First published pics


TPer Emeritus
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I've just had four images used for this months Chiltern & Thames Rider magazine, an equestrian magazine covering the South East, East Midlands and Oxfordshire etc. Paid and credited. :D

Not the most famous of magazines ;) but it's a start. They really liked this image but the best bit is that I am now one of their 'preferred photographers' and they will be using me to cover some events in the future.

CONGRATULATIONS!! Great work. Is this the time you nearly lost your head?
Many congratulations! Thoroughly deserved, your work is excellent and a constant source of inspiration (y)
very well done Colin, thats fantastic!
Congratulations :clap: :clap: :clap:
good stuff :)
Nice work (y)
Congratulations, and a great photo
Really chuffed for you Hacker! Well done!
seems like trying something different really paid off!
And deservedly so :)
I would just like to add my congratulations to the others - well deserved mate!
Big Congrats Hacker! (y)
A 'preferred photographer' eh! you must be really chuffed with that, and though its obviously realy useful to be versatile, I think its a wonderful feeling to be able to work in a niche sector that holds some interest for you!
Congrats dude, nice shot :D Don't forget to show us a pic on the cover.
Well done. Nice image.

I'd be interested to know if you took the images with this publication in mind or did you hawk your photos around a number of mags after the event ? Also was the mag interested because it was a recent event (and therefore topical) or just because it is a good horsey shot and not relevant when or where it was taken ? I ask because sometimes I take shots at various types of events but assume if I don't get them picked up within a few days then they are less useable/newsworthy even if the image is a good one.

The image was an experiment on the day until I bottled it when a horse nearly took my head off. (the 10-20mm gets you really close :wacky: )

I was covering the event to sell my pictures to competitors and the show organiser asked me to forward some images to the magazine as she was writing a show report so I contacted the editor and sent them about eight photos which were all relevant to that event. This mag usually uses images shot at specific events but I know of some equine photographers that build up a bank/database of the better riders and horses to be used as stock images for national mags like Horse and Hound, most people would not know but I often see a show report from Location X and the photo used is definitely from Location Y.

You say you often take shots at events, what sort of events do you shoot and is it just for pleasure or do you want to sell some? If you do want to sell don't rely on the mags as they do not pay particularly well, try and sell to competitors through a website, you might not be able to retire on it but it goes towards new kit and you do learn a lot.

Hope this helps.
If you do want to sell don't rely on the mags as they do not pay particularly well
Or quickly, I'm still waiting for a couple of cheques :bang:
Congrats on the sale Colin. :D

Very well deserved too (y) :clap:
Yes Hacker - it's a cracker! Just as many more of the pix on your own web site. I like the copyright statement on your pix. How do you do it?
I use the batch process under File in Elements 3 and add it when I re-size for the web, you can add whatever type you want. I'm pretty sure you can do it in most Processing software.