Dress Code for Rick Steins Seafood Restaurant in Padstow..?

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Anyone been, and know how a scruffy old bloke should dress ?

All I can find is that it is smart casual, but I don't really know what that means.
I guess denim jeans are out, so I guess I'll have to wear some uncomfortable chino-type trousers and maybe even have to tuck my shirt in - something I have avoided since 3rd year at school..
Guess I'll also be polishing my shoes for goodness sake...
Smart Jeans & polo shirt will be fine, probably also a t-shirt would be ok as long as it doesn't look scruffy.

Nowadays there aren't that many places that operate a strict dress code but some places like to avoid shorts and vests.

Basically don't look like a hooligan and you'll be fine.

Edit: tucking in shirts and polishing shoes will not be required.
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£40 for a set meal? I'd want him to supply all the clothing as well! :cool:
I wasn't aware of any dress code at the Padstow restaurant. Plenty of folk in jeans and t-shirts.
Was ultimately disappointed in the food though. :(
Well if you look at Rick's foreign tour TV programmes he invariably wears jeans with the same checked shirt every day.
So, same or better.
Basically don't look like a hooligan and you'll be fine.
Not sure where that leaves me then....

Thanks everyone - I'll have to be guided by my wife, as it is our 25th wedding anniversary, but the more comfy I feel the happier I'll be when it comes to paying...
As Ruth says, dresswise pretty much anything goes - it's basically a pub in a holiday resort even if the prices are a bit higher. I'm told (by residents and relatives alike) that there are much better value places to eat in Padstow - but they don't have the Stein name.
As Ruth says, dresswise pretty much anything goes - it's basically a pub in a holiday resort even if the prices are a bit higher. I'm told (by residents and relatives alike) that there are much better value places to eat in Padstow - but they don't have the Stein name.
Paul Ainsworth has a couple of places there which are wonderful, but one of my wife's favourite ever meals was chilli crab in Bali, and Rick Stein has his version of it - according to the menu it is for those who love eating with their hands and getting messy.

I'll be taking her plastic bib just in case...

She actually tried on her wedding dress 2 days ago, and still fits into it - not so sure I could fit into my Moss Bros suit even if I hadn't taken it back to reclaim my deposit....

DSC_1106 resized
by stevewestern on Talk Photography
For 3 courses? £40 per head isn't that much for a meal out these days.
It is to me. There are various places we eat at where a good meal comes to less than £25 for the two of us.
It is to me. There are various places we eat at where a good meal comes to less than £25 for the two of us.

It all depends, I've spend a few hundred euros a head for some fantastic food and an amazing experience eating things you would never normally think of, and equally some of my favourite ever meals have cost a couple of quid.

Swings and roundabouts and it depends on whether you value the differences spending lots of money gets you. For some this is frivolous in the extreme, for others it is worth spending to get the additional 10% of experience, the beauty of the world means we all value different things.
It all depends, I've spend a few hundred euros a head for some fantastic food and an amazing experience eating things you would never normally think of, and equally some of my favourite ever meals have cost a couple of quid.

Swings and roundabouts and it depends on whether you value the differences spending lots of money gets you. For some this is frivolous in the extreme, for others it is worth spending to get the additional 10% of experience, the beauty of the world means we all value different things.

I think our best ever night out, was around ten years ago in Burgundy for a wedding anniversary, and it came to around 150 Euros, which included - Amuse bouche, starters, wine (Morey St Denis 1er cru), main course, dessert, dessert wine and coffee, and it was all fantastic, incredibly high standard but not stuffy, and we did bother to dress up for it, because it was a special evening.
I'll be taking her plastic bib just in case...

Especially if she'll be rewearing that white frock!!! :p

Hope the chilli crab lives up to her expectations and that you feel the evening is worth it - have a great evening out.

(FWIW, Mrs Nod is slimmer now than she was when we got married 10 years ago - as am I!)
I took my wife out on our 25th anniversary recreating our first dinner together

Grease from the Elephant leg doner kebab was all over my face just the same as all those years ago, how romantic
I had to have it explained to me that a silver anniversary does not mean chinese in silver-ish take-away containers...

Our fairly recent anniversary was our tinth (sic)... Beans on toast at home! ;)

31 years as a couple in a few days.
I took my wife out on our 25th anniversary recreating our first dinner together
On our 25th wedding anniversary last year we recreated the wedding.

had fish and chips from Rick Padsteins, on the harbour once. Let's say I won't be rushing back. The t*** has nmade millions but now sold out his name with franchises etc...
It`s a Fish & Chip Shop FFS, if they kick you out theres another one around the corner or buy a Pasty.
Well, I can say that we had one of the best meals we've ever had. I mentioned that it was our anniversary when I booked, and on our arrival we were congratulated - a very nice touch. The food was as good as any we have ever had, and that includes a few Michelin starred places, and the service was utterly perfect. I don't do posh, nor do I dress up, but we seemed to connect with the staff (well, compared to the knobs next to us it wasn't hard..) and I will go back as soon as we can afford to.
The money we saved by staying in a pub meant we could try as many wines as our 5 starters required and the Singapore chilli crab was brilliant - eating it with ones hands adds to the occasion, and took us back to our meal in Bali. Desert came with another 'congratulations' written in chocolate - again, such a lovely touch. If you are near, feel like splashing out and like excellent fish and even better service then go.
Good to see they go the extra to make you feel welcome.
£40 for a set meal? I'd want him to supply all the clothing as well! :cool:

Best not go for a meal at The Fat Duck then :D

The Journey
The experience is a journey - a nostalgic trip full of playful memories and adventure – drawing on my childhood holiday memories, to hopefully inspire your own childhood recollections.

