FLICKR changed again

I just updated the Android app. It doesn't appear any worse than before. Landscape format pictures are bigger than portrait format. You can't share BBCode. Albums are 'oldest at the top'. Same sh*t.
I just updated the Android app. It doesn't appear any worse than before. Landscape format pictures are bigger than portrait format. You can't share BBCode. Albums are 'oldest at the top'. Same sh*t.

Just updated mine. Landscape photos will always be bigger than portrait in the photostream as they have to be the same height in the rows. I don't post photos from the phone so the BBCode doesn't bother me but my albums are newest at the top.
Thanks. I can't find a way to change the order.
But no. The pictures don't have to be the same height. Or in rows. That is their mistake.
I get the impression they are not photographers and haven't asked photographers about that. I doubt if anyone requested landscape to be 2 to 3 times bigger than portrait.
I get the impression they are not photographers and haven't asked photographers. I doubt if anyone requested landscape to be 2 to 3 times bigger than portrait.

Their just thumbnails, you click them to look at the actual photo, I really don't see the issue. If the portrait and landscape photos were the same size, it'd look a right mess IMO. Don't think it's got anything to do with whether people are "photographers" or not.
Agree with the posters, been a member of flikr for years, and use an old mac OS, so have not updated many photos, pity it was an excellent free site to host your photos.
This is my first post on here, looks like a good forum for semi pros and designers like myself.
I quite like the changes that have been made. Flickr is slowly evolving. The original user interface had remained unchanged for so long it had begun for fossilize. I've been using it for 10 years now and whilst a few 'new' features are a little irksome, they're no worse than any of the competition.
Yep been a member since 2005, with over 1,200 photos, Sorry, personally I do not agree with that it is is a little 'irksome', on an apple with old OS ( 5 years old) it's navigation and signposting could be improved, but 'hey' it is free, so not the end of the world,
Probably being a mac does not help as well. Of course Apple would have us all running out and buying the latest gadget/ software, the day it came out. Not sure that is either particularly a good use of resources, or me being a 'tight wad'. But then when I design something I try and ensure you take your 'existing customers' with you, not just rush out and embrace the latest multinational money making idea, and hard luck if you cannot keep up!. Why fix something that ain't broke eh!.......
Layout changes are fine by me, but I can't use the menus as it wont let me! hover over the top level and it rolls out the menu, but move the mouse over the menu and it disappears!

Pics load a lot quicker in my feed which is good.
Having had only a 5 minutes play, it seems to be an improvement to me, more viewing and other options, and as far as I can see, all the old options are still available, it wasn't hard to find everything. I also like the layout so it gets a thumbs up from me.
Yep been a member since 2005, with over 1,200 photos, Sorry, personally I do not agree with that it is is a little 'irksome', on an apple with old OS ( 5 years old) it's navigation and signposting could be improved, but 'hey' it is free, so not the end of the world,
Probably being a mac does not help as well. Of course Apple would have us all running out and buying the latest gadget/ software, the day it came out. Not sure that is either particularly a good use of resources, or me being a 'tight wad'. But then when I design something I try and ensure you take your 'existing customers' with you, not just rush out and embrace the latest multinational money making idea, and hard luck if you cannot keep up!. Why fix something that ain't broke eh!.......
I use macs exclusively. My main machine is a six year old iMac. Have not experienced any perceived slow-down due to the interface changes. The only thing I have done is to upgrade the RAM. But that was primarily done to stop Lr from behaving like a dog.

My biggest gripe (if you can call it that) is that almost everything of value if now clumped under the 'You' menu. But I'll not loose sleep over that. Yahoo are in business to make money and the new menu structure is designed to lead the user to the 'Create' tab. Not entirely sure why the 'Upload' tab is hiding on the other side of the screen.
Not the worst change that Flickr have ever made, but as with a previous poster it's a fresh reminder to sort out a site of my own..
Its more sleek than the old versiom, but not sure if I like all the changes. Preferred the old navigation.
Changed for me in the last hour.

I just wish we could have the little postage stamp sized images showing (like years ago) when we open one of our albums.

Any albums with lots of images just take forever to load which is a pain if you know you want to go and get 1 specific image from an album containing 1000s of images.
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Yeah I don't like it, but I never like it when it changes, not at first. I've also been a member since 2005, with over 5,700 photos uploaded. I was a member before Yahoo bought it up, and one of the old Pro members rather than a free member.

