Do you have a supportive partner??

Forget standing back.

I'd be following you and watching like a hawk with the camera set to AI Servo + continuous H.

screw that, I'm filming it.

An easy £250 from you've been framed....
itsdavedotnet said:
screw that, I'm filming it.

An easy £250 from you've been framed....

Good luck with getting the shot. I've been perfecting my elbow and barge techniques over the last week! :p :D
Good luck with getting the shot. I've been perfecting my elbow and barge techniques over the last week! :p :D

hey, and now, you can put them into practice on the bowens stand surrounded by flask toting anoraks at focus! Don't forget to bring your longest lens!
itsdavedotnet said:
hey, and now, you can put them into practice on the bowens stand surrounded by flask toting anoraks at focus! Don't forget to bring your longest lens!

I'm talking about press line ups, not Focus. You wouldn't get me within mile of that place Not from snobbery, I just hate exhibitions in general.
Anyway, why would I cart round 4kg of camera kit when I've got a nice little pocket sized compact? :LOL:
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Yes very, (y) he never stops me doing anything that I want to do and I never stop him doing what he wants to do.

Both very interested in wildlife and he likes my photos and likes to see what I have taken, also he likes to look at the nude and glamour on this site :D :naughty: :LOL:

We also have hobbies i.e clay shooting which we do together. :thumbs

He never uses a camera but always rings me if he sees something which I may like to photograph or if he sees something that I may just capture on camera.(y)

For those who have met my other half will know just how lay back he is (any more so and he would be horizontal :LOL:) :love:
Crikey Jason...... I thought Steve Austin had problems..........

so if Space Junk is likely to hit the UK...... time to go on a trip? If Jason is in your neighbourhood.

Bromley is doomed to be a big smoking crater at some point then.:help:

If only they could replace all my knackered joints with something bionic, I'm not old yet, but all my fingers ache in cold weather (yep, broken or dislocated all of them at one time or another)
Yep, probably wise to stand back a little:)

Stand back and have the camera ready :LOL: There will be a long line of Togs.

Please tell me you are not planning on Le Mans this year, F1, rally driving, Six Nations Rugby, Wimbledon etc. Prior warning would be appreciated.

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Yes very, (y) he never stops me doing anything that I want to do and I never stop him doing what he wants to do.

Both very interested in wildlife and he likes my photos and likes to see what I have taken, also he likes to look at the nude and glamour on this site :D :naughty: :LOL:

We also have hobbies i.e clay shooting which we do together. :thumbs

He never uses a camera but always rings me if he sees something which I may like to photograph or if he sees something that I may just capture on camera.(y)

For those who have met my other half will know just how lay back he is (any more so and he would be horizontal :LOL:) :love:

That is such a lovely comment Briony.


Supportive partners exist for many of us - I knew it. :)
Stand back and have the camera ready :LOL: There will be a long line of Togs.

Please tell me you are not planning on Le Mans this year, F1, rally driving, Six Nations Rugby, Wimbledon etc. Prior warning would be appreciated.


Nope, you are safe at all those events. Because of deadlines I have been told I will likely not have any holiday before mid June and will be working most weekends, so the only area to avoid would be central London around Oxford st:D
My wife is great. If ever I want to go out to shoot something she doesn't mind. She loves to come along to band shoots with me to look after the gear while I'm shooting. She even charges the batteries during the day for me. When i wanted to upgrade my gear she bought me my 1D3 and has also helped me with lens purchases. She really is the best.
My wife is fantastically supportive. This week alone I have bought two lenses, some bits & bobs and she was supportive of it all. Even encouraging me on the 2nd lens which I wasn't sure about!

She will also come out with me if I want company. All in all she really is wonderfull!
My wife is great. If ever I want to go out to shoot something she doesn't mind. She loves to come along to band shoots with me to look after the gear while I'm shooting. She even charges the batteries during the day for me. When i wanted to upgrade my gear she bought me my 1D3 and has also helped me with lens purchases. She really is the best.

Dino - that is lovely and your wife sounds like she is your rock. Not all Togs are as lucky you know. (y)

My wife is fantastically supportive. This week alone I have bought two lenses, some bits & bobs and she was supportive of it all. Even encouraging me on the 2nd lens which I wasn't sure about!

She will also come out with me if I want company. All in all she really is wonderfull!

