Iain.

My Sister and her Husband are pleased with this. I may even get it printed up and framed for myself.

Don't let her cute looks fool you though :cautious:

Distant... great idea, well implemented, the final edit is much better... I agree with the positions and the small photos on the wall behind, says so much more with those too.

Secret... lovely shot. Well setup and wrestled... ;)