F1 season 2016

Not only did the Zak Brown's Motorsport Network recently buy the Haymarket motorsports titles and events (Autosport, Motorsport magazine et al), today they have announced the purchase of Motors TV. They have rapidly become the world's premier motorsport publishing business. Conflict of interest if Brown takes Ron Dennis's job?
Well, much as I hate to admit it Rosberg will be crowned 2016 F1 Champ.

Some say he won't be popular or he does not deserve it but, at the end of the day he has kept it on the black stuff, ground out the results and accumulated the points. He has managed his entire season this way and in all probability it will win him the championship.

He has only won it because of Hamiltons mis-fortune. The championship would have been over sever races ago if hamilton had not dropped frustrating points like those in Malaysia. Dont forget that race alone would have netted Lewis maximum points and also Rosberg would have taken away a lesser amount than he eventually did.
The blow ups are bad enough, but the grid penalties have also hampered him massively.

Hamilton IS and has been the better driver for the vast majority of the season.

I am praying for Rosbergs engine to go bang, the certainly wont 'forget' the spanners like they did with Lewis.
Mercedes are desperate for a German world champion.
I'm happy to see Rosberg win to be honest.

I don't mind Lewis but he is a bit of a moaner at times, Nico always seems upbeat and happy.
I'm happy to see Rosberg win to be honest.

I don't mind Lewis but he is a bit of a moaner at times, Nico always seems upbeat and happy.
Nico and Nicos side of the garage (did they swop mechanics earlier in the year?) plus luck have done (up to press) the better job so deserve the title if they make 3rd or better next weekend
Upbeat and happy ? I remember him as more surley and speaking with forked tongue on more than one occasion
Not only did the Zak Brown's Motorsport Network recently buy the Haymarket motorsports titles and events (Autosport, Motorsport magazine et al), today they have announced the purchase of Motors TV. They have rapidly become the world's premier motorsport publishing business. Conflict of interest if Brown takes Ron Dennis's job?
Or will he hang it out till bernie disappears and join with Ross to make F1 more enjoyable Both are more than capable of sorting the FIA and teams out
Rons job could well be not a one man job the day of the team boss is fast disappearing Boulier is said not to be going to every race in 2017 so there is a going to be room in the pits for new people and lets face it the team can only improve so who ever gets there will be credited with the improvement
The article talks about him for the WEC 2018 season.

A 2018 Porsche deal is understood to be on the cards for the popular Spaniard
Toto Wolff will ensure that both Mercedes are reliable and able to complete the last race without any issues. That's the only way Mercedes can manage the last race.
Can you imagine the conspiracy theories if Nico's car unexplainably broke down?

I can't see Nico making any mistakes at the weekend, I think Lewis's only hope is for Nico to start on pole with Lewis behind him and then for Lewis to push him into a mistake, it's happened before. If Nico qualifies second on the grid he will just cruise home in 2nd or 3rd to take the championship.

I agree, Lewis has had his fair share of bad luck this year and if he hadn't had all those failures and grid penalties the championship would be over and done with by now but it's a technological sport to a large extent and at this level things can and will fail.
Nico has been racing for second the last three races I cant see him doing anything different
If Nico is on pole or leading Lewis will be in his element and make Nico work hard much safer for Nico to be in second place only Max and Daniel to worry about and he can afford to lose a place to one of them


São Paulo
Lap data
Lap length 5.554km (3.451 miles)
Race laps 55
Race distance 305.355km (189.739 miles)
Pole position Right-hand side of the track
Lap record* 1’40.279 (Sebastian Vettel, 2009)
Fastest lap 1’38.434 (Lewis Hamilton, 2011, qualifying two)
Maximum speed 320kph (198.839 mph)
DRS zone/s (race) Two straights
Distance from grid to turn one 304m

UK Times
Friday 25th November 2016
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Free Practice 1: 13:00-14:30 (UK time: 9:00-10:30)
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Free Practice 2: 17:00-18:30 (UK time: 13:00-14:30)
Saturday 26th November 2016
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Free Practice 3: 14:00-15:00 (UK time: 10:00-11:00)
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Qualifying: 17:00 (UK time: 13:00)
Sunday 27th November 2016
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: 17:00 (UK time: 13:00)

