Do you ever take too much away on holiday

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HI all, I have this same dilemma each year. In a weeks time I'm off on holiday to Croatia with a day in Venice and a day at Lake Bled in Slovakia. As many on here, I'm quite fortunate to have access to a good range of cameras and lenses (it's my one indulgence having not able to have kids), but that in itself sometimes causes the issue - what to take?

I find it's all very easy to say to myself, take the M43 Olympus bodies as they are small and light and that's why I bought them, and the 12-40 F2.8, 7-14 F2.8 lenses, then possibly the 40-150 F2.8 (as I might need a bit more reach than 80mm equiv will offer). Then what about a spare body, I'll take the EM1 and EM5 MKII, then a small flash, filters, batteries and a small travel tripod. Trouble is before you know it, it's quite a hefty weight on your back.

Then my mind goes, some of these locations could justify a DSLR and the extra resolution they afford, so I start think about my D750, Tamron 24-70 F2.8, 70-200 F2.8 - or maybe my Nikon 24-120 F4 VR, or maybe just a DX body (D7200) with the 16-80 F2.8-4 and a 10-20 Siggy, and possibly my Tamron 70-300 VC USD - you see where this is going.........

Most of the time I find that I only use about half of the stuff I take with me, but there's always the justification in my mind of "what if...."

This year, I'm seriously just thinking of taking one DX body (D500 or D7200), the 16-80 (24-120 Equiv) and the Tamron 70-300 to give me a range of 24-450mm equiv in a two lens package, which would be quite easy to carry I think.

Is this just me, or does anyone else suffer the same indecisions as well come holiday time.
HI all, I have this same dilemma each year. In a weeks time I'm off on holiday to Croatia with a day in Venice and a day at Lake Bled in Slovakia. As many on here, I'm quite fortunate to have access to a good range of cameras and lenses (it's my one indulgence having not able to have kids), but that in itself sometimes causes the issue - what to take?

I find it's all very easy to say to myself, take the M43 Olympus bodies as they are small and light and that's why I bought them, and the 12-40 F2.8, 7-14 F2.8 lenses, then possibly the 40-150 F2.8 (as I might need a bit more reach than 80mm equiv will offer). Then what about a spare body, I'll take the EM1 and EM5 MKII, then a small flash, filters, batteries and a small travel tripod. Trouble is before you know it, it's quite a hefty weight on your back.

Then my mind goes, some of these locations could justify a DSLR and the extra resolution they afford, so I start think about my D750, Tamron 24-70 F2.8, 70-200 F2.8 - or maybe my Nikon 24-120 F4 VR, or maybe just a DX body (D7200) with the 16-80 F2.8-4 and a 10-20 Siggy, and possibly my Tamron 70-300 VC USD - you see where this is going.........

Most of the time I find that I only use about half of the stuff I take with me, but there's always the justification in my mind of "what if...."

This year, I'm seriously just thinking of taking one DX body (D500 or D7200), the 16-80 (24-120 Equiv) and the Tamron 70-300 to give me a range of 24-450mm equiv in a two lens package, which would be quite easy to carry I think.

Is this just me, or does anyone else suffer the same indecisions as well come holiday time.

I used to but not any more, unless it is a photography trip. I actually enjoy it more only having a limited amount of kit as I end up spending more time enjoying the world around me than thinking "ooh, if I just changed lens I could get this shot". So, my typical travel kit now is my Oly EM5ii, 12-40 pro (which easily matches almost any APSC for image quality) and I will also take the kit 40-150 "just in case", I feel liberated.
No, I don't have that problem. I have travelled to many places and that experience teaches you to think ahead and travel light. My first longer trip, 3 months on buses and trains all over southern India I had a mid sized soft bag and didn't suffer with it at all. It was packing to minimise weight and hassle. You work out where you're going and what you'll likely be doing and pack accordingly. You never pack for the one off, unexpected, might or might not happen event because you know you have to carry that item for the other 89 days. It sounds to me like you have way too much stuff anyway and so focusing on what you need rather than what you want may help. Buying gear is fun but then if it sits unused most of the time what is the point really. It's just a temporary buzz and we've all been there. So my advice is focus, understand where you're going, what you're likely to encounter and want to shoot and pack accordingly. And then why take two bodies and associated stuff. Where's the fun hauling all that stuff around? It's not like you're going anywhere off grid, that's dusty and very hot or cold, or on the back of a track bouncing around. The chance of the body breaking is close to zero. Will you need extra reach? If yes, take a longer lens. Looks like most of what you'll be doing will be general walk around shooting, so the Olympus and 12-40 seems very suitable. Or the D750 and 24-120. Wide and a bit longer and light and easy to pack. You always want a small, light and fast lens, like a 35mm 1.4/1.8 type lens. If you want longer for sure then the 70-300 too. I always think is the royal PITA of carrying stuff going to be compensated by the odd opportunity missed. I'd say my experience is never. And if you miss the odd shot then move on. Who cares?
Nope, im going away next week and taking my A7R a 16-35 f4 and 35 f2.8 i might take the 24-70 f4 as well but during the day i will only be carrying one lens.
Yep. clothes get packed on the day in about 10mins. Camera gear gets packed, un packed, re packed etc. Takes me ages to decide on what to take, even if its somewhere ive been before.

