DPOTY 2024 - Chat thread


Edit My Images
The rules are here
There will be a separate Entries thread in due course for each month
I assume photos taken from today onwards are eligible for the whole year?
@ajophotog Yes Monochrome can incorporate IR if it is a wavelength that produces a monochrome image
@Peter123 Yes, as of today you can shoot images for all 2024 themes.
@Gav. You can say it means she does not need those BDSM outfits you were going to buy for her instead for your more edgy glamour images? (That may of course backfire on you in a rather satisfying way though........)
Is there somewhere for me to sign up to this please? Can't remember what I did last year to join
exactly as Gav said. Just join in when I post the entries thread for any particular month. I do keep and publish a league table for the ruling scores in a year, but almost nobody enters every month. I manage a few in the year, but will try harder next year!
Is the theme for December 2024 still a work in progress Lindsay.
Personally I think it would be better to actually state a definite theme [as in the other 11 months] rather than pick your own.
If it’s ’Open’ then by definition there should be no need to have a long list of qualifying conditions. ??
@johnty52 the idea of that Dec24 "theme" was to exercise one of the listed techniques on any subject, rather than combined with a particular subject. The techniques do lend themselves to most likely either landscape or action/wildlife, but my thinking was to leave that to the photographer so that we concentrate on the use of a technique that is a stretch for many people.
Ok. But I would have picked just one technique as the “ theme “ and dropped the “open” bit.
Hope I’m not coming across as pedantic but I found the use of a single theme much more of a challenge than just the usual “open” comps.
No worries Lindsay, thanks for all the organising, really enjoyed entering this year after I found the thread halfway through ! :)
@johnty52 I've been thinking about your observations as you do have a fair point, that Dec24 is perhaps a bit too open. I'd be interested to hear any other views on that point...
Ok. But I would have picked just one technique as the “ theme “ and dropped the “open” bit.
Hope I’m not coming across as pedantic but I found the use of a single theme much more of a challenge than just the usual “open” comps.
No worries Lindsay, thanks for all the organising, really enjoyed entering this year after I found the thread halfway through ! :)

@johnty52 I've been thinking about your observations as you do have a fair point, that Dec24 is perhaps a bit too open. I'd be interested to hear any other views on that point...

I think maybe pick 'panorama' or 'double exposure' so it's a technique theme rather than subject theme maybe.....?
Hi all!
I hope this monthly challenge motivates me to go out and take more pictures, this weather is depressing :sulk:.
Hopefully I’ll stick to it till the end.
Looking forward to see photos from fellow photographers too!
@lindsay thanks for taking the time to making all this happen, i understand it takes a lot of time.
Thanks to those who have commented on the December theme - I have now decided to change it and have opted for the technical theme of Double Exposure - but in this case, deliberate!
I don't know what double exposure is but I'm off to find out. Love having something new to learn about :)
And we are off, on a new year of DPOTYing. Open to all, join in any time, there are no prizes just the satisfaction of participating and shooting to a brief (of sorts).
Nice one Lindsay, very much appreciate the effort you put in to setting it up....again.
And the nifty fifty challenge...
You're right @Gav. , it's a struggle to find something suitable. I guess with our normal winters become usually wet and windy rather than cold and white, we need to reset our expectations. But also, I suppose, we should think more in the sense of "my winter" rather than what a cliche winter is. That's what I'm trying for now (although I note that the temperature is on the way down in the coming days...)
You're right @Gav. , it's a struggle to find something suitable. I guess with our normal winters become usually wet and windy rather than cold and white, we need to reset our expectations. But also, I suppose, we should think more in the sense of "my winter" rather than what a cliche winter is. That's what I'm trying for now (although I note that the temperature is on the way down in the coming days...)
I did see -2 for weekend coming, so a possible frost.

I agree with resetting thoughts, memories of past few winters are mainly slogging through deep mud and huge puddles.
Just been out in the frost trying to get my winter and leading lines shots. Got quite excited and took a load of images. Ended up getting muddled about which entry was meant to be shot at 50mm. Still, can't wait to get them off camera this evening. Though previous experience tells me, the more optimistic I am, the greater the disappointment I'm in for :LOL:
Well I've managed to get something that fits the winter theme (in my mind). Just going to hang fire in case a better opportunity presents itself before month end.

That's what I'm doing too - winter hasn't happened conventionally here yet.
Well, same problem here, which makes me quote: "Now is the winter of our discontent", however I'm not going to do a Richard III and knock off my fellow owners and mods!
Once I've published a picture in the DPOTY thread, is it set in stone? I've just made a better edit (of the same picture) and would like to enter it instead, however, if rules is rules then I stand by them and will learn from my more haste, less speed habits.

Edit: No, never mind, I'll leave it as it is.
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I went out early this morning with the dog (7am) in the dark, frozen ground, with my little Pentax Q7, to try for a winter image. Got to the right amount of sunrise, so I started framing an image, pressed the shutter then noticed the warning that there was no memory card inserted! When I got home, I found that I also had the Pentax Q body in the camera bag, which, although it's battery was dead, had a card in it. Try again tomorrow morning.
What's that?
I've done my time, I've paid my taxes, I've failed to pay into national insurance for only two weeks in my entire working life, I deserve to do sweet FA, or whatever else I want, in my Autumn years, so there!