Previous Winners
2015 Germany Nico Rosberg Mercedes
2014 United Kingdom Lewis Hamilton Mercedes
2013 Germany Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault
2012 Finland Kimi Räikkönen Lotus-Renault
2011 United Kingdom Lewis Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes
2010 Germany Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault
2009 Germany Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault

Hamilton 2012 onboard
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVidPPnfzDg

Multiple onboards 2012
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEjTvIpyC9U

Facts From Previous Race

For the 30th time in the 67-year history of the Formula One world championship, the title will be decided at the final race of the year.

That is remarkable given the 2016 season is the longest of all time. The weary field heads to Abu Dhabi to wrap up the title in the 21st round of the championship. It will be the third time the drivers’ title is decided there following Sebastian Vettel’s success in 2010 and Lewis Hamilton’s two years ago.

Hamilton went into the 2014 finale as the favourite to win the title. However this time the odds overwhelmingly favour his team mate Nico Rosberg.

With a 12-point lead heading into the final race a podium finish will guarantee Rosberg the title. In contrast, a podium finish is the only way Hamilton can retain his crown, and after that it depends where his team mate finishes.

In the 22-car field there are 507 different combinations of finishing positions plus non-finishes for the two title contenders. In 455 of those Rosberg would win the title and the remaining 52 would result in Hamilton clinching the title.

In simple mathematical terms Rosberg has an 89.7% chance of winning the championship.

Note also that if Yas Marina is a half-points race Hamilton can only take the title by winning with Rosberg no better than tenth.

Hamilton’s chances of winning the title look better if we take this year’s results into account. To take the title he must win in Abu Dhabi with Rosberg fourth or lower. That result has occurred four times in the 20 races so far this year, giving him a 20% shot. But of course, Hamilton may not be content to leave it up to chance.

With his ninth victory this year, Hamilton reached a career total of 52 wins. He has now overtaken Alain Prost’s 51 victories, leaving Michael Schumacher as the only driver in F1 history who’s won more races than Hamilton.

At his tenth attempt, Hamilton finally crossed Brazil off the list of venues he hadn’t previously won at. Fittingly, the driver of car number 44 did so in the 44th edition of the Brazilian Grand Prix which counted towards the championship. That leaves only Baku, this year’s new addition to the calendar, as the one race on the schedule which Hamilton has never won.

Hamilton also took the 60th pole position of his career. It was his 11th pole position this year which means he retains the Pole Trophy he won last season.

Hamilton gave Mercedes their 19th pole position of the year. That broke Red Bull’s record of 18 in a season from 2011, when there were 19 races on the calendar instead of this year’s 21. Since 2014 Mercedes have only been beaten to pole position once per season, and by a different team each time.

The Safety Car notwithstanding, Hamilton led all 71 laps of the race and has now led more laps than Rosberg this year: 523 to 486.

However the flying Red Bulls denied Hamilton a ‘grand slam’. Max Verstappen took the first fastest lap of his career, becoming the youngest driver ever to do so.

This record was previously held by Rosberg, who set it on his grand prix debut at Bahrain in 2006, aged 20 years and 263 days. Verstappen lowered the mark to 19 years and 49 days.

Verstappen is now the youngest driver to win a race, score a point, stand on the podium and set a fastest lap. Vettel remains the youngest driver to start from pole position, but Verstappen has two years and 30 days to break that record.

Unusually, neither Mercedes driver made a pit stop in their pit box during the race. They only time they changed tyres was during the first stoppage when the whole field was instructed to fit a new set of full wet weather tyres. This was done in the fast lane of the pits, so Mercedes’ efforts to move their pit box to avoid a bump proved inconsequential.

Another curiosity from the eventful grand prix was Hamilton’s mid-race change of helmet designs. He began the race using a special yellow helmet in tribute to Ayrton Senna, but switched back to his regular model due to problems with water ingress.