This year i know what ill be taking to Gran Canaria. My Sony a6000 and a few lenses. I wouldn't take a DSLR to a beach holiday so this year its not going to be an issue, although i expect ill take lenses i dont actually use.
No, not anymore either...for my last trip I bought a Sony A6000 and left the D800 and heavy gear at home. Thoroughly enjoyed using the mirrorless kit and certainly enjoyed not carrying the weight around.

Ha, thanks for the replies, some of you have far too much discipline (and some of you are just like me :D)

Right, think I've decided on the following.

Olympus OMD-EM5 II
Panasonic 14-140 II lens (which I haven't used in ages but is really good)
Olympus 9-18 (which I haven't really used since getting the Olympus 7-14 Pro)
and my little Panasonic LX100 M43 compact for casual shots.

Think that's a pretty light combination and gives me an 18-280mm lens range which I think should cover most needs. Just then need my Lee Seven5 filters (little and big stoppers and ND grads) for those lovely seascapes and sunsets (I hope).

Just think your self lucky that your not going on a safari/wildlife trip dragging the super teles all over the place in the African heat. In my case I always carry as much as flight allowances will let me as you never know what you may get chance at. That's on a photography holiday, if a family trip somewhere then yes I could leave some of it at home. On the other hand with family there to carry on board there's a much bigger cabin allowance.:D
I just take the fz300, has the weather resistants just in case and covers everything, All you need for a holiday
I've humped a D90 around Italy with a big bag and a load of lenses. I had had enough last year and now I only take an Olly OMD EM10 with an olly12-40 and Panasonic 35-100 (both pro lenses) and they are meeting my needs very well.
I am now finally ready to sell my D90 and its 18-200 lens (last of my Nikon kit)
My wife and I are terrible for overpacking - I remember one trip to the US two or three years ago when we worked out we had 120kg in luggage - we both had loads of camera kit, plus clothing for all seasons due to the varied climates we were visiting. I vowed we'd never take that much again, and I think we've addressed our tendency to include lots of 'just in case' items, and unnecessary duplicates.
I always have that dilemma. On a typical family day out somewhere I will typically take:

Nikon D750, with at least 2 of 20mm, 50mm & 85mm
Fuji X100T
Rolleicord Va
Leica M6

When we went to Cyprus in Easter I took all that plus go pro plus the third lens
I always take too much, camera gear, bbqs, clothing, everything. Which is why we always drive to our destination, flight allowance would just be a joke for us.
My wife and I are terrible for overpacking - I remember one trip to the US two or three years ago when we worked out we had 120kg in luggage

That's mental, I'm pretty sure I don't own 120kg of stuff. Unless I started packing furniture.

Last trip of 8 weeks with weather ranging from the west coast of Ireland, to Bangkok, I think I had under 15kg.
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.. I'd like to think I'm getting better, but each year I only seem to end up taking different stuff rather than less stuff.
That's mental, I'm pretty sure I don't own 120kg of stuff. Unless I started packing furniture.

Last trip of 8 weeks with weather ranging from the west coast of Ireland, to Bangkok, I think I had under 15kg.
I don't think your allowed 120kg, maybe it was a warship [emoji2]
Maybe a didgit too many lol
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Is this just me, or does anyone else suffer the same indecisions as well come holiday time.

