DC2Z's 52 2010 - Week 25+26 Beginning (PG8)


Quality time for Fifi and George

Sorry for the poor image but imho this weeks theme was poop.

Heres hoping next week is better
It works for quality time... The comp isn't too bad, apart from the background and the orange blob on the left .. :D

Slightly different take on the week Post. Not sure if people will like it or not.
The thing I'd change is the background but I still think it gets the message across.
As always C&C always welcome
Quality made me smile, which has to be a good thing.
Fifi and George look like they're enjoying themselves and apart from the couple of things that John pointed out, it's not a bad shot (especially considering how rubbish the theme was)

Post : Another uninspiring theme, but I really do like this take on it. I don't know where you got all these little models from, but they make very effective subjects.
You've already mentioned the b/g, but it's really not that distracting. You've judged the DoF well, but maybe a bit of selective desaturation on the red???

Thanks for the comments, jennyb and SarahLee

Is this what you meant on the selective desaturation
Sorry I haven't commented for a while, Darren. I trying to hve a massive catch up now! :)

Indulgence: You can't have too many choccy shots, imho, and I love this and totally admire your self-control in leaving it alone long enough to shoot it! :)

People reshoot: I'm unsure about photos of little models - I don't think that the proportions ever seem quite right. The upside is I think it gives you licence to break all the rules! I agree with the comments about having all the people in focus, though. :)

Stop: It's a good take on the theme - and you look totally relaxed. :) It could do with a bit of a boost - or perhaps a dreamy b&w treatment would work. :shrug: :)

Isoslation: Many congrats to you and Mrs Darren. :) This would be an excellent subject for Quality! I did something similar for Present - with Mr JG holding a scan of our 3rd grandchild due in August, so I can identify with the emotion in the image. I agree the b&w fits the bill perfectly. Lovely image and one to treasure. :)

Quality: This made me smile - and it's bright and colourful. I'd have liked to see them enjoying their quality time in a beautiful garden or on the beach etc, etc, but it's a good take on the theme. :)

Post: It's a grotty theme, but I like your take on it. (y)

Good take on the theme, I preffer the first one and if the banner in the bg could be toned down a little it would bring out the post box and bike more.

good work on the "Post" theme.
Like the post image mate, I still dont know what it is though (Toy or shot from a model villiage)

Agree about the desaturation of the background, will make the foreground colours stand-out even more.

Also trying to catch up here!

Isolation: congratulations. Excellent use of DOF and the B&W conversion suits perfectly.

Quality: a fun image that makes me smile. I would clone out the orange blob on the left and increase the saturation a bit to make the colours really pop.

Post: another fun take on the theme that works really well. The background is so beautifully soft that I the banner doesn't worry me.
People reshoot...Out of the 2 shots I much prefer the first with the narrow dof and the clean background. The second looks too bright.

Stop...What no hand, we all need to stop and relax!

Isolation...lovely shot, composition and lighting is spot on.

Quality...I think the shot would have been alot better with a cleaner background.

Post...Nice idea for post, something a little different and the red really pops.
I like your post shot, mate, but it's a little flat. Could use some contrast and a bit more colour.
Quality - also made me smile so that has to be a good thing, they look very relaxed and seem to be enjoying their quality time!

Post - I like the original. Fun take on the theme.

This wasn't the image I was planning but nevermind. The off putting thing for me is the background if it wasn't so busy I think it would have come out better.
Please feel free to give any advice and comments
I agree it isn't the most striking shot - a B&W conversion might help to minimise the distractions, but really it wanted a shallower dof.

agree the background tree took my eye before the statue did, maybe if the bg was blurred to seperate them? I like the idea.
It is a good idea for the subject, though, and worth going back when you have more time and better lighting.
I think you've got it spot on yourself with the background on this one.

It's a shame because it's a beautiful sculpture, and you've got the angle just right. I really like the way that you're looking up at it and you've caught the water spilling over the edge of the pool.

I wonder if there might be something you can bring back out of it in PP. As Phil said B&W might help, but I'd be tempted to use a layer mask to then bring back some of the colour in the statue.
Post is an excellent take on the theme, and an unusual one too... I think Sarah is right about desaturating that banner a little.

