

Squeaky Clean
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Just joined and boy is it complicated .......anyone else here use it and having same probs, probs are EVERYTHING.......its so hard to understand
yeah you will be fine with it, i use it daily and its great to keep in touch with people (y)
used it for about 2 hrs and sssssoooooooooooooooooooo lost

A wall is what my dad used to build
I thought it was fun to begin with....

...then eventually the daily torrent of join this app, play this game, rate my <woteva> got too much to bear so I deleted my account and am still in touch with all the people I was in touch with before and during.

i.e email and phone and actual face to face contact :eek:
I actually considering leaving now. Our latest brief has shown how much of a hazard it is, it's needlessly complicated, and the only people that speak to me on there are people that live 200 miles away and still invite me to every poxy little event that's going on.
i think its a useful 'tool' but the applications, come to my event (i get invited to every gig my friend 'attends' and he lives in BC canada!) and 'xxx is a fan of sleep/sex' etc is bloody iritating.

the new layout is very iritating as well, they couldnt just leave it be when it was 'ok' they had to fix it until its broken! i actually find the layout of facebook mobile (on an aging sony w800 phone to be much easier to use
Me three months ago: "Facebook? Naaaaa, I can't see the point of it!"

Me currently: "Dammit, no new notifications, refresh! Still no new notifications. Refresh! Refresh!".

Being serious though, it's a great way to keep in touch with people you couldn't stand in the first place. But it does put all my contacts (be it my various internet forum members, old school friends, work mates and relations) into one tidy area.
But yes, them pointless "quizzes", "you've been snowballed/hugged/poked", pokes and games apps really does get in the way of things and detracts what is an enjoyable experience.

You can tell I don't go out very much. :geek:
Yeah, you'll get used to it, like Ian DJ I was the same regarding facebook - I can understand why they made the new design twitter like - it's much more usable now I think.
It's dead handy for me, I use it to keep in contact with all my mates back in the UK.

I have to admit though that it can be a bit confusing and the notifications irritate me.
I use it to keep tabs on all the people I meet on my travels...some use it as their main social netwrking place, but for me it's just the occasional message...
Just say 'no' to every stupid invitation...works for me...
A work colleague of mine sent me a friends request. Why? We tolerate each other at work because we have to. Under no circumstances will we ever be friends!!!

The best thing about FB is the ignore button. :LOL:
A work colleague of mine sent me a friends request. Why? We tolerate each other at work because we have to. Under no circumstances will we ever be friends!!!

The best thing about FB is the ignore button. :LOL:

Why? - because a lot of people use it as some kind of popularity contest... regardless of the fact 99% of their "friends" are people they havn't seen for 10 years and didn't like them much in the first place.

The ignore button is definately your friend :D
I prefer to only add people I know in real life (or if youre female and cute :p)
If anyone continually invites me to loads of crap applications, or invites me to events I have absolutely no interest in, they get removed.

I do get a few friend requests from people online, and while I don't mind adding them at all....the only reason I sometimes click decline/ignore is because their updates then clog up my 'news feed' and it becomes way too busy for me to manage....lol
Wow, pirate facebook is sweeeet