I like the gear and I like taking pictures but I like spending time with my GF and family more and if taking pictures damaged that I'd drop photography in a millisecond. For me the fact is that taking pictures means removing myself from the company of my GF and family so I minimise the impact of my little hobby. I normally take a quality camera and a wide aperture 35/50mm lens and a compact for the wider and longer shots and for when my A7 or MFT cameras are too much. If I'm by myself though I'll do as I please :D
We're off on a cruise in a few weeks and I'm already planning my kit:

Body, vertical grip, remote
Tripod with gimbal and pistol heads
Light stand x2
Hotshoe flash x2
Wireless triggers
60cm softbox
5-in-1 Reflector
On camera mini softbox
Spare batteries, chargers, card readers, laptop
Camera case, Black rapid strap and PD rucksack attachment

I thought I was doing well sacrificing the mains heads, but I might have second thoughts on that... ;)
I spent so long thinking about what camera gear I was going to take on a trip to Japan last year, I ended up not taking enough clothes :) It was a holiday not a photography trip, but I felt unnerved leaving my DSLR at home.

I took an Olympus EM5ii plus 12-40 pro and kit 40-150mm (purchased the day before I went). Whilst there I also purchased the 9-18mm and a spare battery. It was a good choice. I only used the 40-150 on one day, but it's so light it was nice to have it.
We're off on a cruise in a few weeks and I'm already planning my kit:

Body, vertical grip, remote
Tripod with gimbal and pistol heads
Light stand x2
Hotshoe flash x2
Wireless triggers
60cm softbox
5-in-1 Reflector
On camera mini softbox
Spare batteries, chargers, card readers, laptop
Camera case, Black rapid strap and PD rucksack attachment

I thought I was doing well sacrificing the mains heads, but I might have second thoughts on that... ;)

That is slightly mad!
We're off on a cruise in a few weeks and I'm already planning my kit:

Body, vertical grip, remote
Tripod with gimbal and pistol heads
Light stand x2
Hotshoe flash x2
Wireless triggers
60cm softbox
5-in-1 Reflector
On camera mini softbox
Spare batteries, chargers, card readers, laptop
Camera case, Black rapid strap and PD rucksack attachment

I thought I was doing well sacrificing the mains heads, but I might have second thoughts on that... ;)
It doesn't look like you've been on a cruise before. Just where do you think you're going to use all that stuff? Take the camera body and a superzoom lens plus the 50mm, one flashgun, batteries and laptop. It's all you'll have time and space to use.
HI all, I have this same dilemma each year. In a weeks time I'm off on holiday to Croatia with a day in Venice and a day at Lake Bled in Slovakia. As many on here, I'm quite fortunate to have access to a good range of cameras and lenses (it's my one indulgence having not able to have kids), but that in itself sometimes causes the issue - what to take?

I find it's all very easy to say to myself, take the M43 Olympus bodies as they are small and light and that's why I bought them, and the 12-40 F2.8, 7-14 F2.8 lenses, then possibly the 40-150 F2.8 (as I might need a bit more reach than 80mm equiv will offer). Then what about a spare body, I'll take the EM1 and EM5 MKII, then a small flash, filters, batteries and a small travel tripod. Trouble is before you know it, it's quite a hefty weight on your back.

Then my mind goes, some of these locations could justify a DSLR and the extra resolution they afford, so I start think about my D750, Tamron 24-70 F2.8, 70-200 F2.8 - or maybe my Nikon 24-120 F4 VR, or maybe just a DX body (D7200) with the 16-80 F2.8-4 and a 10-20 Siggy, and possibly my Tamron 70-300 VC USD - you see where this is going.........

Most of the time I find that I only use about half of the stuff I take with me, but there's always the justification in my mind of "what if...."

This year, I'm seriously just thinking of taking one DX body (D500 or D7200), the 16-80 (24-120 Equiv) and the Tamron 70-300 to give me a range of 24-450mm equiv in a two lens package, which would be quite easy to carry I think.

Is this just me, or does anyone else suffer the same indecisions as well come holiday time.
Been there and aged out of it. Now it's just a Sony RX10, flashgun and tabletop tripod. I'm only missing out at the UW end and that will get sorted if Nikon ever gets its DL range to market. Your proposed two-lens kit will serve you well.
Away at the moment. I've learnt to restrict myself to my 5d ml3, 24-105 walkabout, 14mm, spare battery, charger and flash cards. Luxury items are the70-200, with2xtc and my befree tripod. All, small, light, tripod goes In suitcase, rest in a small backpack with other items.
I spent a week in the Lake District recently on a family trip and took body, 10-20mm, 24-105mm, 50mm and 70-300mm, plus tripod, ND, cable release and blackrapid strap (essential for walking). I used the 24-105 for 80% of the time and the 10-20mm for about 15%. The 50mm and 70-300 were barely touched, but the 24-105 is so versatile, it does most of what I want for general shooting.
Going on two more trips this summer, thinking about slimming down even more. I might just go for the 24-105 and 50mm. We'll see.
UK caravan type holiday then A7 and FE35 2.8 as main use for sure - it's the only AF lens I have so allows the kids to take photos easily too - plus a handful of manual lenses probably Sigma SWII 24/2.8 and then it would depend on lightweight or very lightweight..... FD 50/1.4 and FD 85/1.8 OR CV40 and Leitz Tele-Elmarit 90/2.8 :) Tripod and some filters would also add to that for coastal sunrises/sets.