  • Prepaid reservation for 2-6 guests
  • £265–£275 per person

Best not go for a meal at The Fat Duck then :D

The Journey
The experience is a journey - a nostalgic trip full of playful memories and adventure – drawing on my childhood holiday memories, to hopefully inspire your own childhood recollections.

  • Prepaid reservation for 2-6 guests
  • £265–£275 per person
This is the sort of thing that I want from a big evening - an experience to remember.
We spent over £200. We had an amazing evening.
A cheap meal out may cost us way less, but do we remember what we had, do we contact the place to thank them, and do we keep on talking about when and how we can afford to go back ?
Paying £250-plus for a meal per person would seem to be beyond our reach, but then again, we saved for our meal out, so we would save for something like this too, and hopefully it would live on way after the credit card had been paid off.
A bill to remember, maybe.
A bill to remember, maybe.
No, the bill fades, but the experience remains.

Yes, the cost is a major issue, but then life is about experiences.

In a few years I'll be in some old folks home, waiting to die, and I'll have some wonderful memories to talk to myself about.
I can't imagine how empty I'd feel if I'd saved a few quid but had no exciting tales (well, that's how I see them..) to remenisce about.
I like my food but £550 plus drinks is never going to happen

a few years ago a guy I know got himself a want to be wag girlfriend, for her birthday she wanted to go to The Ivy so he took her down on the train , nice hotel and a limo to take them to The Ivy

when they got back I asked how it went

food was Ok but the experience was humiliating

how so

well the limo pulled up outside , the chauffeur opened the door , the flashguns went off as the paparazzi started firing away then they stopped, there was a collective sigh and he heard somebody say f*** me another loser with a limo then they had to walk through them to get in

Sounds like a fun night out
The Cricklade Cafe, which oddly enough is in Cricklade (just north of Swindon for the uninitiated) does a truly superb ham, egg and chips. With a drink and a tasty home-made pudding you'll get plenty of change out of £20 for two. That's what I call a memorable meal...

Well, I can say that we had one of the best meals we've ever had. I mentioned that it was our anniversary when I booked, and on our arrival we were congratulated - a very nice touch. The food was as good as any we have ever had, and that includes a few Michelin starred places, and the service was utterly perfect. I don't do posh, nor do I dress up, but we seemed to connect with the staff (well, compared to the knobs next to us it wasn't hard..) and I will go back as soon as we can afford to.
The money we saved by staying in a pub meant we could try as many wines as our 5 starters required and the Singapore chilli crab was brilliant - eating it with ones hands adds to the occasion, and took us back to our meal in Bali. Desert came with another 'congratulations' written in chocolate - again, such a lovely touch. If you are near, feel like splashing out and like excellent fish and even better service then go.

Something fishy about this review
No, the bill fades, but the experience remains.

Yes, the cost is a major issue, but then life is about experiences.

In a few years I'll be in some old folks home, waiting to die, and I'll have some wonderful memories to talk to myself about.
I can't imagine how empty I'd feel if I'd saved a few quid but had no exciting tales (well, that's how I see them..) to remenisce about.
.I agree, but as previously stated, I didn't find the food anything to write home about, so it was just an average meal at a daft price simply because of the name on the sign.
.I agree, but as previously stated, I didn't find the food anything to write home about, so it was just an average meal at a daft price simply because of the name on the sign.

Agreed, I thought the one in Winchester was disappointing. Certainly for what it sets out to be.
Each to his own.

I would not pay £265 for a meal. I Was at Padstow last week and whilst £40 per head at Rick Stein's is not the most expensive for a meal, I fail to see how that meal would have been any better than the Fish Languine I had for £16, 15 miles up the road. Unless of course the "experiance" would have been to say I had eaten at Rick Stein's (other "named" resturants are available)
had fish and chips from Rick Padsteins, on the harbour once. Let's say I won't be rushing back. The t*** has nmade millions but now sold out his name with franchises etc...

Actually the fish and chips there are pretty good.
Best not go for a meal at The Fat Duck then :D

The Journey
The experience is a journey - a nostalgic trip full of playful memories and adventure – drawing on my childhood holiday memories, to hopefully inspire your own childhood recollections.

  • Prepaid reservation for 2-6 guests
  • £265–£275 per person

We went last month. £265 a head for lunchtime menu, which is the same as an evening menu. Wine tasting menu to match was £165 a head (for the cheapest), so £430 a head.

For that we had 7 courses, but each course had several elements/plates of food. 19 different plates of food (ish) overall and a full 5 hours of eating.
Absolutely amazing experience, taken on a journey through the day of a holiday
Not been to the restaurant, but as long as the food was good £40 a head doesn't sound bad at all.

The Rick Stein chippy over the road however, not so great. Been there on a couple of occasions now, ok, but nothing to write home about and definitely better to be had in Padstow without paying for the name on the box. Actually on the second occasion I would actually say it was under cooked. You tend not to worry about it too much at a celebrity place as you think maybe they know how to get it just right where as most other places over cook, but I certainly questioned it later that evening when I had the trots!