Felipe Nasr’s first points of the season crucially moved Sauber ahead of Manor in the constructors’ championship. But he nearly did even better. With a dozen laps remaining he was in sixth place, which would have taken Sauber ahead of Renault as well.

However it was a joyless race for Romain Grosjean. He equalled the best qualifying performance for Haas with seventh on the grid but failed to start there after crashing on his way to the grid.

Drivers’ Chosen Tyres

Championship Standings



Can you imagine the tantrum from either driver should a Mercedes engine blow up? Rosberg more so but I don't think he is a worthy champion and I'll be praying for a mole in his garage to fail to get his engine started or a nice 15 seconds in the pit box with a wheel nut problem should give the red bulls a decent chance to get on the podium
Are the gremlins going to turn up for rosberg.
Fingers crossed.
Something has to go wrong for him.
He must be so concerned.
"Let the drivers race" my backside!

However, a very exciting race despite Mercedes team instructions.
With the worst outcome

It is what it is.

Rosberg had the reliability, Hamilton made an arse of it on occasion.

Rosberg knows he's not the best driver and that he's had the luck but I'm sure that he doesn't care. You can only do your bit, you can't control the rest. Although getting rid of his mechanics was a good move
Good race. Great tactics by Hamilton, but the mercs were just too strong for the chasing pack. Interesting to see tactics evolve from red bull and Ferrari.
Roll on next year.

Toto Wolf - what an arse.

Did he honestly think Hamilton should just roll over and give up what little hope he still had of winning the championship. The team had already had their championship, they had nothing to lose here by letting them race.
I think a nice 5 second time penalty for not getting the car to part ferme might be worth it...
Nico "Please Toto, tell Lewis to let me pass so the others don't overtake me, I can't do it on my own"

Gutted for Lewis, but it is what it is.
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Well done Nico, (y):banana: Shame JB didn't finish his last race, but good to see him enjoying himself and hope to see him in World RX next year.
From Hamiltons comments re Mercedes telling him to speed up he appears to give the impresssion that they wanted Rosberg to win instead of him anyway
Mercedes comments to Hamilton baffled me.

They already had the Constructor's championship in the bag, if both of their driver's had been overtaken by Vettel and Verstappen, or crashed out then, one Rosberg would have become champion. If Hamilton's backing up had resulted in Rosberg being lower than third then Hamilton would have been champion, so what was the hurry up for Hamilton all about, except as above, it gives the impression they wanted Rosberg to win.

Or is it a driver is worth more to the team when he leaves them if he has been world champion?

Still a good race on what I find a pretty dull circuit.


Should have said it was a shame for Button to have to retire from the race. He is a gent and, if he wants it, I can see F1 TV appearances for him. How about him, Coultard and Webber together?
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I do kind of get it though.

Perhaps the team bosses set themselves the goal of maximum points per race, regardless of anything else.
I'd have a bit more respect for Hamilton if he hadn't said that he wouldn't back Rosberg up. Also if he was a bit more gracious about Nico's championship win.

Nico is always more gracious in defeat & is able to admit when Lewis has been better on the day. Lewis has become a bit of a whinger, making out that the only reason he lost was poor reliability. He conveniently forgets his many poor starts & the disaster of Baku, for instance, when he wasn't able to cope with a technical issue, like Nico was, & then lost concentration & crashed. He was also gifted the win in Monaco, after Daniel was stuffed by Red Bull strategy. So he had some good luck as well as bad....that's the way sport goes.

Nico put together a better seasons performance & is a worthy champion IMHO.
Nico to pit wall: "This is really slow pace, so maybe at some point we reverse the cars and if Lewis is in second place I'll let him by again, I know that's a stupid request but this is really slow at the moment." (From sky sports website)

Yes, a real champ, asking management to get cars out of the way so he can win, also showing he doesn't even care about winning, settling for second. I wonder if he has mr verstappens number for next year in case it's a red bull in front of him
I'd have a bit more respect for Hamilton if he hadn't said that he wouldn't back Rosberg up. Also if he was a bit more gracious about Nico's championship win.