If I were to go abroad on a beach holiday then probably just the A7 FE35 2.8 and a CPL ;)
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got the same dilemma at the moment ,don't fancy taking a hefty,expensive dslr on a family holiday ,got a hardly used canon sx230hs compact with 14x zoom or do i go for a more powerful bridge camera with bigger zoom range ,or do i go for a waterproof compact for snorkelling and boat trips .or just have a holiday for a change
I do have a Nikon 1 J2 with the kit lens, but I've never been happy with it. Wondering if I just swap it for a Canon EOS M and then I can use my EF lenses on a smaller body for holidays and day trips.
Perhaps the kit lens and my 50mm on the adaptor....
If I was in your situation I would only take the D7200 or D500, 16-80, travel tripod and whatever accessories you need. I would leave the flashgun behind. I find my 16-85, similar to your 16-80, a very versatile lens. The only reason I would take more was if I knew exactly what I was going to photograph and it needed additional kit.
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I have a Fuji kit for travel - X-Pro1 and X-T1 bodies with 10-24, 18-135 and 100-400 + 1.4x telecon. Covered all my dry needs but I took a Nikon 1AW with 11-27 as well for underwater, And a Fuji X30 compact... Still lighter than the D750 kit I took to Iceland last year though!

I do have a Nikon 1 J2 with the kit lens, but I've never been happy with it. Wondering if I just swap it for a Canon EOS M and then I can use my EF lenses on a smaller body for holidays and day trips.
Perhaps the kit lens and my 50mm on the adaptor....

FT-1 adaptor will allow you to use AF-S Nikkors on the J2 - works a treat.
FT-1 adaptor will allow you to use AF-S Nikkors on the J2 - works a treat.
I'm not a Nikon shooter, so I have no other Nikon lenses to do that with. Hence going the other way. Besides I've never been happy with the J2 image or control wise.
My wife and I usually holiday in the UK (aside from a trip to see the Northern Lights) as we are incapable of traveling light, whether a that's cameras, clothing or just assorted junk.

This has become such a problem that even though there is only us and a dog, our Land Rover Discovery now requires a roofbox!
My wife and I usually holiday in the UK (aside from a trip to see the Northern Lights) as we are incapable of traveling light, whether a that's cameras, clothing or just assorted junk.

This has become such a problem that even though there is only us and a dog, our Land Rover Discovery now requires a roofbox!

That's pretty insane! I did consider a roofbox for our old Disco but we had a toddler and a baby at the time and all of the requisite baggage (steriliser, travel cot, pram, blah blah blah). We've now swapped to a more conventional 5 seater and although we miss the space, we can just about manage if we're careful.

I pack light on the clothes front but I do like to take "gear"...
I know! In a vain attempt to defend myself, a dog create does fill almost half the boot, but it is still very bad.....
I drive abroad, never fly. I take the following in my car (and I've gone as far as Andalusia) and will be going to Bled, Switzerland and Bavaria as well as the Loir Valley, Pyrenees and Toledo/Madrid for 25 days in October. I go alone.

I take

2x D800
1x 16-35
1x 24-70
1x 70-210
1x 24mm PCE
Full compliment of Lee filters
1x tripod

All goes in my car fine accross two camera rucksacks.I take several overnight bags and have one for clean clothes, one for dirties and it means my dirty clothes never contact my clean ones. Chuck the contents of the dirty bag in the wash when I get back. Works well.
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I just got back from Croatia on Saturday and took my DSLR abroad for the first time. I took my D7100, two lenses, a range of filters and my tripod. Next time I would probably buy a gorilla pod or similar instead of taking my tripod. I shot mostly at sunset and only used it during the day on a few occasions. I didn't use it as much as I would've liked, but I'm still glad I took it and came away with a few "keepers" to remember my holiday by.