Metal, As you said, the DOF is the issue... you could try selecting the statue, invert, and apply some lens blur... that may be sufficient to throw the trees out. Otherwise I like it, and the angles work well.
de saturated is much better for me that the original, i'd still like to see a mono with the contrast pushed a bit.
Your post shot is great, its an excellent quirky shot.

Thank you very much.
I will have a play around with a mono version and see how it comes out.
That's a huge improvement - making me think of other possibilities with replacing the green in the background with something surreal (like a light pink) to make a very unusual image.

I agree with the others that the 2nd is a better shot but I think just a shallow DOF would probably have helped the first shot in the first place.

As I have a week off this week I had the urge to update a few photos.
So this is a new edit for Week 3 - Chopped
Sorry for the lack of effort but I really couldn't think of anything for the theme Grunge so I used my own theme which is Pose


For week 26 I have gone with the following photo


The photo is me with my CV looking for a job - which will signal a new beginning.
The 'pose' shot is lovely, colour and composition look great, the expression on the little girls face is priceless - one beautiful model :)

Your second shot fits the theme spot on - good luck with your job hunting.
Don't blame you for binning grunge ! And it's a sweet portrait - far more appealing than something grungey.
Shame about the background. If you'd moved her a little to the left so that she was completely in front of the wall it would have been a big improvement.
:thinking: Actually, I think you could just about get away with cropping this along the edge of the wall and just below the hem of her dress to lose the distractions.

Best of luck with the job hunting (assuming it's for real and not just set up for the shot)
Good interpretation of the theme, although again I'm finding that the bits chopped off at the top of the frame distracting. Maybe another candidate for a crop? Although I actually think that a lower angle would have made this a more interesting shot.
I am so nosey I find it annoying I can't read the cv or job advert very well! Good take on the theme though. Good luck with the job hunting.
I am so nosey I find it annoying I can't read the cv or job advert very well! Good take on the theme though. Good luck with the job hunting.

:LOL: I was trying to be careful and not reveal too many details.
And thank you with the good luck
Don't blame you for binning grunge ! And it's a sweet portrait - far more appealing than something grungey.
Shame about the background. If you'd moved her a little to the left so that she was completely in front of the wall it would have been a big improvement.
:thinking: Actually, I think you could just about get away with cropping this along the edge of the wall and just below the hem of her dress to lose the distractions.

Best of luck with the job hunting (assuming it's for real and not just set up for the shot)
Good interpretation of the theme, although again I'm finding that the bits chopped off at the top of the frame distracting. Maybe another candidate for a crop? Although I actually think that a lower angle would have made this a more interesting shot.

Thank you for the comments. I was a bit disappointed with the pose shot and some of the others shes in the centre of the wall but this one had the best 'pose'

The beginning shot might have a re-visit in the near future as it didn't come out quite as I was hoping.

Thank you for the good luck as well
Hi Darren, I like your pose shot. The colour of her dress really jumps out and she has a lovely natural expression. Grunge was a horrible one so well done for being brave enough to dump it.

I think your beginnings shot is quite a clever idea. I like the compostion but I would have removed the bits and pieces at the top of the photo.

Good luck with the job hunting.

Hi Darren, Don't worry about the pose shot being out of theme, it's a really nice photo! As mentioned I love out the dress jumps out, and her pose is really cute!

Beginnings, like it! And good look with the job :)
Lovely shot for grunge pose, who cares about grunge anyway... it's worked very well, I do agree with Sarah though about moving her a little to the left to clear the background...

Beginnings, fits the theme perfectly, it's clear what's going on. The chopped off bits at the top... don't add anything... unless of course that was a bit of lens and you were going for a photography job, in which case, including more of it would have been better... but you've ringed something unrelated... I think the lower angle would probably have been better also, and it would allow you to use the DOF to cover the bits you don't want revealed yet still allow us to read some things...

Good luck with the job hunt (y)
What a gorgeous little girl and a beautiful pose! I agree with the others about the background but I think just toning down the bookcase would help.

Beginnings - I would lose the bits at the top but otherwise it's a good take on the theme - good luck with the job hunting.