Nico is always more gracious in defeat & is able to admit when Lewis has been better on the day. Lewis has become a bit of a whinger, making out that the only reason he lost was poor reliability. He conveniently forgets his many poor starts & the disaster of Baku, for instance, when he wasn't able to cope with a technical issue, like Nico was, & then lost concentration & crashed. He was also gifted the win in Monaco, after Daniel was stuffed by Red Bull strategy. So he had some good luck as well as bad....that's the way sport goes.

Nico put together a better seasons performance & is a worthy champion IMHO.

If Hamilton had enjoyed the same reliability as Rosberg he would be world champion by a fair margin. Rosberg wouldn't have had a sniff.
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Max was the man of the race for me outstanding
Was there anybody that thought Lewis wouldnt do anything about a forth world championship He did what he had to do
As for whingers try seb as he has accused Lewis of dirty tricks He only got lucky because Ferrari somehow fell over a decent tactic, completely out of character
What will Merc do about Lewis will it be "you were a very naughty boy" or "your sacked" or maybe something in between like nothing at all. Loss of respect between Paddy / Toto and Lewis will result in another team (in time these things fester) gaining Lewis
Nico is the champion he drove for second in the last 4 races brilliantly and deserves the title, he now needs to strive for the upper echelon of champions that his team mate is in
Toto wolf has said he's going to sleep over it. I suspect Laura is already trying to put the boot into Hamilton, based on several of his comments against him this year. He didn't exactly make it discrete that Mercedes wanted a German driver as world champion, and they tried as much as possible to destabilise Hamilton.
So Hamilton was told, back nico up and we'll pit him first, the undercut being significant. So Lewis did exactly what he was supposed to until he didn't have to return to the pits then did his best to win. What did they expect?

Autosport thinks a suspension or fine is coming hamiltons way
I wanted Rosberg to win the title.

I find it really hard to like Hamilton. I understand his desire to win but I think it's really unsporting the way he reacts to things.

If Hamilton had won the championship I am really confident Rosberg would have congratulated him in the room afterwards.

I'm all for a British driver winning but I can't deal with people behaving like a childish brat, man up, get over yourself and congratulate him.
If Hamilton had enjoyed the same reliability as Rosberg he would be world champion by a fair margin. Rosberg wouldn't have had a sniff.

Agreed, but not losing his cool in Baku may have secured it too. Or making better starts for four, or so, races.

The point is that reliability wasn't the only factor, on quite a few occasions Nico just did a better job. Lewis hasn't been able to admit that, but is determined to focus on team issues & insist that he has 'done all he could'. Not true.

I can understand the frustration about reliability, but Nico suffered quite a bit last year without the same level of moaning.

The championship was lost much earlier in the season & backing up the pace today is just sad & pathetic. I don't consider that racing, as he insisted, but I think that he has convinced himself that it was justified because of his so called 'harsh deal'.

I'm also annoyed by drivers not obeying orders from the team - they end up getting far to much self importance. That goes for Vettel over Multi 21, Verstappen refusing to look after his tyre, etc. They are employees & should do as they're told. I would let them know that refusal would mean missing the next race. They need to remember what they're obligations are.
I dont like scalectrix racing
I wanted Rosberg to win the title.

I find it really hard to like Hamilton. I understand his desire to win but I think it's really unsporting the way he reacts to things.

If Hamilton had won the championship I am really confident Rosberg would have congratulated him in the room afterwards.

I'm all for a British driver winning but I can't deal with people behaving like a childish brat, man up, get over yourself and congratulate him.

Yeah at that point he'd done his best. It was time to suck it up and congratulate Rosberg. However I suspect that's more about next season ;)
The championship was lost much earlier in the season & backing up the pace today is just sad & pathetic. I don't consider that racing, as he insisted, but I think that he has convinced himself that it was justified because of his so called 'harsh deal'.

Sorry you're wrong. That was a skilful drive to be slow in the right areas and fast where Rosberg could overtake, considering similar cars and drs was so effective on those long straights. Rosberg quite right said that Hamilton did everything right to stop him passing whilst trying to back him into the pack