My take on it - based on past "upgrades", is that I'll get use to it. It's still the website where I can store and publish full res images. More than that, it has a great community of users that I'd miss if I left.
Does anyone else think they are applying additional sharpening?
I use Flickr purely as a hosting site for my shots that I might want to share. I upload them there at relatively low resolution then link to the original upload to (hopefully!) avoid them messing with them.
As for the change, it's their ball so they can play with it how they like.
I like the new - or is it just new to me? - uploadr. I almost stopped using Flickr a while back because it was just so painful to get more than one or two images uploaded without timeouts/errors/pandas.

With the new uploadr it is actually practical for me to use it as a backup location :)
Can anyone tell me how to copy the BBCode on an iPad now it has updated?

I used to just press and hold on the link and it offered the option to "select all". Then I could copy the entire link and paste it. Not anymore.

Tried both the app and on a browser.

I use macs exclusively. My main machine is a six year old iMac. Have not experienced any perceived slow-down due to the interface changes. The only thing I have done is to upgrade the RAM. But that was primarily done to stop Lr from behaving like a dog.

My biggest gripe (if you can call it that) is that almost everything of value if now clumped under the 'You' menu. But I'll not loose sleep over that. Yahoo are in business to make money and the new menu structure is designed to lead the user to the 'Create' tab. Not entirely sure why the 'Upload' tab is hiding on the other side of the screen.
Yeah have two :1 being 8 years old, but with a new hard disc, i mac, and a 4 year old mac book pro with a system upgrade October last year.
As I say nothing against flikr, and fair play to them providing a 'free' hosting site. Bit like Tim Berners Lee that I photographed at the BBC 6 years ago, nor did he......... I wonder how many people think of that when they make there millions on the web?
My phone changed yesterday and my ipad today. As flickr changed go it's not too bad, the neutral background is nice for photo viewing. I'm probably a bit bias as I changed my zenofolio website to a similar theme recently. The photo stream page is very similar to a zenofolio gallery option I use too. The top menus are more refined, everything I want to look at is quick to access. My only issue is it would be nice to have a little room on the left before the photo starts, it just feels like there may be a bit if the photo missing. I like the camera roll feature as it's nice to see all images from one days shooting. I regularly upload only 2-3 photos at a time and try to vary the subjects per upload so I don't bore followers with say 15 or so hares or water voles or puffins image one after the other. Uploading like this means it's difficult to see when the eats have been really productive, cameras roll solves that easily.
Can anyone tell me how to copy the BBCode on an iPad now it has updated?

I used to just press and hold on the link and it offered the option to "select all". Then I could copy the entire link and paste it. Not anymore.

Tried both the app and on a browser.


I have the same problem
Snow on the Fells by Rob Cain, on Flickr

I some how managed to press and hold on the link, then drag the selection wider and then select copy. I don't think I could easily do it again but it does seem it's possible to post the bbcode using an iPad......although a lot more difficult than it should be!
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The only instruction is to press control+C to copy the link text, though that's pretty useless on an iPad. Sounds like an issue to report on the flickr forum.

Agreed, useless instruction. What is wrong with Flickr - they must think no one uses iPads ?
It just shouldn't be that difficult - never used to be. I assume yahoo doesn't allow employees to have apple products...
It just shouldn't be that difficult - never used to be. I assume yahoo doesn't allow employees to have apple products...
Booted up the PC - could not get it working on my iPad.

Not great as I like to use my iPad to browse forums when at home. Don't really want to have to boot the PC up every time I want to post an image :(

Well I've been trying for 5 minutes to repeat my miracle of copying the code on an ipad and I've not been able to! Flickr/yahoo will have to sort this bug as it's ridiculous, far to difficult to do such a simple thing. You can't have to use a pc every time to click a link like that, it's going to turn people towards other photo sharing sites.
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Well, that's just taken 25 minutes to upload a photo as it kept timing out. I'm amazed that there is never a response from Flickr to all these problems
Mine's changed again this morning.

Yesterday I didn't even have the icon that let me go to the share page!?

I'm having the same problem not being able to select the BBcode (or other for that matter)