DC2Z's 52 2010 - Week 25+26 Beginning (PG8)

Edit My Images
I've decided to give this ago. Hopefully by the end of it I'll have noticed my photos improving and hopefully I will have enjoyed it.

My Rules

- My new images will be shown each week for the theme, there maybe 1 or 2 but onlt 1 shot of the week
- I will describe what I would like to have done differently
- I will limit myself to 3 JOKER during the entire year, which will allow me to do any theme I want
- I will try and comment of everyone's 52 during the course of the week.

Good luck to everyone else whos also going to do a 52 or 365.


My 1st Image for Curves


My Alternative Image (I prefer this one)

Week 25 + 26 Pose + Beginning
Last edited:

This is my 1st attempt at this weeks theme of Curved

This image may well get changed in the next few days. I'm still fairly new to photography and the things I'd like to change is the image in the background I'd like to have got straighter and sharper.

Feel free to comment with any tips and advice. This is all about learning for me after all.
Nice start Darren, the only two things i would look at changing are
1/ as you said straighten up MM image in background.
2/ I would move the glass away from your background so that you do not get the harsh shadow, if you have off camera flash light it from either side with a reflector to help the shadow problem.
Hi Darren and welcome to the 52.
I joined up halfway through last year for the exact same reasons as you.

Nice interpretation of the theme and plenty of curves there (y)
I agree that lining up the image in the background would improve it - although that looks like it's going to be a real fiddly task.

If you're going to reshoot, I'd have a think about the background too. I think maybe a colour (red / blue?) or a black backdrop would help the vase stand out a bit more.

After looking back at my photo for Curved I've added an alternative photo which I personally think is better and hopefully you guys agree.
I definitely prefer your 2nd shot/take on this . Looks like you've also used bounced flash as the lighting in the 2nd image is not as harsh as your first image.
I definitely prefer your 2nd shot/take on this . Looks like you've also used bounced flash as the lighting in the 2nd image is not as harsh as your first image.

Thanks I rushed the 1st one and didn't think about the background
No#2 is definitely much better. The line of light straight down Mickey's nose in the first one jumps straight out at you and the harsh shadow on the right, but you quickly sorted this out in the second and its a far superior photo (y)
agree, the last version works the best for me.. like the vivid background, the mickey details stand out far more!
Only advice I can offer to the second shot is to give it a little more room as it's quite a tight shot. lighting is much improved and the red background is very nice.

I prefer the second although I agree about the very tight crop!
The second is better, the curves in both are clear, but the lack of flash and the colour in the second brings out the subject more.
First of all this is the poem

Chocolate Cake

I love chocolate cake.
And when I was a boy
I loved it even more.

Sometimes we used to have it for tea
and Mum used to say,
'If there's any left over
you can have it to take to school
tomorrow to have at playtime.'
And the next day I would take it to school
wrapped up in tin foil
open it up at playtime
and sit in the corner of the playground
eating it,
you know how the icing on top
is all shiny and it cracks as you
bite into it,
and there's that other kind of icing in
the middle
and it sticks to your hands and you
can lick your fingers
and lick your lips
oh it's lovely.

Anyone who knows me will know I love chocolate cake.


Bit disappointed with this shot as it looks a bit too dark but I was rushing to take the shot so I could eat it
I love the poem and I love chocolate cake too. I think the photo would be better from a different angle and maybe show some texture, but still, better than mine, I have even got a idea yet.
well done
The biggest problem with food photography: devouring the props. Thats a new poem on me, but I do love cake :D
great poem! I think the pic looks a little bit 'noisy' - but this may well be my laptop as it's not calibrated.

Did it taste as good as it looks? :)
Hi there, :wave:
I do agree with Kimo about the angle of the shot, it does looks a little flat.
Good idea though - how was it?

Very nice Poem, the shot was a good idea, but it doesn't quite work for me, sorry... It's a bit noisy, which isn't of itself necessarily an issue, but it also looks a little dark, and I'm finding it hard to see the cake... Sorry.
A lower angle may have worked better and it does look a bit noisy - did you use a high iso or adjust the exposure post shot?

Still, props you can eat are always an excellent idea!
Great poem and even better prop (y)
How did it taste?

The execution of the shot is lacking for me though (sorry)
I have to agree with everyone else, it's a bit dark and noisy and the focus isn't quite there.

Food photography isn't easy even if you don't eat your props ;)
But as has already been said, a lower, closer angle would work better as would adding a bit more light to the shot.

This challenge is all about learning, so I'm looking forward to your week 3.
why did i click this thread, i want choc cake now :(

the photo's very noisy for the compression it's quite high
a lower angle on the cake would of worked better too, and need's to be slightly brighter
Thanks for all the comments. I will take all the comments on board and hopefully improve over the coming weeks
Love the idea and poem but another one for the 'flat' brigade - sorry.
Would have liked to have seen a crisper, whiter plate
Week 3 - Chopped

I know these 2 photos aren't great but I got my new D90 yesterday and haven't been able to play around with it much to get the settings I like.


:clap: Congratulations on your new camera Darren. I hope you enjoy it.

No.1 is a nice clean shot, although I'm not finding it very exciting.
No.2 I think is very good and I love the way that you've managed to capture the steam.

The worktop to the left distracts from the composition a little. Maybe shifting the wok a bit to the right just for the shot, or changing your angle slightly would have helped.
A bit of that red pepper in the wok would have given it a nice colour boost too . . . although it might not have fitted with the recipe :LOL:

All in all though, those are minor points. The shot works well. In fact it's the best from your 52 so far. Really good to see the progress through the 3 weeks . . . I feel like I've slipped backwards this week :(
I like the final red MM glass for curved, excellent - was not keen on the other if only because of the sarkness of the shadow.

Chocolate cake eh? Who on earth is going to find fault in a picture of chocolate cake? Well, grainy and not much detail but still... chocolate cake eh?

Chopped, I am with Sarah, if you'd combined the two shots in the pan and *still* got the swirly steam you'd've has a winner. On their own, they are lacking something for me.

thanks for the comments. The 1st shot was my original idea then about 5mins later I was cooking and saw the shot. My wife also said it would have been better if it had some pepper in it but it just didn't go with the recipt
I'm with the others here, I prefer #2, the steam capture is excellent. The first is good but it's lacking something. Both are on theme however.
2nd image for me too, the capture of the steam is a top touch.
Well done on your excuse for a dark shot " I was in a rush to eat it" Love it:LOL:
I like your take on chopped, like above some more variation on the colour (more ingredients) and maybe a closer crop and you have a really good shot. Keep up the good work and try not to eat all your props....Mick
Week 3, shot 2 is the best for me. The steam in the pan sets it off a something more than it first appears to be.

Nice work!

I like the second one - the steam really lifts it out of the ordinary. Just a pity you couldn't have added a little pepper for its colour, but I understand that you can't mess with the cook. :D