Deejay - ^^^^^ (y)
My wife is very supportive when the cheques come in, not so much when the new kit gets bought though.
Got to add to this thread, my wife is very supportive, but then we support each other’s interests. I enjoy nature photography and she often comes with me, even carries some gear, shes a better spotter than me too. She isnt interested in photography, but enjoys, and is a good critic of the results. When I said I was looking at a 500mm f/4 last year and told her the price, she just said "If we have enough money and you want one, go for it, we're only here once".
Now we're both retired, she knits for charity (mainly underprivileged children, orphans etc) and loves it, but yesterday I was going to do a shot or two for the monkey thread. She knitted me a jumper for him there and then. So yes, I am very supported and wouldnt change anything :)
The secret is trust and respect for each other.
Really lucky, our lass acts as my unpaid (well coins in pockets are legally hers apparently) assistant, she doesn't even have a problem with helping with the nude shoots, although it could be that she likes to keep an eye on me :) when I'm doing them
Eh, so so, she likes motorsport too so she's quick happy to come along and watch from the comfort of her deckchair whilst I wander around.
Really lucky, our lass acts as my unpaid (well coins in pockets are legally hers apparently) assistant, she doesn't even have a problem with helping with the nude shoots, although it could be that she likes to keep an eye on me :) when I'm doing them

Ooo, I am not sure which!! However, she obviously has a part to play in your photography. :)
Eh, so so, she likes motorsport too so she's quick happy to come along and watch from the comfort of her deckchair whilst I wander around.

Sounds like a good match to me. We are off to Le Mans, however there will not be a deck chair in site!! :)(y)
Got to add to this thread, my wife is very supportive, but then we support each other’s interests. I enjoy nature photography and she often comes with me, even carries some gear, shes a better spotter than me too. She isnt interested in photography, but enjoys, and is a good critic of the results. When I said I was looking at a 500mm f/4 last year and told her the price, she just said "If we have enough money and you want one, go for it, we're only here once".
Now we're both retired, she knits for charity (mainly underprivileged children, orphans etc) and loves it, but yesterday I was going to do a shot or two for the monkey thread. She knitted me a jumper for him there and then. So yes, I am very supported and wouldnt change anything :)
The secret is trust and respect for each other.

You both sound a lovely couple and support each other. This is such a lovely post, thank you. :):clap:
Admittedly not read the previous 3 pages in depth............

at first it was .. oh whatever.........
then "ooh i like that photo"
then how do you do "this" or "that"

so at the moment tryng to get her to tak the second body out with her choice of lens, though a siggy 120-400 on a K-m looks a bit odd........:shrug:

We both have our own interests

hers - dancing
mine - golf

though I can see her getting more into photography as i am often asked, can i print his one or that one off for the wall of her office.......
I am lucky in that we have both been keen photographers for many years - fairly soon after getting married we bought an enlarger and spent many happy hours in the darkroom. I still sometimes miss the magic of watching the image gradually appear in the developing tray but blacking out the bathroom was a complete PITA, so in our advancing years (croak croak!) we are very happy to have made the jump to digital.

I have a bit more time and can do more but OH was very interested and helpful when I did my '52' last year. We choose our holiday destinations on their photographic potential - hoping to go to Amsterdam this year.
Time wise and not minding me disappearing she is fine with, just not the money part at the moment as we are getting married next year and I've got the urge for another DSLR and 2 nice lenses. She can see where i'm coming from in a way though as I've been around the house alot more since I got rid of my D200 and lenses and got the GF1 (i thought it would get me out togging more but it's had the opposite affect). She knows some new kit would get me out and about (and she would hope I'd pop into the gym after togging haha)
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My Fiance is the whole reason I have got into photography. I bought a DSLR about 2 years ago but never really used it like I should have. Back in June 2010 I prolapsed a disc in my back which put an end to my sports career and I needed a hobby. She pushed me to try photography and to learn more about my camera. Now when I want to go somewhere to shoot something she encourages me, she's taken part in my photo shoots and without her I'd be missing out on one of the most satisfying things I've ever experienced.
We both love photography and like the same type, so I guess, yes, he is supportive! :)
Yes my wife Emma is very supportive!
She bought me my first DSLR, comes with me for a drive when I want to find something to photograph, likes to model for pics, doesnt get too bored when I spend hours photographing friends cars and then hours editing them, has even learnt to step out of the way of interesting stuff at car shows so I can get a clear shot :love:
It's nice to see so many heart warming comments and to a degree has restored my faith in humanity ! - Unfortunately Mrs Dave is as supportive as Jelly when it comes to photography (and work). Never takes much interest in anything I do unless it involves going out and then the interest is usually to throw a strop about it. Despite this, I've never stopped here doing anything and usually fund everything she wants to do.
Can't win them all I guess.....
I have been banned from keeping softboxes assembled in the house (have bust a couple assembling/dismantling them so prefer to keep them up) so keep all my big mods in the car lol
QUOTE=yoby;3479105]It's nice to see so many heart warming comments and to a degree has restored my faith in humanity ! .....[/QUOTE]

I agree. :) (y)
My missus of a 25 years seems very patient when I am taking photos but I feel rushed, it must be some sort of telepathic communication. The other thing I find with her is that she manages to stand very close to me when Ive got my eye to the view finder. I then step back to get a better angle and shes right behind me and I end up stumbling over on my gammy knee. I then try to get another ngle and shes moved in to the place I want to go, arggh not again.... I think she knows shes doing that on purpose... lol
My Missus is actually really good. As long as I dont take the ****** she lets me buy what I want without too much grumbling, and she has even started to get into it herself. Having said that, I have just had to buy her a macro lens to pacify her for the vast amount I spent at focus :bang: