DPOTY 2023 - Chat Thread


Edit My Images
The rules are here
There will be a separate Entries thread in due course
I may well give it a go alongside the 52’s
Themes now posted, copied from the FPOTY Rules and Themes thread. Let's see how this year goes, I hope we get a good take-up and some great images.
I am going to give this a go!
Remember, you don't have to feel pressured to submit for every month, just do what you can. The challenge is designed to encourage rather than oblige.
Remember, you don't have to feel pressured to submit for every month, just do what you can. The challenge is designed to encourage rather than oblige.
Thanks Lindsay, then I’ll give it a go. It’s likely some months I won’t be able find the time. Should be fun :)
Just to clarify the following statement from the rules:

A photo may be taken any time from 1st December 2022, until the final day of the month for that theme. For example, January’s entry may be taken between 1st December 2022 and 31st January 2023, and October’s entry can be taken between 1st December 2022 and 31st October 2023

This means that, should I want to, I could take the whole years photographs on the 1st December 2022 and submit them in order in the relevant month?
@ShinySideUp Yes, in theory you could. It completely destroys the point of the exercise for you, but you could.
@ShinySideUp Yes, in theory you could. It completely destroys the point of the exercise for you, but you could.

I was never going to even try! I was just asking because it is quite possible that one might see a suitable subject for, say, May's Urban, but just a month or so too early to be entered into the competition. For example, I live in the country and don't see an urban scene for months on end unless I take a trip to my son's house in London so would have to take the chance there when it arose.
@ShinySideUp Glad to hear it Martin! But yes, that's exactly why the themes are published in advance, it's still a challenge but not so restricting as the rules/themes of the 52. It allows you to plan your photographic forays.
I think I'll give this a go. I've tried the 52 a few times, but found it a bit to much of a commitment (well done to all those that do take part in it).
Once a month I think I can handle.
I'm in, quite often entered the old POTY and enjoy seeking out subjects to match the monthly theme

One question, what is the best way to display the photos on here.
I usually just download them from my pc, but the max is 500 kb which is pretty poor.
Think I still have a Flickr account, would that be a better bet or is there another option?
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@tijuana taxi the image limitation is a max of 1024px on the long side. I usually use my flickr to link to the full image, but directly upload a version that has been exported with that size limitation.
Not done this for years so might have a bash at it as the themes look pretty good, plus I need to take some photos other than wildlife for a change. lol
Has anyon taken all their shots yet?
Yes I'll throw my hat in the ring as well :)

And yes, the themes are quite interesting (y)
I did start the FPOTY this year with a lot of enthusiasm but unfortunately it fell apart fairly early on :(

This will be much more convenient though.
We have a lot of dying flowers in the house at the moment so my decay subjects are coming along nicely
Pick your time carefully, the subject is decay, not rotten and smelly :)
I think that I'd like to give it a try as well. Looking forward to the year ahead!
Am I being a little bit thick, where do we post the images?
I'll be creating an Images Entry thread on 1st January for that month, then consecutively for each month. @Nostromo
Looking to get the January photo taken this week, hope its still decaying and not completely gone.
Not been there since Covid struck so who knows what I'll find now.
Well, I will give this a go. Think I will be out of my league but one can only try:)

One question can you change your entry within the month of submission?
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Well, I will give this a go. Think I will be out of my league but one can only try:)

One question can you change your entry within the month of submission?
No, this is an excerpt from the rules.
Entries cannot be changed once submitted.
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I guess there is nothing to stop one using ones three votes for ones own photograph -- apart from it being a somewhat disingenuous...and more than a little sad.
My decay location was a bust, trying again elsewhere tomorrow.
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I guess there is nothing to stop one using ones three votes for ones own photograph -- apart from it being a somewhat disingenuous...and more than a little sad.
You can only give one vote to any particular entry in a poll on this forum. Back in the earlier days of FPOTY it was made clear that admins could see who voted for each entry and voting for yourself was not considered acceptable. This has not been mentioned for quite a while. At one time if you got no votes and points were given according to position you got no points at all,
Thanks for pointing this out David. Quite correct, voting for oneself would be noticed and appropriate action taken. Just not the done thing, old boy